| Location: Middleton,UT, Member Since: Jun 03, 2013 Gender: Male Goal Type: Highschool Champ Running Accomplishments: High School Bests
- 400m- 56.64 (PV Decathlon, Sr year)
- 800m- 2:11.25 (Hurricane Invite, Sr year)
- 1600m- 4:32.38 (PV Invite, Sr year)
- 3200m- 9:51.36 (State Chamionships, Sr year)
- XC 2 mile- 10:02.7 (Dual in the Desert, Sr year)
- XC 3 mile- 15:31 (PVXC Autumn Classic, Sr year)
- XC 5K- 16:08 (Nike Southwest Regionals, Jr year)
- Half Marathon- 1:16:12 (Dogtown Half, Jr year)
My PR's
Short-Term Running Goals: -Break 16 min in a 5K
-Get back into shape for a race in the spring 2020.
-St George Marathon Oct 2020
- Long-Term Running Goals: -Do a trail race in another country (chile, torres del paine national park?)
Personal: I am Dallen Gillespie, and I graduated from Pine View HS in 2017. I love the scenery of Southern Utah. I returned home from my mission in Chile in October 2019 and will start studying at BYU this January. Favorite Blogs: |
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Brooks Pure-Cadence 2 Miles: 12.24 | Brooks Pure-Connect 3 Miles: 12.00 | Montrail Rogue Fly Miles: 8.00 | Nike Free 4 Miles: 7.00 |
| | am- Wow the snow storm seriously came out of nowhere! Like I get out of bed and what the......? Just speachless. and the the run was great and cold, but great! My face was froze when we were done tho
pm- Nice recovery day for the half-marathoners and good for me as I'm getting back from sickness all last week. And after we did the first two events in the Decathlon! today was the 400 and the shot put! I once again hit my PR of 1:03..... this is embarrassing but thats the 8th time. Yeah um the shot put was dope, I got 18feet and 8inches. Oh yeah and after we had weights so I am so swol;)
Brooks Pure-Cadence 2 Miles: 4.04 | Brooks Pure-Connect 3 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | am- nice easy 4 today. It is cold but a nice chill?
pm- We ran the DI loop and then did laps around the track for a bit. To make this better, we did a reverse indian run and that was cool until everybody slowed down. I got pretty BH and yeah. Todays decathlon events were the 300 huddles and the javelin. I did pretty ok for both:) 53.46 and then the javelin was 47' 4''.
Brooks Pure-Cadence 2 Miles: 4.00 | Brooks Pure-Connect 3 Miles: 7.00 |
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| | am- Today was pretty cold on the Dallen Scale, coming in at a double shirt day temperature. Wow we were really flyin' today with Josie up with us! We hit a new record for farthest distance goin out: Starbucks:)
pm- Another recovery day which was nice cause I think that after this one I am ready for a workout and thats what Coach said we are gonna do! Perfect! Today's events of the decathlon was the 110 hurdles, 200m, and the high jump. My 110 time was 21.57, and 200m time was 28.9. And the high jump was taking forever so Nick, Cam, and I went on the track and talked about some beasts that did/do the high jump like Adam Timo(now he is Adam Hine) and Chandler Swaney and the Lehi guy @ the PV invite last year. Then after forvever I jumped in and just jumped once cause I really didn't want to wait. I hit 4' 6''. And then we all ran around the school to finish the total 60 minutes. Weights after, I was a lil' sore for that.
Montrail Rogue Fly Miles: 8.00 | Brooks Pure-Cadence 2 Miles: 4.20 |
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| | pm- Well today in the decathlon was the discus throw, 100m dash and the long jump. Wow I really am glad I do distance. I suck at all the other stuff. I threw 58' 7'' on the discus and then did the 100m in 14.33 and the long jump was kinda sad how short I jumped...... 11' 10''...... yeah. Well after we went to the old youngsters hill and did some hard core repeats. Wow it was good to be back, I miss that hill:) after we went down to the park by milcreek and saw some peeps making out, so that was interesting. We looped up to Wells Fargo and across to Harts and back down to the great PVHS. Great day today, but I am not so happy with a lot of people being in bad moods. If your gonna come to track, be dang happy! oh well I just gotta get that out there.
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Brooks Pure-Cadence 2 Miles: 12.24 | Brooks Pure-Connect 3 Miles: 12.00 | Montrail Rogue Fly Miles: 8.00 | Nike Free 4 Miles: 7.00 |
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