9 miles up to Providence Canyon. T- 1:06:23 (7:22) 156
Final day of the big project at work. We are putting an LED sign on the side of a bus with the potential of thousands of future sales based on this one sign. It was a rush job to say the least. I started writing code for my two pieces of the project about a month ago. I wont bore you with the technical details, but I do have to say it is cool. Well, I wasn't ready. Partly my fault, but mostly due to circumstances out of my control. I had to pull an all-nighter to get it perfect. I made it with 20 mins to spare. What a day! 28 hours straight at work getting home at 11:30 on Wed. That was after 13 hours on sat and 14 on sun. Ok, I am done whining. Here is a shot of the sign with my phone camera-