Circles and Squares

January 2011

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Member Since:

Sep 30, 2009



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

Short-Term Running Goals:

Lincoln City Half - March 2010

I will run and finish a marathon!

Long-Term Running Goals:

Health and energy.


I have a wonderful husband, a sunshiny baby and great runnign friends!

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
BOB Lifetime Miles: 241.71
Jeff And BOB Lifetime Miles: 39.90
Walking Lifetime Miles: 47.55
Total Distance
BOB Miles: 38.63Jeff And BOB Miles: 4.00Walking Miles: 7.05
Weight: 149.25Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

3.57 miles with Anya at a 10 minute ish :) pace.

Centergy with Nicole 1 hour. I LIKE Centergy a LOT!

Weight: 153.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Two miles with Denali, total time was 20.58, pace was 10:27 not bad for the Bob, but I can do better. I felt my foot but it was not uncomfortable just present. I felt like I rn crooked like I carry myself on one side and drag the other, I haven't noticed it until Nicole and I talked about shoes. Jeff say I do run funny on my rigth foot he has always noticed... I think other things were probably more pressign at the time:).

BOB Miles: 2.10
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

2 even with the Bob and Garmin, 10:47 pace, 2nd mile I had a head wind, Bob acted slightly like a sail. I have very bad form don't even know where to start with improving that. I think it will help gimp foot. Gimp foot didnt hurt still just noticeable. I am still crooked not any straiter than yesterday;) Google here I come...

BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

It was an unexpectadly nice run depite sheeting rain and wind. The night had magical qualities that I enjoyed and Denali liked the sound raindrops made on her cover.

I run very strange like swish, thud, swish, thud instead of thud, thud... I can think about it and thud, thud but it actually takes thought. Like my left foot hits the ground early and skids to the stop.

I looked it up and I didn't really find anything I searched "crooked runner" and "dominant foot runner" no good, must keep looking. I also tried to make an appt. with a Doctor but I only got an answering machine. Although my foot felt fine today I cant help but think this funny way I run is going to cuase me the same problem or an even worse one once I start logging long runs.

BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

3 lovely, hilly miles with Anya on the BPA Trail. IT WASN'T RAINING!!! :)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Quikc run with Jeff pushing D in the Bob. We timed .92 and ran it in 8:40 so I was definitly pleased because while it may not have been under 9 for a mile it would have been close. I'm always faster when I'm trying to keep up with Jeff. I accidently was trying to find the light and messed up timing but oh well. Tonight I ran on the balls of my feet, felt easier but weird. Worked different muscles, I read this is a good thing to do so I'm going to try and work on it. I did'nt even notice that I had feet so I see that as a plus!!! I plan on doign a 7 mile run next weekend. Yayyyyy!!!

Jeff And BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 147.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Fun but Gramin didn't start tracking until the satellite loaded so the mileage was off but we ran it on Sunday so we knew exactly how far but didn't get the time. Bummer because I really pushed to keep up with Jeff. Ran on toes, zero foot pain, nice run. Denali cooed to Daddy the whole way.

Jeff And BOB Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Run around the neighborhood... so boring. Denali was cute though:)

BOB Miles: 3.33
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

2 miles with Denali in front carrier in the rain. We walked it was fun, she did not have as much fun as I did:)

Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Total Distance

2 miles running with Denali at Federal Way Community Center. They have a nice track I enjoyed it, however Denali was not as impressed. The basektball court bothered her, it was too noisy.


We ran 2 miles and walked 20 minutes. The tempature is perfect there.

BOB Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Went for a "long" run:) It was fun we ran 5 along the river and and then looped through the neighborhood. We walked a mile at the end for a total of six.


Mile 1, 10:31

Mile 2, 10:28

Mile 3, 10:28

Mile 4, 10:27

Mile 5, 10:54

Mile 6 Walking:)

BOB Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

3 mile walk around the neighborhood with Jeff and Denali. It was so nice:) made my whole day.

Walking Miles: 3.00
Weight: 150.00Calories: 0.00
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Total Distance

We need  chnage of scenery-- 4.2 miles around the neighborhood. I wish the sun was up longer so we could run on the trail by the river. Even D was bored to sleep. Oh well I felt REALLY good I can definitly tell that the consistency of my running is starting to pay off. I felt great for the entire 4 miles.

Mile 1 10:40

Mile 2 10:36

Mile 3 10:41

Mile 4 10:27

BOB Miles: 4.20Walking Miles: 0.80
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

Quick run around the neighborhood, I borrowed Jeff's shuffle because mine was out of batteries and I loved his song list, it had me running faster then normal and I really feel my shins now. A couple walking loops around the block to cool down. Very nice, I haven't run with music in so long.

M1 10:11

M2 10:01

BOB Miles: 2.00Walking Miles: 0.50
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Total Distance

Ran 3 with D and walked .75. It was nice and warm, plus no rain.


M1 10:13

M2 10:11

M3 10:47

BOB Miles: 3.00Walking Miles: 0.75
Weight: 147.00Calories: 0.00
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Total Distance

I didn't really feel up to running today. I told myself its ok to slack off and decided when I started not to take the Garmin just go with how I felt. Well I felt like walking home, I'm super tired. On the way home a car full of neighbors blew an airhorn out of the window of thier car when they saw us. -- Who does that?! My wonderful baby slept though it but it was enough to really anger me. I didn't get the best look at the car, white Toyota is all I know. I still would really like to give them a piece of my mind. I cannot even begin to imagine what kind of creep gets joy out of delibratly scaring a stranger and her baby.

We cheered up the second we got home, made potatoes with string beans and mushrooms in the WOK-- delicious. I normally by the cheap potatoes in the red bag but this time I had some Yukon Gold and they are so good! D was all smiles and giggles. Turned out to be a wonderful night:)!

BOB Miles: 1.00Walking Miles: 1.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance

3 miles with D in the stroller. It was a nice run, I felt completly unmotivated but one cheese quesadilla later I was dancing around the house with the Babe. It was a nice night, warm and not raining. Tomorrow I will do a seven mile run I'm going to get to RUN on trails that are not in the neighborhood.!!!! Yipee!!!!!! Hellooooo golf course, wierd new bridge under a bridge and sunshine- we cant wait to see you!!!

BOB Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
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Total Distance

7 miles, went past the golf course and there were two Donkeys eating by a fence. I showed them to D she was not ass(he he) in love with them ass I was:). They were so cute! I felt totally depleted by 5.5 but I kept on and I'm glad I did. I managed to maintain decent form I think I didn't feel like I was shuffling my feet. I used a Mocha Cliff Gell-- Yummy and I question if I would have had as positive a run if I had'nt used the gel. Clearly I'm still not fast:) It will come with time.

M1- 10:30

M2- 11:04

M3- 11:13

M4- 10:57

M5- 11:07

M6- 10:44


BOB Miles: 7.00Walking Miles: 1.00
Weight: 0.00Calories: 0.00
Total Distance
BOB Miles: 38.63Jeff And BOB Miles: 4.00Walking Miles: 7.05
Weight: 149.25Calories: 0.00
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