am- 4 miles/ 30 min E. Good morning and the paper said that today's low is 23. I dont believe it.
pm- 7.5 miles/ 55 min total. 100m hard, 2x(2x1000m@ I pace w/ 3min rec, 400@ strong w/ 5 min rec first time) then 30 sec. rec. and finish w/ 100m all out. 15min warm/5 cool. Solid workout today. Same as last week except for the hard core rain. Goal times were same as last, 3:17-20 on the 1000's and just a quick time for the 400's. The first was 3:20 and the rest were 14,15, or 16. Solid workout, but it was weird not having Paul there. His presence always helps me push myself. XC Banquet was tonight and that was beast. THe food was delicious and yah.