Decided to try a workout today, but struggled thru it as the delayed onset of fatigue from WBR hit me. I started out on Landfill loop with a warmup mile in 6:54 then did 4 miles of Tinman Tempo pace (6:21,6:30,6:31,6:23). That brought me to the Logan High Track where I ran 6x200 meters fast. Sasha recommended this to me to help me get faster. For me these are better than striders as it forces me to not slack off like I do when I run striders. I ran them with 50-100m walk plus 100 meters jog in-between. They felt like I was running 95% of my max. (34,36,33,34,34,35) After that, I ran over to the planet walk and added some slow miles as that is all I could do (@8:00 pace).
Total Time: 1:15:20 (7:28)
Ave Hr: 156 |