
Rex Lee Run 10K

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So. Jordan,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 12, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

St.George marathon 2009 - 3:34:07.  It was a PR on my 11th time running St. George.


Short-Term Running Goals:

Run St. George in under 3:30; be in the top 3 in my age group

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay strong, run well for many more years.  Still set PR's in my 50's.

Learn how to run more relaxed and efficient.


I'm married with four children.  I run with a group called the Bingham Butt-Kickers, a really fun group of people that gets me out running early on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and sometimes Saturdays.   I recently found out that I've been running with poor form for many years, which has probably contributed to some nagging aches and pains I've had for years.  One of my big goals now is to be able to run with better form and to have running feel more effortless.  I hope this won't take too many years to achieve!

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Total Distance
Total Distance

Well, today I made it back to my group for the first time since early December.  It was great to see everyone again, although it was dark so I'm not sure how much I saw.  It was great to talk with them again and get caught up on things.  I'd spent the last several weeks cross-training and running very short  intervals, just trying to get my form better and mainly trying to retrain myself to feel more relaxed when I run.  It's a slow process but I think I'm getting there.  I had been carrying a lot of tension and tightness in my shoulders and upper body which was making it painful to run, so my goal for the past several weeks was to retrain my muscles to feel relaxed automatically.  I found out today I still need to think about it, things are not automatic yet, but it is getting better.  I ran 4 miles with them, and then when we got back to where the cars were I decided to stop because I didn't want to have too much fun my first time back.  Except for some slight soreness in my shins, it was a good run.  Even the snow and wind wasn't too bad.

From erico on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 21:06:16 from

Cheryl, Great to see you on Tuesday! Looking forward to a great year of running (injury free!).

From cheryl on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 23:36:14 from

Thanks, Eric! It was great to see you too and fun to be back with the group. I agree, this should be a great year, no injuries or illnesses or any other thing to keep us from our goals!

Total Distance

Personal training day, form and strength work.  It was fun as always.

Total Distance

Ok, so I got up about 4:30 to go running with the group, went out and got my newspaper and saw that it was a red day as far as air quality goes.  I think I was just looking for an excuse to go back to bed, because I convinced myself I didn't want to run in bad air, and that's what I did, I went back to bed with the intention of working out later.  Well, "later" never seemed to really come.  I did do 15 minutes on the stationary bike, plus I played a little church basketball tonight.  I ran extra hard in the game to make up for my earlier laziness.  I play basketball mainly just to practice fast running, how we do is secondary.  Maybe that's why we lost by 4 points, I need to make winning the priority.  Or maybe we lost because the other team had an almost professional sharp shooter on their team, so to only lose by 4 was really a victory in a way.

From RAD on Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 00:31:14 from

After a break from those early mornings I've also had a VERY hard time getting up in the morning! Any excuse will get me back to bed - even if I'm ready to walk out the door.

Nice job on the game, and I wouldn't worry about winning. Too much worry about that and the game loses all it's fun!

From Kelli on Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 19:01:08 from

Basketball is just for fun, really!!! Winning is not important---this is what I tell my kids anyway!

We missed you, but the air is really yucky again and I feel it. I do not know how the rest of the group runs outside every day in it. It really gets to me!!!

Have a great weekend!

From cheryl on Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 23:31:52 from

Rachel and Kelli--I agree, basketball should be just for fun, but some of those other women (not me, of course) are so competitive that it's hard not to get caught up in it all. I hope the air will be better next week. Not good to be running in bad air day after day.

Total Distance

I got up early--4:45 and went to the Rec Center and  to Lisa's class.  We spun, we run, we kick boxed, we jumped, we lifted weights.  I like her class because I get in positions I rarely ever get in.  I use muscles that normally lie dormant.  Hopefully that will have keep me more in balance.

Total Distance

I met some members of the group at 7am at a park in Bluffdale.  Michelle N. lead us in a run of the Bluffdale 10K.  This was the longest I've run in about two months.  I was pleased that I was able to keep up and the pace of an average of 8:40 didn't seem too difficult.  I left after that, most of the others went on to run the Bluffdale 5k.  I drove to the hill by the Daybreak Temple and ran some sprints there.  Trying to do more hills to become stronger.  Overall, it was fun running and I felt pretty good afterwards.

Total Distance

I ran for 30 minutes outside on the canal road.  It was a pretty nice day today.  Then I went back inside to the treadmill and did a little more running.

Total Distance

The group met at Daybreak today, actually at Country Crossing Park.  It looked like a big group met at 5:15 when I pulled up for the 5:45 part.  Aaron was in charge today, but it turned out that we kind of divided into groups and just kind of ran with them for the most part.  I spent part of the run talking with Mike and Peggy and Lisa, then  I spent the last part talking with Debbie about her kids, especially her older son.   I felt too tight today in my upper body.  I keep thinking I'm getting better about running more relaxed, then I have a day like today where I just feel tight the entire time. Something's gotta give!

Total Distance

Two workouts today.  My main priority right now isn't getting in a lot of miles, but getting my form more efficient, smooth and relaxed (like Sasha says an Ethiopian looks like when they run).  So the first part of the workout I spent on my treadmill doing one minute runs where the main idea was to feel "efficient, smooth and relaxed."  If I started feeling too tight, I had to adjust until I felt relaxed or I had to stop.  That went pretty well.  If I could just feel that way for more than one minute, though, that would help a lot.


Then, for part two:  I promised my ten year old while he was off track that we would do something different and fun.  He decided he wanted to go to St. George for a few days.  So we headed down there this afternoon, and arrived about 5:30.  Very nice day in St. George, I was able to walk around outside in the evening in a short sleeve shirt and felt fine.  I can see why people become snow birds, I may very well become one in  a few years, when I officially reach senior citizen status.  Anyway, I got on the hotel's treadmill, and I was able to see my reflection in their windows so I was able to see my form better.  I felt like I was running with the correct form for once because I was able to see how I looked.  It looked right and it felt right, so I was happy about that.  Now to duplicate that when I run outside and can't see how I look.  I need to run only where there are mirrors all around. 










From Nancy on Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 18:30:38 from

It sounds like you had a fun time with your son in St. George.

From Teena Marie on Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 19:53:19 from

I need to try that. The problem is that when I run like one PT told me to I do NOT feel relaxed at all. Stink. I guess I need more practice.

I love SG and have already decided that Ry and I will be snow birds for sure! :)

From cheryl on Sun, Feb 07, 2010 at 01:04:46 from

Nancy--we did have a fun time. It's always nice to get away to somewhere warm!

From cheryl on Sun, Feb 07, 2010 at 01:10:32 from

Hi Teena, I'm doing great. Your running sounds like it's going really well. I've been working for five months now to get my form better, and I finally feel like things are coming together. It's been very difficult, but I had to do something because running was becoming painful for me. Good job on the long run today.

From RAD on Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 15:15:36 from

wow...I'd love a short trip down to the warmth! Hope things are going well and that the form is coming easier. I've found that is the hardest, but most important thing to change - GOOD LUCK! Hopefully, we'll be seeing you soon.

From cheryl on Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 15:49:13 from

Thanks, Rachel. I hope everything is going well with you and the pregnancy.

From Brent on Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 19:24:31 from

Cheryl - has the story stopped - give us more on the smooth and efficient, CHI running? St. George is great - have you not returned from the deseret wonder land?

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From cheryl on Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 20:51:14 from

Brent--yes, it seems like the story has stopped, doesn't it? I've just gotten too lazy to blog, mainly because I don't feel there's anything worth reporting. The quest for smooth, efficient, CHI running is on-going--sometimes I feel smoother and more efficient than other times. It will probably always be a quest, never a final destination. But just as long as I'm getting closer, that's what counts. St. George was fun. I sometimes wish I lived there, but then I'd miss all my SLC running friends. I hope all is going well with you.

Total Distance

Ok, now that I'm going to be more consistently running, I'm going to more consistently blog.  Today the group met at Centennial Park in Riverton.  We warmed up together for a little ways, then we broke up into two groups, the ones wanting to do real speed, and the others who wanted to ease into speed.  I chose the ease into speed group.  We ran for a while, then threw in some faster pick-ups.  We made it back to the park, then ran the loop again, this time just running, no faster pick-ups.  I was running along, enjoying talking with Michelle and Kelli, then here comes Eric running fast, so I took up with him and we pushed it back to the park.  It was kind of fun to kind of open things up.

Because my main goal now is to get my form "smoother and more efficient," I think I'm going to give myself a grade on that each time.  When I first start out running, things feel tight and not very smooth and efficient.  But as I warm up, things get better.  Today I concentrated on keeping my upper body relaxed.  That is a constant struggle because I've programmed myself over years to be way too tight there.  I would give myself a B for that, not as tight as I've been lately, but it still needs work.  I also worked on the feeling of gliding back on the "kick-back" part of the stride.   It felt better as the run went along, and by the end was actually pretty good.  Higher knees still needs work.  Overall a B for form for today's run.

Total Distance

Today I did a rolling hill workout on the treadmill.  I changed the incline throughout, going up to 12% at times, then down to a decline, then back up to whatever incline I felt like.  I read in Running Times that some coach out there thinks rolling hills are the best workout for marathon runners, so that's what gave me the idea to do what I did today.  I kept the speed very slow, it was overall a good run, not too demanding.

Total Distance

Today the group met at Julie's house.  It was raining a little when I left my house at 5:30.  I was tempted to just drive to the Rec Center and do a workout there, but I knew I wouldn't get as good of a workout as I get with the group, nor would it be nearly as much fun, so I drove on and met the group.  I made the right decision, the weather was very nice, if it was raining at all, it wasn't very much.  After the warm-up, I ran in shorts and a t-shirt and was very comfortable.  We ran three miles for the main workout.  Cheris said she was going to take the first mile fast, the second slower, the third fast, so I decided to do that.  My times were:  7:32, 8:09, and 7:20 for the three miles.  I was pretty happy with those times, because I haven't really done any big time running for a couple of months, so to have two miles in the 7 minute range I thought was pretty good.  Now if I could just get my times closer to 7 minutes flat, I would be quite happy because that would show real progress.  It was fun, I felt pretty good, felt like my form was good, the relaxation part is going better, plus the working on the extension feeling more like gliding felt pretty good today, after the warm-up.  Things are always very tight at first, then I loosen up as we go along.

From Teena Marie on Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 18:26:42 from

Awesome run.

Hope you are feeling well today. :)

From Nancy on Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 23:01:29 from

It was good to see you at running group even if it was mostly from behind. You're an awesome runner.

From Kelli on Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 12:14:07 from

I see real progress ever time you run!! You guys took the easy mile hard----I tried to keep up for a sec but changed my mind! Glad you decided to come, the weather was not too bad!

From cheryl on Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 21:36:37 from

Teena--it was a fun run, always good to have an encouraging run. I hope all is well with you.

Nancy--Thank you, you too are an awesome runner.

Kelli--Thank you for the nice words. I can't believe you've had two Saturdays in a row where you've run the equivalent of a marathon. Way to go. Keep that up and you may well prove Sasha right (or wrong, maybe you'll be faster than he said).

From Kelli on Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 22:01:55 from

I am in no way going to prove him right----I am not focusing on speed in any way. I just want to run an ultra this year and know that I have to get used to the higher miles. It has been a real struggle in the past for me!

See you Tuesday!

Total Distance

I got up early for Lisa's class at the Rec Center.  I really wanted to stay in bed, but that's what I did last week, and I felt bad all day about doing that.  Once I got to the Rec Center, I'm glad my less lazy side won.  The class was fun, as always.  I like that we do things I normally don't do, always feel like it's a good workout.  Later I ran for 15 minutes barefoot on my treadmill.  I kept the speed slow and enjoyed it.

Total Distance

I was having a delivery of appliances sometime between 8 and 12 today, so I thought I would meet some group members at 7:00 and run for about an hour, then go home and wait for the delivery.  We met at Dean's house, I ran  5 miles, made it home at 7:57, found out the delivery came at 7:30 but they couldn't set anything up because I wasn't there, so called them back up and they came back and took care of everything.  Why do they say between 8 and 12 and then come at 7:30?  Later I put in a few more easy miles on the treadmill.

From Nancy on Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 22:35:59 from

It is very frustrating when you have to wait around all day for delivery people. I'm sure it is more frustrating when then come before they are suppose to. Great job running.

Total Distance

The day started at 5:30 with going to Lisa's class at the Rec Center.  We biked and then did cardio on the step and bosu ball.  I liked doing the balance work.  Then we did upper body and core stuff, and it was done.  Good workout as always.  Then I came home and ran a little slowly on the treadmill, then it was off to my running technique session at TOSH.  She worked me hard today, in fact, I semi fell off the treadmill.  That has never happened there for me before. I have fallen on my home treadmill once or twice. Fortunately, I was just a little skinned up, nothing too major.  Still working on getting the running form right; it may be a life long process.  It's getting better though, more important it's feeling better.

From steve ash on Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 13:29:25 from

Hang in there Cheryl.. You'll figure this out. Are you not still running with the group?

Total Distance

The group met at Bingham High today.  I decided to walk/run there as my warm-up.  I ran into the group doing the early miles as they ran by my street, so I just took up with them.  I was in charge of the group today, the first time in a long time it seems like.  My plan was to do half mile repeats in Prospector Place.  It just happened to turn out that's what Peggy and Mike wanted to do for speed work, so it worked out.  Today I concentrated form-wise on feeling a push off as my foot hit the ground, keeping the knees high.  So here are my times and paces for the 5 just slightly longer (.52 miles usually) than half mile repeats.

1.  3:47 (7:25 pace)

2.  3:36 (6:59)

3.  3:42 (7:05)

4.  3:40 (7:07)

5.  3:49  (7:16)

The first two were run south to north, #3 north to south, #4south to north, #5 north to south (I think I remember these correctly, somebody from the group let me know if I am wrong.)

I was pretty happy with this workout, especially feeling like my technique is getting better, especially the knee drive with the foot pushing up and then pulling (that's what I worked on at TOSH yesterday).  I was running pretty fast but things felt pretty comfortable, which is the most important thing.  The upper body can still be less tight, but it's coming along.  It's been a while since I've seen anything in the 6 minute range, so #2 being a 6:59 pace (barely made it) makes me pretty happy.


From Nancy on Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 20:43:27 from

I think it is great that you are such a fast runner. I'm glad that I can at least run with all of you.

Total Distance

Tough 30 minute run on the treadmill today.  I was just too tired to run, maybe I should have cross-trained instead.  I did play some basketball in the afternoon, that went much better.  Running while you're playing a competitve sport is much more fun than just running sometimes.

Total Distance

The group met at Parkway Palisades today.  I had read in a Running Times article that rolling hills are the best training for marathoners, as opposed to just uphill or downhill.  So we ran that main hill street a little differently today.  After a warm-up and 3 one minute hill sprints, we ran from the base of the big hill, up to 1300 W., back down, repeated three times non-stop.  We tried to "own the hills" instead of the hills owning us, if that makes any sense.  I worked on my push off and pull up technique.  I realized when I concentrate on that I definitely go faster and the running feels easier.   After our rolling hills, Curt led us on a short about 15 minute run thru the streets around there, to the cemetery hill, which we had to run, then back to the parking lot.  Aaron said whoever planned today's workout should be fired, so I felt like I did a good job today.

From Kelli on Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 20:26:25 from

So glad I turned that alarm off!!!!!!

From Jody on Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 21:16:04 from

I am actually sad I missed it. My ankle is bothering me and I had an early meeting with my daughter's teacher so the two things were enough to convince me to sleep in.

From Kelli on Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 22:46:44 from

Well, there is the difference between you and me! I am SO GLAD I missed it, and you are sad. I can not imagine those hills being harder than what we typically do...but it sounds like they were. However, I am sure they will do it again and we will both get our chance!

From cheryl on Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 23:30:43 from

Well, we missed you both. And we will do it again.

From Nancy on Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 16:03:58 from

I can't say I feel bad about missing all the hill running but I'm sure it would have been good for me.

From Peggy on Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 19:58:47 from

I wish I had been there. Really, I do. It's that love/hate thing we have with Parkway.

From Kelli on Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 19:45:50 from

YEAH I can hardly wait!

Total Distance

Treadmill run.

Total Distance

The group ran repeats around Canterwood and Rustic Roads.  We all kind of got split up, so I ran mainly with Nancy R.  My times were all around 4:40 going up Canterwood and 3:40 going down Rustic Roads--these times are approximate, but I think pretty close.

Total Distance

Today was TOSH day--treadmill sprints and form work.  Once again, it was quite difficult.  She wanted me to run at 10.5mph on about a 5% incline for two minutes.  Well, I wasn't about able to do that.  I made it to 1:02, which I thought was pretty good, running a sub 6 minute pace on an incline.  I've decided I need to get stronger, so I'm going to try and run hill sprints every day for a while to see what that does for me.  I went home and ran a little more on my treadmill, then I went to basketball practice and had fun running there.

Total Distance

We met by Kelli's and Scott's house today.  I like going there because there are hills everywhere you look.  Kelli led us thru a run that took us up some pretty good hills, then we finished with a fairly easy run back to the church.  It was a good workout.

Later, I ran some hill sprints on my treadmill; I have a goal of running hill sprints on the treadmill every day for a while hoping to build up some strength.

Then for the fun evening.  I play church basketball on a stake team that is mainly composed of middle-aged housewives (sorry, I don't know how else to describe it) and some younger women.  Basically all of us just play for fun and exercise.  I don't think any of us have had any real training in basketball fundamentals.  Usually we play teams similar to us.  Well, tonight we played a team composed of younger looking women (probably not many over 30), and several of them looked like they had probably played high school ball.  We were no match for them.  However, I had fun because it was a very up tempo game, like a track meet, non-stop running back and forth.  I felt good because I was able to keep up with them and run the court as well as anyone there.   One of the refs even complimented me on my "hustle."   It was a great workout.  Besides losing by twenty points, I wouldn't mind playing basketball like that every week.

Total Distance

More hill sprint work.  I was pretty tired after yesterday, so I took things pretty easy.

Total Distance

I thought I had a basketball game at 10:00 this morning, so I didn't want to run long for fear of wearing out my legs.  Then I found it was cancelled, so I just ran some treadmill hill sprints plus some longer intervals.  I enjoyed that better than a long run.

Total Distance

I did some uphill running on the treadmill.

Total Distance

The group met by the steep, short hill in Glenmoor.  Peggy lead the workout.  She had us do a .6 and a .9 interval, both of which included that hill.  We began running right up the hill.  I can tell I am weak on hills because I immediately fall behind everyone as we go up, then I'm (sometimes) able to catch up when it turns flat or downhill.  I got twisted around in directions and thought we had taken a wrong turn somewhere and were at the temple hill on 40th W., so I slowed down thinking I didn't want to run that thing.  Then I noticed we were right back where we were supposed to be, but by that time the group had taken off to run the .6 interval again, so I just ran up that hill a couple of times until they returned.  Then I ran the .9 thing, felt hard until after the hill, then managed to run pretty well.  I wasn't thrilled with how I did on this workout, it told me that I need to get stronger so I can run hills better.

Race: Rex Lee Run 10K (5.6 Miles) 00:43:40
Total Distance

They called this a 10K, but I think it may have been a little short.  I wish race directors would measure things accurately so we can compare times from one 10K to another.  Oh well, it was fun anyway.  I ran this in 2004 (when I think the distance was accurate) in 47:59.  In 2005, when I think they may have shortened the course, and it was the same as today (though I can't remember for sure), my time was 44:54.  So I was faster today, which made me happy.  Even if you add on 4 minutes for a short course, I would still be happy with my time today. 

This is the first 10K I've run in over a year.  It's my first race since SGM (I guess we call that a race).  I went in not really knowing where I was fitness wise, and was just hoping to be at least in the 48 minute range.  My goal was to run this at a "comfortably hard" pace, with the emphasis on comfortable.  Not necessarily taking it easy, but keeping my upper body relaxed, always feeling pretty good and never feeling like I was dying.  This race was just to show me where I am, not to kill myself going all out.  So that's what I did.  Whenever I felt my shoulders tensing, I made myself relax.  Whenever I felt too uncomfortable, I made myself relax.  When I finished I felt pretty good, like maybe I could have run it again if I really wanted to.   One thing frustrating was I brought my garmin but I couldn't get it to turn on.  It does that occasionally, I charge it the night before, then for some reason it won't work until I charge it again.  This is one race I could have used it because the mile markers were messed up and I had no idea what pace I was running.

A highlight of the race was finally getting to meet the famous Michelle Lowry.  I ran into her after the race, and we had a nice chat.  She was very friendly.  She won for the women!  It looks like she is back.  Overall, the race was a very nice experience.

From crockett on Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 15:03:56 from

Yep, it was about a 9K, about 0.6 mile short. Michelle did great. I was with her when they didn't recognize her as the winner. But she got things fixed up later.

From Nancy on Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 20:50:53 from

Great job Cheryl. You seem to be getting faster with age while I'm getting slower all the time. For some reason running really kills me. My 6 mile runs now feel like I've run 13.

From MichelleL on Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 03:00:08 from

It was so nice to meet you today! Thanks for introducing yourself. It was so funny to have you ask if I was Michelle while you were still racing!

From cheryl on Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 14:43:23 from

Crockett--the more I think about it, the more I'm a little upset that the distance wasn't correct--or at least they should call it a 9K if that's what it is, not a 10K.

Nancy--you are a great runner too. Just being out running is what matters.

From cheryl on Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 14:45:34 from

Michelle--well, I knew from your blog that you were going to be at the race, so when I saw you, I recognized you from your pictures. I was hoping I would finally get to meet you.

From Kelli on Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 22:08:31 from

I did not know you had done a race! AWESOME time!!!!

From steve ash on Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 00:49:55 from

Glad to see your running well again Cheryl:)

From Mike on Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 19:37:59 from

Cheryl - Great race. It looks like the time off in December has really worked and you are running well.

From Teena Marie on Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 19:34:50 from

Cheryl -- I was thinking about you on my run Saturday and wondering how you are doing. Hope all is well. :)

From cheryl on Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 13:53:49 from

Hey, I just checked my blog for the first time in forever. Thanks for the nice comments, Kelli, Steve, Mike, and Teena. I need to start blogging again. The problem is I've had a hamstring strain which has curtailed the running. I hope to be back at it full time in a couple of weeks.

Teena--thanks for checking in with me. I appreciate that you were thinking of me. I read your blog regularly, I just don't comment that often anymore. You did well at Boston and I hope things go well at UVM. I admire your perseverance and dedication to running. Injuries stink, don't they. I had just run what for me was really well in the Ogden marathon relay, then I get hit with an injury. Seems to be the life of a runner. Good luck with everything--and don't run alone on the Jr. River parkway anymore, at least not in that particular area, that was scary!

Total Distance

Well, after struggling with hamstring issues for about the two past months, I think I'm finally healed and back to running.  Hopefully I'll be better about blogging also as we approach two months until SGM.  And hopefully I'll get some quality training in so I'm somewhat prepared.  I met with the group for the first time in a few weeks and we ran along the JR trail beginning at O. Roi Hardy park.  I kept the pace easy and tried to work on a more correct stride.  That's one of the things I really worked on while injured, trying to get a more efficient stride.  Things felt more comfortable today, so hopefully I'm on the right track.  I just want running to feel more effortless, it seems like I make it harder than it should be.  So today was a "step" in the right direction.  It's good to be back, and I hope to continue injury free for at least a couple of months.

From Shelly on Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 14:48:52 from

I hear you (running has been a challenge for me too lately). Injuries are tough to deal with. Good luck with your training. 6 1/2 miles is a great run.

From Teena Marie on Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 18:40:48 from

You know I think the world of you.

Here's to a wonderful two months and finding your perfect (sometimes seeminly effortless) form and pace. :)

From Nancy on Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 22:34:41 from

I hope you are on the mend. I miss seeing you at running group. I really wish running was as easy as it used to be. Good Luck with your training.

From RAD on Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 16:26:28 from

I'm glad you're feeling better and back at it. Form is SO hard to change, but it sounds like you're back it and stronger for the rest. Good luck with SGM, and if I get brave I may have to join you at group.

From cheryl on Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 21:50:00 from

Thanks all you nice people for the well wishes. I guess I blogged and ran prematurely, because shortly after this run, I started feeling pain again. I am now on doctor's orders to not run again until I feel zero pain. I'm feeling pretty good right now, but want to wait at least another week or two before I start running seriously again. Hopefully I'll be able to get in some quality training before SGM. We'll see. But in the meantime, biking is a lot of fun. Anyone for a bike ride up Butterfield Canyon?

From Teena Marie on Sat, Aug 07, 2010 at 20:25:57 from

Wishing you the best!!! :)

(When I first read your response I thought it said, ".... in the meantime, *baking* is a lot of fun." Funny!)

From cheryl on Sat, Aug 07, 2010 at 21:55:52 from

Thanks, Teena, for your nice thoughts. It seems like your training is going well; you should have a great run at SGM. And baking is fun, but I think biking is more fun!

From Kelli on Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 22:49:33 from


From steve ash on Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 23:01:31 from

Glad to hear that! I keep telling myself I'm going to run with you all. But at 5am I don't even wake up to my kid screaming anymore..

From Kelli on Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 20:05:36 from

?????????How is it going????????????

From cheryl on Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 15:27:09 from

Hi Kelli, thanks for asking. It looks like I'm going to have surgery to repair my torn meniscus next Tuesday. The doc says I'll be running again in a month. I can't wait to run again! Good luck at St. George, I know you're going to have a major PR.

From Kelli on Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 17:55:28 from

Oh man, good luck! I hope you are all healed up and back with us soon!

From cheryl on Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 07:53:18 from

Thanks, Kelli!

From erico on Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 11:08:48 from

Cheryl, who is doing your surgery? I saw that you are registered for St. George but obviously you have other plans. Hope goes well, please let me know if I can do anything.

From Kelli on Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 23:41:02 from


From cheryl on Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 00:13:30 from

Thank you, Kelli, I really appreciate you thinking of me. I hope you have a great Christmas also.

From Kelli on Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 15:23:03 from

WHOA, this is over a year ago! But it was great to see you this morning!!!

From cheryl on Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 20:46:48 from

Thank you, Kelli, it was fun to see you also and run a little with you. I just reread this blog entry and we ran the same route as today. I'm glad I'm about over the injury that plagued me for over a year, and hope to get back to regular blogging soon. You are running great as always.

From steve ash on Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 20:55:22 from

Nice to see you are still running Cheryl:)

From Kelli on Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 00:02:41 from

Thanks Cheryl, I look forward to your smiling face being back! And we sure could use some hill training, it just has not been the same without you. ;o)

From cheryl on Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 16:03:38 from

Thanks Steve, we'd love to see you at the running group! Hope all is going well.

From cheryl on Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 16:05:13 from

Thanks Kelli, you're too nice! Maybe after St. George I can start planning some workouts again, and if you want hills, I'll give you hills!!

From Kelli on Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 16:37:55 from


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