7 miles Recovery in 1:02:19 (8:54/mi, avg HR 137).
Run felt very easy and light. A bit stiff and sore from my Chiro visits initially, but worked itself out in about a mile and got that feeling that my fitness has suddenly improved just like yesterday. HR easy to maintain under the recovery threshold, and pace felt very very easy today, even on the uphills. Unfortunately, two more dog encounters, so today I got fed up with trying to work with my neighbor and finally called Animal Control. Of course, it's a recording and by the time they call back, I'll probably be feeling guilty for turning them in, but I have tried working with them for more than 6 months now and no luck.
Speaking of Chiro, my initial visit was yesterday. Xray's revealed that I can bend to the right fairly well, but bending to the left, my spine is all messed up. Some vertebrate aren't bending at all (between them I mean), and overall my spine is being pulled and twisted to the right. The doc gave me some exercises to perform in a 3-to-1 ratio to help correct the muscle imbalance that's causing this, in addition to an adjustment. I went back this AM for a second adjustment before my run, and boy was I stiff and sore and needed it! I also had this test that measures the electro-muscle activity on either side of the spine, at points starting at your neck and descending to the base of the spine. This nifty test spit out a computer image that shows my muscle activity around most vertebrate as red (bad), indicating a bunch of imbalances (muscles working too hard to stay aligned), in addition to the spine being pulled to one side or another depending on which part of the back it's on. Now, I'm a bit of a skeptic about most of this stuff, but I've had good results from a chiro in my past, and this particular one appears to believe in not only adjustments but getting the patient to correct muscle issues as well, and so far so good. We shall see how this goes, I suppose. Brooks Trance - 251 miles.