6.25 miles in 51:26, 8:13/mi, HR 142. Felt more rested today, yet still kept things on the very easy side. Warmer (66F) and sunny. I've noted in a few races that the cant of the road really affects me negatively in longer races. Back when I began running, I'd always ran opposing traffic which yielded a down-left cant. This gave me an achilles issue in short order. Later, I took to running on the right side of the road to make up for the fact that my left side was weaker. After many months, I decided to even things out and would run certain stretches of road on certain sides, giving me a relatively "even" amount of cant to deal with. I also chose the side that was the flattest.
What I didn't realize at the time was that I wound up running uphill with more left-side cant and downhill with more right-side cant. I decided to switch things up today and run on the opposite side I normally run on. Boy, what a difference. My right ankle was working hard to stay stable on the downhill (left-side cant). Long story short: I need to do more of this to make sure I'm developing stability and strength in both sides equally. Asics GT 2120 - 455.98 miles. |