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St. George,UT,U.S.A

Member Since:

Apr 02, 2005



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

97th at Boston

1:09:40 Half Marathon

2:25:50 Marathon


Short-Term Running Goals:

Get healthy enough to enjoy a run again.

Long-Term Running Goals:

To be able to do it... long term. 


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift" -Steve Prefontaine

Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don't wait. Because right now is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll be... ever again.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Baby Jogger Lifetime Miles: 623.95
Kinvara Lifetime Miles: 313.32
Asics TRI Lifetime Miles: 610.65
Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 520.90
Kinvara2 Lifetime Miles: 350.20
Ghost Yellow Lifetime Miles: 374.25
Kestrel Bike Lifetime Miles: 1883.75
NB- Rainbow Lifetime Miles: 57.80
Red Cumulus Lifetime Miles: 594.95
Neon Launch Lifetime Miles: 533.40
DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 467.77
Green Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 479.75
Lunerglide Lifetime Miles: 276.70
Blue Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 528.06
NoosTri Lifetime Miles: 283.07
BlueKinvara Lifetime Miles: 216.60
Innov Lifetime Miles: 58.50
Ride Lifetime Miles: 207.45
NavPeg Lifetime Miles: 162.50
Green K5's Lifetime Miles: 88.00
Total Distance
Total Distance

13.5 miles this morning

7.25 miles this evening

Wanted to get in 20 today and was going to do it all this morning but decided to split it up and try and say as shap as I can before WBR this weekend. I headed out and only was a half mile from home when I ran into Dave so I joined him on the second part of his 20- we did his Wendy's loop back to his house. Then I got a drink and went up over the new overpass and back home.

This afternoon I pushed it a little harder than I should have. It was still around 100 degrees and by the time I got home I felt dead. After the marathon a week ago and then kind of having a some time off last week I feel like I am teaching my body how to run all over again.

Total Distance

6.5 miles this moring

6.5 miles this afternoon up in Cedar City

Went out this morning for a quick run before heading up to Cedar for the day. Went up to help with the summer wrestling camp. Good day of wrestling. We had Pat Smith (4x NCAA Champ) and brother of Olympic Gold winner John Smith. It's fun to see guys that have been that great at what they do. I sat and talked with Pat over dinner and asked him how much running played a part in his wrestling career. He said he ran almost every day durning his college career- around 5 miles.

Anyways morning run was o.k and then the afternoon run up in Cedar should have been nice because the weather is cooler. However, I went only a hour after a big meal and paid the price.

Total Distance

8.1 a.m. miles up to powerline/water tank then down around industrial park

5.1 p.m. miles on the treadmill this afternoon

Starting to come around. Still no sparks, or signs of any speed. But the form is falling back into place and the soreness fading fast. This evening I couldn't talk myself into going out. It still said 102 on the temp and it just felt like it was going to zap me for all I was worth. So I stayed inside at 72 degrees and hit the treadmill for the first time in months. We've got this $2,000 treadmill I may as well us it once in a while.

Lots to do before we go up to Logan on Thursday morning. The Wasatch Back Relay team is falling into place-with some last day changes.

Here are a list of the Bloggers on the team.


James from Mona



Steve O



Jon with green shorts

Chris R.


The other two are not bloggers yet. Go team MarathonGIS! Oh yeah and Bingo was his name O!

Total Distance

8 miles this morning Good run today. Feeling pretty good. Now we just have to pack up and drive from one side of the state to the other. Hope to get around 4-5 miles in tonight in Logan.

Long drive up. I mean it sucked. However, worth it to join some of the WBR team at Dan's house for a BBQ. Good start to what should prove to be a great weekend.

4 miles back at the motel tonight after hanging out at the BBQ. I don't know where I went- I just ran until the garmin said four miles and that I could stop.

Race: Wasatch Back 00:00:00
Total Distance

Woke up at 6:30 a.m and did a nice morning run here in Logan. A very nice morning. Then came back to the motel and had breakfast then went back to bed until around noon. Hope to be ready to roll for the race today. Some of those suckers have been racing for hours now.

Race starts and it's hot! I'm in the second van so we shuttle up to the major exchange. At the exchange we find out that we and BYU took some wrong turns and put us back from Weber who is running very strong.

I start my first leg and it's only 3.6 miles. The race was right after it got dark and I ran ok but nothing amazing. around 5:39 pace.With a warm up and cool down a mile and a half also on the day.

Race: WBR (187 Miles) 00:00:00, Place overall: 3, Place in age division: 3
Total Distance

Second leg (6.6 but ended up almost 6.8) of the race. Around Coalville, Utah. Leg was about 3:30 am and on rolling road. Felt ok but not racey at all. I have a hard time running hard in the dark. I feel like I'm going crazy fast and I'm really not going that fast. This leg ended up being like 5:58 pace. Really can feel the altitude and then in the last .4 I start dry heaving and just make it to the hand off.

Third leg (Ragnar 4 miles).

This is the leg that everyone seemed to talk about. When people talk about the WBR they talk about the Ragnar leg. Why? Because its straight up hill. Wasn't really that bad. There was even a little part that was flat that gave me some time to relax the quads that were on fire. Ended up doing it in 34:48 or @ 8:46 min/mile pace I think. I felt better on this leg than the two other legs before. I was happy with this leg, not that happy with the first two. This wasn't the fastest time up the mountain but was in the top 10 I'm guessing.

A mile a half warm up/ cool down on the day with both runs combined.

 Team ended up in 3rd place overall out of 330 or something. Fun race! I decided I like running these relays because of the guys. It's just fun to work as a team and live in a van or Expedition. If you haven't done a relay you need to sign up for one.

Total Distance
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