B-hillls, Secret St, LV. HIp started off tight and never felt good. No super sharp pain but not nice either. Just took it EZ and got the week going. A lot of junk built up in the stomach from a weekend of gluttony. Hoping to hit doubles all week and practice the "always on the run" theory. Couple that with some PT stuff and am hoping to be able to get a good long run down the course this Saturday.
P.M. 10.2 miles this afternoon. Grandma had the boys and I had some free time so I did what I wanted to do... run. It was 95 f and fairly humid. Combo that with the fact that I'm not use to doubles and afternoon running. yeah it was a harder run. Hip hurt too. Ran into Billy boy down at the DC and he pulled me back up to Rustic. Glad to get out but happier to get home and drink some cold fluid.