B-hills extended through the Secret street. Felt really wore down this morning. Just overall tired and blah. Hip actually felt pretty good amongst it all. Cut the run shorter this morning because I'll try to do some kind of ride/run later today.
48.8 mile ride this afternoon. Did 3 loops up Snow Canyon then back down SR9 and around. THREE. Took the first one pretty chill and stayed with the group. Then really tried to hammer the second. Set a new PR of 17:22 from pay house to pay house up Snow Canyon. My old record was 18:40. Then continued to roll out the whole second lap. As I started the climb for the third lap I could tell there wasn't a lot left in the legs... things got really slow before I got to the top. I was done and had used all my gas on the 2nd lap. Finished that lap and ended at the truck in the parking lot just below the Snow Canyon entrance. Transitioned into the run. 4.5 mile run down the Tuachan road then up to Tuachan and back. So I was either running up hill or downhill. For as trashed as I felt on the bike I still ran a 7:01 avg.