High Creek Round 2 - I was not to be denied this round. I may have gotten lost last time, but this time was different. And WAY better! It was glorious. This run is on my list of top 5 of all time. I parked about 1.5 miles up the dirt road to High Creek just outside of Richmond. This left me 2 miles of dirt road to get warmed up for the trail. Once on the trail, it is 5 miles of progressively steeper climbing all the way to the lake. 3000' of climbing in 5 miles made the pace pretty slow, but very rewarding. It gave me lots of time to look around and admire the views. As I approached the pond where Joe and turned back last time, I saw a large bull moose taking a drink. Whoa! I quickly dropped my bottle and went for the camera while hiding behind a tree. I peeked around the tree and saw him watching me very closely. I quickly snapped 2 pics then moved around the tree. He got spooked and headed off in the opposite direction. Why is it cows refuse to move, but moose get spooked so easy. At least it didn't attack me. The last 2 miles to high creek lake were the best 2 of the whole day. Alpine meadows with small creeks and ponds, gorgeous cliffs, and a few cows for my viewing pleasure. Once I arrived at High Creek lake, I admired the views and took some more pictures and headed up to the saddle. Next stop Mt. Naomi. It took a mile and half and 30 mins to climb the 1200' to the peak, but the views were so worth it. Just over 2 hours in and one peak bagged, one to go. Next stop, Cherry Peak. To get there I had to go back the way I came and go back towards the lake, but right before the last descent make a left turn follow the cherry creek trail for a mile or so. The trail doesn't go to the peak, so I had to deviate and more or less bushwhack up the mountain to tag that peak. It was slow and steep. This peak wasn't as high as Mt Naomi's 10K' elevation, but was close at 9,800'. More pics, some food and off I went. I was now 2:40 mins into my run and it was time to start some real running. Down the mountain as fast as my whimpy legs can take me. They still do not have the turnover that they used to and the top speed is pretty sad still, but man was it fun. Who cares about the speed when you are descending technical singletrack at 9000' feet? Love it. I finally saw my first hikers at Moose Pond, quickly told them about the moose they missed by 2 hours and moved on. There were plenty of groups heading up now, but I was able to keep the pedal down and have a blast. The car quickly appeared after two 6:30 miles on the dirt road and the adventure was over. I was thinking today about an epic run heading up this trail to Mt. Naomi then down to Tony Grove and then doing the Tony Grove to Green Canyon traverse via Mt Elmer. Oh it would be sweet. And hard. Someday.. T- 3:52:00 (12 min pace) 5600' vert 1:35 to the lake (7 mi)
2:04 to Mt Naomi (8.6 mi) 2:37 to Cherry Peak (10.75 mi) 1:15 to the car (8.25 mi) 
Mr Moose - 
Another grainy shot of the moose 
Look, the sign got fixed (sort of) 
High Creek Lake

Cherry Peak from Mt. Naomi 
Mt. Naomi from Cherry Peak 
High Creek Trail from Cherry Peak
I took about 20 more pictures, but you get the idea.