AM - Crossfit 4 sets of: A. BB Back rack reverse lunge steps – 4-5/leg; rest 60 sec (45, 65, 85, 85#) B. 5 minutes for a 5 RM weighted chin up (35 & 40#) + For time: (7:46) 100 wallballs (20#) 800m Run
PM - Brick Workout @ WCCC
Swim 1950 yds. 100 IM, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 50 breast. My rest between intervals was no longer than 1:30 min.
Bike - HIT class for 1.5 hours. Lots of intervals... 3 sets of ILT's and a 25 min climb out of the seat with the last 5 min doing bursts.
Run - ran 1 min at 6:30 pace |