Easy mile to the start of the north loop - worked the loop at 5:20 - not bad. Finished up around the ravine trail for a bit over 4 on another steamy evening.
Neighborhood workout this evening of 3 miles in 8:00, 7:36, 7:20, then 2X 180 meter hills and jog around the block and finished up with another easy mile with the dog.
Nearly enjoyable misty coolish five miler on the trails early this morning - early for me anyway - bout 0645. Plenty of light, manageable temps, definitely need to shift all my runs to AM.
Messed up this evening and missed the start of the Summer Track 5K - bummer. I went ahead and took Cassidy around the ravine trail (1.7 mi) and then did another three without him.
Decided on this morning's run on the trails that I was going to run the half at the Tallahassee Marathon in February - why not?! I've never run a half - well, never when it wasn't part of a marathon. Could be the motivation I've needed... or maybe I'll change my mind after lunch and just stop running.