am- 4 miles/ 30 min E grass run barefoot. Wow so Coach was not very happy today but that is very understandable. Like almost the whole team had not done the registration and payed the fees. So we did our run without him and it was a little awkward cause we were all pretty chastened, I just i would say. I wasnt on the list to race so that is not good.
pm- 8.1 miles/ 55 min; Cedar All-comers with warm/cool and striders (.5 uphill, .5 downhill). What a day. Played some beast Sepa and then got joggin' around to warmup. We were trying to focus on packing it up. Well it is a good thing we were practicing cause it didnt go super well. It was good but the fact that All-comers races have lots of runners who dont even know what they are doing, didn't help us cause they got in the way. I got out good and was supposed to lead the first lap but with everybody behind me trying to get out of being stuck, it was kinda like a "what-ev" lap. The second lap was decent but everybody was getting tired from putting in a lot of effort to get around so they were falling off. So Nick took off after asking Coach if he could and I wanted to go with. So I did! And it was really good. The pain was definitely there, but it was good to get use to pushing hard and getting up in the top spots even though we really just snuck in at the very end. Fun time and I am pretty happy with how it went:)
RHR- 48