Ran Blacksmith Fork canyon with Paul and James. It was a great workout. We ran up 9 miles at 7:15 ave pace then James and I ran some MP down. Paul did laps around us, and ran some serious stuff, but I am pleased with my effort. We ran 4 miles (6:25, 6:35, 6:21, 6:29) then did an easy mile then ran 4 more (6:33, 6:24, 6:28. 6:17). A cool down and 19 miles it is.
According the the toy, we started at 4700 ft and climbed to 5300 ft and back.
Total time: 2:12:34 (6:57 ave)
Ave HR: 164 (170 during the faster miles)
Thought I needed 19 to get 70 this week, but I counted wrong. I would go do more but I have been doing yardwork nonstop since 12:00 and couldn't crawl another mile. |