Heart of Holladay 5K
17:37 official time (5:39 ave)
I warmed up today with a mile and a half. Some of it with Sasha and Braden. I was feeling pretty good today. I think I have fully recovered from Ogden and am ready to race again.

First Mile in 5:35. Right on track
Second Mile in 5:36. This mile had a bit of a downhill and I tried to take advantage of it as much as possible. Sweet neighborhood to run thru. I think I set a 2 mile PR today with this split (11:10). Much faster than my time of 11:25 set on Feb 1, 2007. Heart rate averaged 188 this mile.
Third Mile in 5:52. I was alone and struggling up the hill at this point. I slowed too much on the hill, but it felt like I was trying my best. I did recover nicely after the hill and was able to pick up the pace again. Heart rate averaged 190 this mile.
.1 in 34 seconds. Gave it a kick at the end. I missed my PR by 4 seconds, but this course was certified and the other wasn't so this is more official. Give me another month of training and I hope to be around 16:45 for Draper Days (faster course).

I actually liked the course and the weather was just awesome for the race. Maybe only 5 degrees warm for my liking. 350+ entrants in the 5K with some big names showing everyone how to run fast.
I went back on the course and ran it backwards afterward and ran into Sasha running a "tempo race" by himself. He decided to run the course again and try and beat my 17:37 time. He was at the two mile marker and a couple of seconds ahead of my split. I decided to run some with him and see how long I could hang on. We ran the hill together and did about a half mile with him. I think I went quite a bit faster with him then when I raced it. I was spent at the top and wished him well for the last .6 left. He ended up running about 17:20 (have to check his blog). The rest of my cooldown was easy.
I was impressed with the quantity of prizes at the finish. I won a half hour massage and a bean bag thing that you heat in the microwave. |