AM - Track Drills - 3x(200yds, 400yds, 600yds) Recover time same as run time, for example 200yds run time 40 sec, recover 40 sec.
WU: 1 mile and 4x100 sprint/glides Set 1: 200 in 37sec, 400 in 1:24, 600 in 2:18 Set 2: 200 in 42sec, 400 in 1:30, 600 in 2:21 Set 3: 200 in 41sec, 400 in 1:31, 600 in 2:22
The first set I ran at what I normally run these distances, but with shorter recoveries I couldn't maintain the other two sets. The 600's were the killers... I was ready to die at the end of each one. Everyone doing this drill today had the same effect!! Tough Drill!!!! We did an active recovery between intervals of walking in circles and bounding.
PM - CrossFit
5 rounds 3 front squats 70% of max - 95lbs 6 box jumps 30" 9 cal row rest 3:00 between each round
round 1: 1:30, round 2: 1:10, round 3: 1:05, round 4: 1:05, round 5: 1:03
For practice: 10 GHD sit-ups |