13 miles in 1:45:38, 8:07/mi, HR 158. Something wasn't right today. First, sleep last night was fitful at best. When I got started, my HR was pretty high for the effort level, despite relative cool temps (upper 50s). Chalked it up to the humidity. Halfway through the run I started getting bad stomach cramps, the type where it feels like all the blood is rushing to your gut. Wound up walking those off a couple of times and never quite recovered. Even the return trip downhill was difficult and I found myself taking a few walk breaks...not normal. Nearly called my wife to come get me...Instead of doing the 2 hrs/15 miles I had planned, I packed it at 13 miles in 1:45. All I can think of is that the ice cream I had last night kicked off my lactose intolerance (which it hasn't in the past) or that the Schezwan Chicken I had last night was bad (doubt it...it tasted great!). Tomorrow's an off day so I hope this resolves itself quickly, but it has put some doubts in my head about running the half-marathon next weekend. Adrenaline 8s (Blue) - 36.79 miles. |