0.68 miles in 5:12, 7:39/mi, HR 128. 7.5 miles in 59:31, 7:56/mi, HR 147. Easy run to rest for NWP relay on Friday. Unfortunately, I witnessed a cat getting hit by a car about 1/3 mile into my run when a car speeding down our road wasn't able to stop in time, then proceeded to keep going anyway. I wish the cat had died instantly but unfortunately it was only mortally wounded. I've seen death before but it's still not something I'm too terribly comfortable dealing with, especially when it's an animal that had been trained to rely on humans and subsequently abandoned. Wound up running back home in a state to collect a car and have the wife call the local vet telling them I was bringing in a stray that would likely need euthanised. Of course, they were too busy to be bothered since the vet had left early for lunch...trying my best not to drive down there today to let them know how I feel about that. Perhaps the best news was that the cat was gone when I returned....the neighbor who had been feeding it told me it was dead when he found it and he'd obviously disposed of the corpse....believable since the poor thing was in such a bad state when I'd last seen it. He also told me someone had abandoned it a few months ago and it had 3 young ones running around somewhere. So now I feel like a complete heel for not searching for it's 3 offspring to make sure they've got a better chance. And how does this relate to running? Despite managing to go out on my run after a calming down period I know it's going to bother me for months every time I run in that area...not very manly but I really don't care...
Adrenaline 8 - 357.24 miles.