No running again today because of the sickness. So I guess I'm going to get a good taper in for my vacation where I also wont get much running in. So in about two weeks I'll be officially out of shape.
Felt a little better today but still was packin a sore throat, slight temp, and some dizzyness- along with the runny nose and ichy eyes that allergies bring. What a waste of a week. Now I'm just hoping to be healthy before we fly out on Friday morning.
Finally got out for a run this week. When I left the house I was nervous about how it would turn out as I still felt somewhat sick. In the end I made ti through but felt dizzy and then legs said they didn't want to be running. Oh man I sure have blown it on training this week. Guess theres not much I can do about it.
Long day of flying. Got up at 5 a.m (utah) to catch the first flight out of STG to SLC. Then a flight to Atlanta and finally or last flight got us to San Juan, PR at around 9:30 p.m local time.
10.2 mile run this morning here in San Juan. After a long day of airports and stress yesterday I was happy to get up and enjoy a nice run. There was an article online from Running times about this place so I ran from the room down there. It is part of old San Juan and a pretty amazing historical site. I love the run but could tell that I've been sick all week and haven't ran. So I was working out the kinks the entire time. Now to relax here for the day before getting on the boat for the next 7 nights. Kind of fun to do some exploring.