Another nice afternoon thunderstorm left the evening massively humid but relatively "cool" for the final summer track meet. The final meet is always a combo track meet/ice cream social and the director picks the events to be run based on public opinion. I did not arrive in time to provide my opinion... no 200 meter race - bummer. I also did not arrive in time for a proper warmup before the old guys lined up for the 100. I jumped in anyway and threw down a terribly acceptable 13.43. I chose not to run the 400 or mile, but instead ran my usual ravine trail 2 miler as a cooldown. Travis cruised a sub 5 mile doing it as a workout of sorts - decent effort first 800, then floated a 200 and gradually picked up during the final 600 for a strong finish. I received a little bling for being the top scorer in the medium old guy age group, and Travis got a medal as well for being 2nd in the 15-19 group - even though he only raced two events - punk! |