AM - Crossfit
45 sec. amrap pull ups 45 sec. amrap hang squat clean, 95lbs 45 sec. amrap double unders 45 sec. amrap air squats *rest 3 minutes x 5 + 4 min FLRs
Had to replace wall balls with air squats since I don't have my medicine balls yet. FLR's were 3 min and 1 min. My arms were so tired after the WOD that the 3 min hold was pure torture!! Ran 4 miles (8:15 pace) on the treadmill for part of my warm-up.
PM - 5.5 mile run on the IM course with Craig and John. They were still recoverying from last saturday so I got an easy run tonight. :) Went to yoga class right after run. |