2.5 Miles to make sure things good and hurt before going to the doctor. Not sure if that was a good idea or necessary. I went to Alpine Orthopedic Specialists who specialize in many things including sports injuries. I figured it would be a good idea to see an actual doctor about my self diagnosed IT band injury. I think it was a good idea as he was a runner too so could co-miserate with me. Turns out I was right with my diagnosis. IT band tendonitis. He said I have been doing many things right. Stretching, icing, massage. He gave me a localized shot to help reduce the inflammation. He also said I need to do a steady cycle of Ibprofen to reduce the inflammation. That and a few days of rest and things should improve. Or so he claims. Maybe the localized shot really will help, but right now it aches pretty good. So, ice, rest, anti-inflamatory meds, stretch, and not a whole lot more to do, but to wait it out. If that doesn't work there is some ultrasound and physical therapy I can do, but I am going to wait on that. Not terribly excited to pay for that. Here is my X-ray. All checked out ok.