Marathon Dress Rehearsal Day. Of course, today was gorgeous....sunny with some clouds and a bit of ice in spots on the road, but very nice outside. Temps ~ 42. Sunday is scheduled to be cloudy and rainy. Excellent.
3 mile warmup (7:45/mi), 2 mile Marathon Pace (1st uphill mile 7:16/mi, 2nd out&back mile 7:06/mi), 2 mile cooldown (7:29/mi). Still don't feel quite "right", but felt better today stretching it out a bit. Broke out the shoes with a mere 30 miles on them...worked fine but still has the "new shoe orthotic squeak, so my apologies in advance to everyone running near me on Sunday. I don't even notice the noise anymore... Standard plyometric drills and lunges afterwards, although I only did half the normal lunges to avoid sore hamstrings/quads. Next 3 days short recovery runs only, followed by raceday Sunday.