Trail Run - This marks the completion of the Bear 100 Course recon mission. This was the last section of trail that I had not run before and it was a great one to finish with. Joe me with Jon and I and we were off running starting at Tony Grove at 7:30. The first 4 miles are on the busiest 4 miles of trail in Cache county but today it wasn't bad. I can understand why it is busy. Its gorgeous. In fact most of today's run was awesome. When I say awesome I am referring to the views. Not the state of my body during and after today's punishment. I had a rough time today and was super low on energy. Its a bad sign when you know you are going 20+ miles and by mile 2 you look at the garmin to see how far you have gone. Oh dear. Jon and Joe were patient in my rough patches and I survived to tell the tale. The route was Tony Grove to White Pine lake then down Bunchgrass trail (one of my all time favorite sections) over to Franklin Basin via Mules Ear pass. Things went downhill here as the trail turned steeply upward on Steam Mill Trail. Once we FINALLY made it to the top we deviated off the course to visit the Lake. Lake seen and admired, we went back to business on the Bear course working our way North to the Steam Mill Road a few miles away. That road spits you out onto the Franklin Basin road (dirt) which we had to follow for 1.5 miles to the car we left there last night. Phew. It goes a lot faster typing than running. Great section of trails though. Steam Mill is pretty steep and rocky. I wont be visiting it anytime soon (other than during pacing duties of course). Overall, the run was awesome (I think I mentioned it already) even though my legs were shot. I did manage a 6:33 mile to the car at the end while on Franklin Basin Road. T- 3:40 (10:22) or so since I stopped my watch accidently for about a half mile. 3500' Vert climbing 4500' descending
Weekly summary: 70.5 Miles 9000' vert Pics: 
Running to White Pine (sorry for cutting off your head Joe) 
The crew at white pine ( I look tired already)
It's a BEAR! Or is it just Jon? 
At the remains of a steam boiler (way off the beaten path) 
Steam Mill Lake 
Glorious Singletrack