Circles and Squares

January 2010

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Member Since:

Sep 30, 2009



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

Short-Term Running Goals:

Lincoln City Half - March 2010

I will run and finish a marathon!

Long-Term Running Goals:

Health and energy.


I have a wonderful husband, a sunshiny baby and great runnign friends!

Favorite Blogs:

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to Ukraine's Armed Forces
Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
BOB Lifetime Miles: 241.71
Jeff And BOB Lifetime Miles: 39.90
Walking Lifetime Miles: 47.55
Total Distance
BOB Miles: 25.70Jeff And BOB Miles: 14.00
Weight: 154.18Calories: 962.00
Total Distance

I did a quick run as a warm up for Sunday since I knew it would be BPA ---- I read in a book that you will always run better the day after a little run... so I tested it.


Test : Inconclusive:))

Weight: 145.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

5 mile Birthday run with Anya and Nicole. They took me to Black Bear Diner afterwards---- so yummy!!!!

Had trouble with the hills, I felt kind of heavy and clod like on this day.

Weight: 143.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

I ran up a hill by my house with beloved hubby Jeff--- I need to work on the hills.

Weight: 145.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Up the hill by my house--- got lost in one of the sudivisions kept hitting dead ends and since it was night time Jeff came  to look for me on his way home... hes sooo ooo ooooo sweet. I made it back safe and sound. The hill was much easier than before and I have to say I'm enjoying learning ways to manage my mind--- you know when its telling you to walk and you know that you can run--- that sort of thing. I believe that mentally I am getting stronger!!! I have been updating this with the Iphone but it won't let me type in the description for some reason oh well. I 'm going again tonight--- probably going to tackle one of the bigger hills by the apartments off Orillia... Now there will be some walking for sure on that one.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 17:01:24 from

Jeff is the BEST! That is so nice!

Total Distance

Pre run entry---

Goal mileage 4+, lots of uphill...


Not so much I geuss. I was kind of spooked off running toniught as I got ready around 5 and then just as I was headed out the door I dumped an ENTIRE steaming hot mug of coffee on myself and burned my legs and tummy. I believe in signs so I felt like something was telling me to stay put for now--- I know this is silly but I just don't want to temp fate. Every time you hear some one say "I knew I shouldn't do it... BUT" and then its followed by some kind of horror story, well not me... Sooooo I waited until 6:45 and took Jack with me:), since Jack doesn't have many miles on him and he has a sensitive hind end we just ran up the hill and back. A little over 2 miles I think but I'm not sure. It was a really fabulous run and Jack behaved so well--- I was very proud of him. He didn't do his normal scratch at his own head to remove the Gentle Leader he just plowed on--- he actually walked up the hill while I ran behind him--- there was no stopping in front of me and tripping me or zigging and zagging back and forth-- just good, big dog behavior. I'm so glad I gave him the chance to behave so well on a run!!!!!! 

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Goals for this week-----I have been slacking off in the running department... no good.

1. I will try to run at least 12 miles this week--- it seems the holidays have gotten me used to being quite lazy:)!

2. I will eat things that make me feel like running and load up on lots of healthy black coffee to help me stay motivated.

3. I will encourage Jeff to come with me because he has expressed an interest in running lately.

4. I will take each dog at for at least one small run each this week.

5. I will run with ANYA on January 17th and start my week out on the right foot:)!

6. Reload Ipod shuffle with some new and fabulous running tunes!!!!!!!!!!!

YAYYYYY for running. Today I did not have a good run my body hates itself and has decided to torture me. My back, butt, thighs and shins hurt. It's wierd I really wonder why. I'm so glad that I ran with Anya because otherwise I think I may have bailed!!!!:) Tomorrow is a new day!:)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 16:59:58 from

YEAH! Good for you! Sorry I couldn't make it out there today, I hope you guys had fun. I think I may be absent from our runs for awhile or biking with you guys instead :-(.

From nicole on Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 23:06:56 from

That's a great attitude! Tomorrow will be waaayyy better! We should plan a bike ride for sometime soon?

From Anya on Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 00:54:35 from

I love your New goals that you have spelled out here. That was so cute of you to mention our good run together. I too possibly could have bailed. Great way to keep with it, regardless of the weather!

Total Distance

Truthfully I have no idea how far we ran:) ----Today was such a great run-- my body felt so good and I am FULL of energy!!! It didn't hurt that I was super excited to run with Anya and Nicole. Weather was fabulous--- ZERO rain and the tempature was right. We went up a big (by big I mean ginormous):) hill in the begining and then took it easy on the flatter parts around my neighborhood. This is one of those runs that you chase--- the feeling of just being free and your body cooperating almost 100% --- I always want to feel this way. I seriously feel like sunshine right now. I'm sure the coffee laced with esspresso didn't have anythng to do with this delightful run either, probably will affect my quality of sleep tonight though:)! What a great start to my most magnificent weekend.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 23:55:09 from

It was GREAT! Thank YOU! And you were right, the Garmin said 3.54! PS - that hill certainly was GINORMOUS!

From nicole on Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 13:21:45 from

That hill was 400 feet!

Total Distance

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Super awesome run with Nicole on BPA trail--- coouldn't belive I was able to get up the hills without crying or walking. I really felt like I saw progress.... what a good feeling. I can't wait for the next run!!!


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

I ran at 6:30 this morning... I don't fancy morning runs, they kill me. This was pretty nice though even for morning. I passed the punk neighborhood kid and he gave me the cool nod as he smoked his ciggies at the bus stop-- I wore a hat to keep my hair out of my face-- note to self--- I would rather have hair in face than the extra 20 degrees hat added to my head:)! I ran up long slow hill and it kicked my butt at one point I had to give myself a pretty stern pep talk-- I ran the whole way though.

My thoughts are all over the place right now-- I have to shower and go to work, I'm so glad I have started the day feeling accomplished! I will have to do more morning runs!!!!


I had originally intended this morning run to be 5 miles but I 'm a slow starter in the am and couldnt get out the door fast enough to give myself the time I needed for that.



Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 16:01:27 from

Whoa look at you! Way to dominate! When does your plane leave?

Total Distance

I will be on vacation now but I have plans to run at least 3 miles in Mobile Alabama. **Goal** I won't be updating my log until I get back in a week...


NOT A GOOD AREA TO RUN... Scary part of town I seriously think there was some "proffesional" activity going on at the hotel next door.. you know with the ladies...

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance


Run 5-6 miles on ship track... Possibly going to be hungover after wedding festivities. I hope not, also plan to set in ship sauna for ever:)


I only ran 3 miles but the ship was swaying so bad I thought I was going to vomit. Sauna time was 20 minutes--- LOVELY---

Weight: 145.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 16:00:11 from

FUN FUN FUN! The ship track will likely be a let down (at least it was on our cruise, since its like 15 laps or something ridiculous for a mile). But you will DOMINATE that ship! They will probably have treadmills with TVs too. :-) I'm so jealous, take lots of pics!

From Anya on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 17:51:48 from

How fun to be going on a ship for some wedding festivities. Have lots of fun finding out places to run and ENJOY the ride!

Total Distance

**GOAL** 3 Miles on ship


3 Miles on ship track it was super windy and get kept blowing my feet around--- so fun. I really enjoyed my crazy, windy, cruise ship run-- I would have run longer but they closed the track. :(

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Sun, Feb 07, 2010 at 15:28:03 from

Way to tough it out in the wind! How many laps equaled one mile?

Total Distance

**GOAL** Hoping to run 3 miles on ship

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Ran with Jeff :) I wish I could insert a little heart!!!!

We ran probably 2.5 miles and walked the rest it was really nice out-- no rain but a bit of standing water on the sidewalks and roadways. Ran the Golf course loop and back to house.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 23:27:04 from

Yay for you!

Total Distance

Up the hill and back--- I took Jack he behaved pretty badly at first and then he mellowed out and it became quite enjoyable. There was a kind of crispness in the air it was nice.



Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 23:37:06 from

Good boy Jack! it actually could be somewhere more like 568 feet. The first mile says 395 and the second says 168, so maybe both of those were the big hill and it was more like 568? That's probably more right. Plus who knows how accurate the Garmin is.

From Circles and Squares on Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 23:39:09 from

I bet the Garmin is more accurate tham maybe my memory is just off. Oh well:)

From nicole on Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 23:40:36 from

I changed it to 500+ feet. :-)

Total Distance

Wetnt for a much needed run with the girls-- it had been so long. Was great to see them and catch up and get the blood circulating. We went up the big  hill and then out to a F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S Birthday dinner for Anya. Great evening despite being too hot during the run and too cold after.

I was suprised that I had 1/2 a cup of coffee and I didn't feel any benefit from it whatsoever... wierd.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Anya on Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 00:53:57 from

Yeah that was a great work out! Look forward to next week running with you both! Did suck last run knee bothered me a little but today it didn't so that was nice! Great job on run! Thanks for dinner, it was AMAZING!

Total Distance

Went for a run around the Golf Course loop--- my shins hurt a little. :( Overall nice run weather was perfect!!!!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 23:20:01 from

Way to go! Shins hurting are the worst. My right one is sore too.

From Anya on Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 01:14:09 from

Good job. Sorry about your shins hurting, that is no fun

Total Distance

I didn't feel good bailed early on run with the girls.  2 miles might be a litle high of an estimate:)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Ran with Any and Nicole here in Kent. The weather was beautiful and it was a very nice run.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

I feel so good today I ran the Golf course loop in 50 minutes.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 15:58:44 from

WAY TO GO! I am proud of you!

From nicole on Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 15:59:09 from

PS Knock on wood... I hope the feeling good continues!

Total Distance

Went running with Nicole and Anya at BPA. It was AWESOME-- Nicole got to run and I'm so HAPPY for her, I'm also super HAPPY for Anya who is kicking butt on her mileage goals. It aboslutly the greatest to run with other postive, motivated women -- I am very lucky. I hate hills but I feels such a sense of accomplishment with even the slight increase in elevation!!! So I LOVE BPA!!!!! It is also very warm here and it smells very woodsy, so many people and different things to do. BPA is a place you could go and lose all day just exploring and checking out playgrounds. It's truly hard to belive that its just blocks from the booming metopolis of Pacific Highway!!!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

I should have ran today it was in my plan but I sabotaged myself. I din't eat after lunch so by the time I got off work I was STARVING and ate immediatly, resulting in feeling full and not very motivated for anything but T.V. fo rthe rest of the night! :(

I think I am going to have to make it a point to have a good non fiber filled snack at 2 or 3 every day so this doesn't happen every week!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Ran the Golf Course Loop, super slow and nice--- I felt really good. Unofrtunatly first thing out of the driveway I fell, I actually lasoed my left foot with the ginormous loop in my right shoe lace. It was a tumble that has my shoulder, hip and knee banged up. I took a minute to assess the situation, I was kind of worried that I might have hurt my little hitch hiker but I didn't land on my stomache and I could walk so I decided to go running anyway. It actually hurt allot worse to not run than it did to run. When I got home I realized that I couldn't bend my leg all they way and that I had wripped my pants-- I iced it for 30 minutes and its much better but still not ideal. I'm sure it's not serious but I still don't like that every time I move I'm like "OUCH!". I know my shoelace contributed to my fall, but I also wonder if it has anything to do with pregnancy. I know I have read quite abit about being careful because my center of gravity is having to shift and adjust for my new "wide load" status. Today I felt bigger than ever- especially up front, My reactions are much slower too latley...

I don't know why I have taken such a break from this blog, it's so nice to see the miles and look back at your progress. I will try to get back into this. I do really enjoy know the totals and looking in on friends as well as race reports!

Weight: 152.00Calories: 0.00
From Snoqualmie on Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:56:25 from

Just ran across your blog. Best wishes to you in your running pregnancy!

From nicole on Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:06:53 from

Oh my gosh. You poor thing! Though I do need to see this security tape....!

Total Distance

Awesome run with Nicole and Anya. I walked up some of the hills and just wasn't my best. But I still had a good time enjoyed being in the sun with freinds.  

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Thu, May 13, 2010 at 01:06:11 from

And you rocked it!

Total Distance

Jeff and I ran to my work to get the car after he picked me up yesterday. It was so hot out 73 degrees, I could feel my skin burn and sweat dripping. I'm not used to that at all:) I feel kind of discombobulated and I was beyond slow, oh well-- felt good to be moving.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Jeff and I did the Golf Course Loop and then took the dogs to the park and ran them around until they were exhausted. It was awesome--- it would be so great if Jeff wanted to run alot... he is so sweet to go with me and he ran slow enough so that we could talk(thats new normally when I drag him out he runs ahead of me in hopes of inspiring me to get faster maybe) Amazing  morning!!!I feel so happy!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Anya on Sun, May 16, 2010 at 17:30:41 from

Great for you Lisa to get out there and go running!! The golf course loop is a nice place to run too. Let us know if you ever want us to meet you there sometime on Tues; I just might be slightly later getting there. Glad u had a great run and feel so good! Cool you updated your blog!

From nicole on Sun, May 16, 2010 at 21:42:21 from

Wow you have been a running machine lately, (or maybe just a blogging machine again?!)! Way to go! And way to go wonderful husband Jeff! I wish I could get Justin to run with me.... Maybe he only will if I get pregnant?! :-)

From Circles and Squares on Tue, May 18, 2010 at 10:19:53 from

I would love to run the Green River Trail some time with you guys, we could do it after you guys have your long run or at the beginning of your long run(because I'm SO slow).

Nicole I think being pregnant does make a difference for him, I'm not really sure why and I think it also helps that I fell and he's kind of protective:)Definitly doesn't hurt that hes bored on vacation.

I'll take it however I can get it though.

Total Distance

Ran two slow miles with Jeff on Green River Trail--- I think he likes running:) I really wish we worked the same schedule, its ging to be sad when he is done with vacation and I don't get to see him anymore:( 

I also purchased 3 empire waist tanks from Champion and can't wait until they get here!!!!! I think I will love the feeling of not having something tight wrapped around my big belly:)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Out and back to the park on Russel Road. Its getting much harder to be away from a bathroom... but still nice and I definitly enjoy ythe clean air. Jeff went with me again and we talked while we ran so it was a very comfortable pace for me. I think running is growing on Jeff, I really think he enjoys it. :) 

I had to edit the distance here, I was off by .2 miles but easy fix.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Thu, May 20, 2010 at 17:58:50 from

You are a running machine! Do your regular pants still fit? :-)

From Circles and Squares on Fri, May 21, 2010 at 01:06:03 from


Total Distance

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Short run. It was nice out, and cool.


I think I may have been jet lagged from the previous weekend but I have also upped my iron ans I feel wayyyy better:)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Golf course loop. Rainy but very nice-- I walked every 10 minutes or so for a minute or so, I still made good time-- I'm suprised 45 minutes:)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Yayy finally ran with Anya, Nicole and Anya's Dad. Great run was raining a little but I liked tha because it felt a teeny bit muggy and this kept me cooler.

Towards the middle of the run my behind my rt. ankle in the achilles part became a little tight (very unusual for me) but it relaxed and feels great now. I really enjoyed this run.

I sharked the miles off Nicole's blog--- Thank you Nicole:)!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Burt on Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 00:45:34 from

I can hear the theme song to Jaws now.

From Anya on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 20:16:05 from

Hope your ackle feels okay. Had fun running with you ladies too! Way to rock this run!

Total Distance

I only ran about 1/2 a mile of this. I have a stabbing pain in my left hip--- I feel the hitchiker may be responsible for this. It is painful to walk as well but running is just not going to work until this pain  eases up, I'm thinking someone might just be in a bad position right now and as they grow it will pass. I'm not suprised though I have been having a ton of pain when I sleep in my hips, I have to rotate sides every couple of hours because it causes me to wake up.

I'm going to try again this evening, will likley end up a long walk with one of the dogs or maybe take turns with each one... it's much easier to walk with them than to run.

Even if I can't run on Tuesday I would still like to come and take a big walk with a little running. I will bring my Ipod so I can listen to music:)   

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From Anya on Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 20:15:02 from

Sorry on your painful run; that is so tough with a hitchhiker with you; cute how u mentioned it! Good job for the efforts and a little run in. Hope you feel ok for Tues. But yeah come even if you can't run!

From nicole on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 17:46:24 from

Oh no! Hope you feel better tomorrow!

From Kelli on Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 11:19:34 from

I see on Nicole's blog that you had a baby! CONGRATS, hope all is well!!!

Total Distance

I ran one slow mile-- it was delightful.

Weight: 165.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 12:45:40 from

You dominate! Look how hard-core you are, getting out so soon! I am proud and impressed.

Total Distance

Two slow miles... maybe less because it was really just 20 minutes:) with the BOB!!!!

BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 164.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 12:45:06 from

YOU'RE BACK! Hip hip hooray!

Total Distance

BOB Miles: 3.00
Weight: 167.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Jeff and Denali both came on this run!!!

Jeff And BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

I think I'm even slower than I originally thought-- I'm ok with that, I'll get faster. Its interesting to note the marked improvement with Jeff every time he runs he improves so muchh-- I wish I improved that fast. I 'm jealous:)

Jeff And BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Three miles- well 30 minutes with 2 mile walk. Felt good baby slept well the entire time:)>  I LOVE BOB Stroller.

BOB Miles: 3.00
Weight: 162.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 13:59:45 from

WAY TO GO!! You dominate! I want to walk/run with you and Baby D! PS - Thanks for the cutest baby announcement ever!

Total Distance

We ran walked 2 miles (only counting 1 mile as a run but probably ran more) up the big hill by Suicide bridge. The Bob is heavy going up hill. The hill wasn't as hard as I had anticipated I 'm thankful I continueud to stay active while prggers. I took only 3 tiny walk breaks and I feel like I could have pushed harder. Only thing about this is that the sidewalk going up the hill has little breaks in it every 2 feet, so the stroller bumps and Denali's little head bobbles around. I'm not totally comfortable with that so next time I will do the hill solo. Little D and I can continue to use the trail behind the house it's very smooth and she dosn't get jostled around at all.

Our goal was to bust out three miles but its super chilly and I'm having trouble finding the motivation. I decided to make up the difference on the 23rd, but again its super chilly and I elected to stay home and snuggle instead. I hope tomorrow the 24th works out better-- Jeff is off work so maybe he can push me to do something physical. I have a goal to complete 40 miles before the 8th of November-- it won't happen if I keep blowing off my runs. :(

I promise I will do better and complete my planned runs I want to feel positive!!!!



BOB Miles: 1.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 23:21:25 from

What a good goal! I can help! I can do some runs with you to try and motivate you! Or at least push the stroller while you run until my knee stops being a baby.

From Anya on Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 10:26:53 from

Good for you for getting out there and doing it! That is so neat you are enjoying the Bob! That sounds like a must for me when I have a little one!

Total Distance

Wonderful run with Anya and Nicole!!! I'm so happy to be running with them again. I was so embarrassed that I would be too slow but they are nice and didnt say anything:), They both pushed the BOB too and I hace to say it was a nice break for me.

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 18:10:13 from

You aren't too slow! We are both gimps and you had to go slow for us!! YOU DOMINATE! And you have the most adorable baby in the world.

Total Distance

Nice run/ walk with Jeff and Baby Denali.

Jeff And BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Awesome run with Anya around the neighborhood. Missed Nicole but will see her on Sunday:). Crazy cell phone addicted neighbor almost hit baby with car, MUST get lights before another night run wih BOB.

BOB Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 11:23:07 from

WHAT????!!!!! What happened????

Total Distance

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

5 am ickyy

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

with the girls wooo hooo!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 16:29:05 from


Total Distance

2 quick miles with Little D.

BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 19:18:03 from

How's the new nanny? How are you surviving this weather? Thanksgiving plans?

Total Distance

Two miles with the tricked out BOB and a goofy baby!!! It was good but my foot kind of started burning on impact... it stopped but I need to stretch because I think thats what is was.

BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

3 miles with Anya it was pouring:) but I think I actually liked it. MUST GET CONATCTS AGAIN. My glasses kept fogging up and I couldnt see anything. Denali cried for the last mile I'm not really sure why she was so mad. Oh well shes over it now:)

BOB Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

 I did the Kent Christmas Rush. It was neat because I expected to be alone:( but when I got there I ran into Jordanne and then my cousin and her family called as they were running the 5K. It was also warmer this year thank goodness!!!! I rememebr ice on the ground for last years run and I was scared I woudl slip.

I started runing with Jordanne but I could'nt keep up so I paced with a couple of nice ladies along the way for the first 2 miles I was running a 10 minute pace. The woman I paced off of was runing 42 races this year in honor of her 42 nd brithday. She was really imprssive and super humble. She said that she hoped that this would make her a runner in the end. She is running Jingle Bells tomorrow also. After chatting with her I slowed down quite a bit  to 11-12 minutes  miles with a few walk  breaks after mile 5. I fnished the race with a woman dressed as an elf she was running for her health and had just done the Seattle Half Marathon.

Along the way I saw Jeff and Denali twice (they were standing behind the house on the edge of the course). Super encouraging and sweet to see them. Also gave me an excuse to stop and catch my breath which  I like more and more these days.

They ran out of cups at the turn around and started handing out full bottles of water which depending on how you look at it is either really great or kind of lame. I liked having the water but I don't like running with stuff in my hands especially big swishy water bottles. I handed mine off to Jeff whn I saw him next. The volunteers along the course were super nice and very cheerful it made me smile every time they started screaming!!!

My time was 1:09 very slow and I would like to improve on that for future. I did do this just to push myself to go the 6 mile distance and it worked I think I will do another one soon and start doing the speed work Nicole suggested. I really have a goal of 8 min or a little less, I need to start working on that.



Weight: 153.00Calories: 0.00
From nicole on Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 01:13:51 from

You are so awesome! Can you believe you did 9.3+ miles this weekend in only 2 days? You are hard core!

Total Distance

Yipeee ran the Jingle Blls run in downtown Seattle with the girls. This was FUN!!! I was uper sore form the day before but I was pretty proud of myself I only walked about 20 ft and that was up the 2nd hill to the finish.

I want to do the stroller run next year with D!!!

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

I ran the Green River Trail with D, it was super nice out and I had the afternoon off because the nanny had some  appointments she couldn't miss. The sun was shining and D was so agreeable, this was a very delightful run with a very delightful little girl! We even tried some speed work and it was fun (that suprised me). Before this run I tried some Cliff blocks, I had just one serving but I really liked them and the caffiene made all the differance, I had also just finished a tall skinny Latte.

Loev the caffiene!!!

BOB Miles: 4.20
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Cedar River Trail from the Lake Wilderness Lodge with Anya. It was an awesome run, very pretty area and we even ran into a marathon check point. I'm VERY sore even though we walked half a mile at the end. Im so sore I'm going to soak my feet in Epsom Salts- I'm a dorky pottomus!!!

This is the farthest I have ever run at one time and I comopletly enjoyed it!!!!


Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Fun run with Nicole, Anya and Jordanne! It was the Fleet Feet tour of lights and I have to say the residents of Bonney Lake go all out. It was awesome, I enjoyed it, I think the only thing I would change is I would win the Brooks running shoes. :)

BOB Miles: 1.50
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Nasty, rainy, run-- but awesome because Jeff followed us on his bike. I'm not used to pushing the BOB this far so my shoulders and back hurt. It got to be really boring because it got so dark and so the last 3.5 miles were around the neighborhood. Literally the last mile was me lapping the block because I was NOT stopping until I hit 8.

I would like to plan better and so that any long runs are scenic because the neighborhood is nice and all but not nice enough to distract from rain and cold.



Jeff And BOB Miles: 8.00
Weight: 155.00Calories: 962.00
From Kelli on Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 22:43:55 from

Running in the rain is nasty, but looping the neighborhood over and over is worse, I agree!!!

What is a BOB?? I am probably overlooking the obvious, but I can not figure it out!

From Circles and Squares on Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 23:26:56 from

Thanks Kelli-- I hope I dont do that again for sure. To answer your question the Bob is my jogging stroller, I LOVE it so does Denali the baby:)

From Kelli on Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 23:35:42 from

I knew it was something obvious, da!! Those things are tough to push, VERY TOUGH! But imagine how fast you will fly when you do not have to push it anymore?

My now 5 year old would always yell at me, "GO FASTER!!!!" I loved it when i was pushing her in a race and she was telling me to go faster and not let people pass me. Such fun.

From nicole on Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 13:58:50 from

8??? 8??? 8!!!!!! You are so amazing! You're going to be ready to rock that half marathon by next weekend! So proud and impressed! :-)

Merry Christmas!

Total Distance
BOB Miles: 25.70Jeff And BOB Miles: 14.00
Weight: 154.18Calories: 962.00
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