Ran over to the planet walk via the aquatic center and lo and behold, I ran into Paul. He was doing the landfill loop so I tagged along. I was dragging butt today and was only planning on 5-6 so it was nice to get some company to push me to do a bit more. It is always easier to run with someone than by yourself. Easy pace. No watch, but Paul did say we hit at least one 7:30 mile so we probably averaged 8.
I literally copied a page out of Paul's blog today. I just saw his posting about his mileage increase over this year and the correlation to his improvement and decided to copy it to give me a quick glance of where I have come from in the short amount of time I have been training. Great Idea Paul. I think we all should do this as it is an eye opener. (I wish the blog automatically did this but no big deal).

As you can see, doing some actual running sure helps out the times. What was I thinking in 2005 "training" for a marathon running 50-90 mile months? No wonder it was a survival just to finish. That difficult experience took 6 months to forget before I actually decided to run for real. Now it's the year of PR's and one more chance to blow past the 2:50 and the 2:40 barriers at the St. George Marathon.