Update - Injury recovery has gone reasonably well this week. I got an MRI on Monday.  The MRI shows two key things. I have disk degeneration (dark color) and also a small bulge in the disk pinching the nerve stem. The pinching is only on the right side which reflects the pain I feel on only the right side of my body. The pain has been reduced to minor hip and hamstring pain. Its really not bad at all. I was worried once I finished my cycle of meds the horrible pain I had would return and limit my mobility, but the meds knocked down the inflammation and things feel pretty good. I do still feel tingling in my foot. Starting on Nov1 (Thurs) I began walking every morning and doing some PT (stuff I got from the internet). I went walking 3 miles Thurs/Friday, and 4.5 this morning (Sat). So far, that has felt great and had no adverse affect on my pain levels throughout the day. I tried jogging a few steps here and there just to see. It feels weird, like my leg is not working right. It also hurts my hip so I immediately stop.
Plan of attack - Keep walking daily. Do core strengthening (carefully). Continue without pain meds. (Currently not taking any). Ice back to reduce inflammation. Chiropractor? Massage? PT?