I bought a new charger for my shuffle and was more than happy to use it to bust out a christmas eve 10 miler!!! It was so wonderful, I had forgotten just how lovely running with tunes is. When I updated my playlist I did note that Apple has found a way to erase more than half of my tunes... I really see a class action lawsuit in thier future. Seriously, I'm not techy at all but I do know what stealing is and to make it intentionally difficult to figure out how to get back music that Itunes feels may or may not be legitamatly (sp) registered to one of your six computers is crap! I really love music so much. I also bought new headphones which were ten times more comfortable than the ear buds the shuffle came with. I should have doen that a long time ago. I ran the Golf course loop all the way to 212th then back up past the mini donkeys which have been replaced by :) calves almost to HWY 167. There was very little traffic becasue it was Christmas eve. I maily ran this far because Nicole's Marathon Training Plan calls for being half - marathon ready on March 26th. I don't want to have to work to bring it back so I hopefully I can just maintain the minimum standard. I'm thinking perhaps taht I could get away with a 10-13 mile run every 3 weeks until the end of March. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! |