Track (5am) 1 mile warm-up (7:38), 4x100 sprint/glides, 2x200 (37 & 38s), 3x800 (2:58, 2:58, 2:55), 1x400 (1:23), 1 mile cool down (7:11). Recovery: jog back on the 100, 200 jog on 200, and 400 (2:30) on 800's and 400. I think my pace was a little fast. We shall see if I can repeat this consistently.
This evening Craig and I did Crossfit. 25-20-15-10-5 Sledge Hammer Slam 20# Burpee (half the reps if you added a jump, pull-up and knee to elbow after each burpee) Kb swing 53# Rest 2 min between each set + 3 min FLR
I did the burpee, jump, pull-up, K2E... tough workout |