6.0 TM miles this morning. Miles 1 and 6 at 9:30; miles 2, 3, 4, and 5 varied between 8:15 and 8:35. I got interrupted at mile 2.5 by my 2 year old. I thought by getting up at 5:00am that I would guarantee no interruptions! He started screaming at me over the roar of the treadmill "STOP RUNNING MOM!!!" He told me he had gone pee pee in his pull-up and needed me to change him. So after a 15 minute ordeal of changing him and singing him a few songs to get back to sleep I had to go help my other child who got woken up b/c of Connor's screaming episode. My husband was in the middle of studying for a test he had this morning, but was nice enough to come help put the baby back to sleep while I finished on the TM. I'm just happy to have gotten my miles in and was glad to have kept a fast pace (for me) for 4 straight miles! Wahoo! I'm planning on running outside tomorrow morning, so unless I get hit by a car, I won't be having any interruptions! |