
Ogden marathon relay

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So. Jordan,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 12, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

St.George marathon 2009 - 3:34:07.  It was a PR on my 11th time running St. George.


Short-Term Running Goals:

Run St. George in under 3:30; be in the top 3 in my age group

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay strong, run well for many more years.  Still set PR's in my 50's.

Learn how to run more relaxed and efficient.


I'm married with four children.  I run with a group called the Bingham Butt-Kickers, a really fun group of people that gets me out running early on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and sometimes Saturdays.   I recently found out that I've been running with poor form for many years, which has probably contributed to some nagging aches and pains I've had for years.  One of my big goals now is to be able to run with better form and to have running feel more effortless.  I hope this won't take too many years to achieve!

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Total Distance
Total Distance

We met with Air Darkhorse at Alta High and ran a warm-up for about 15 minutes, and then ran a continuous run where we did two minutes fast, two minutes recovery. It was raining slightly when we got there, and then cleared up and it was a nice morning to run. I liked that we got in a lot of hills. Ever since I started heeding Steve's and Sasha's advice to just run easy miles, running has been a lot better; I don't feel a need to kill myself on every run. So today was very pleasant and nice to be out running with my friends. Michelle's GPS said we did about 7.2 miles. Sasha--are you happy I'm no longer a lurker?


PM-Ran a VERY easy 30 minute run on my treadmill; pace was between 11 and 12 minute miles.  Made 10 miles for the day

From MichelleL on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 09:36:38

Welcome to the blog! It's great to lurk but even better to participate. I too am having to learn to stretch religiously.

From Cheryl on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 10:08:50

Thanks Michelle. Yours is one of the blogs I've followed as I've "lurked." I think you're going to do really well in Ogden

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 10:16:04

Welcome to the blog! This is a very significant event in this history of the blog. My mom would be saying that a big elephant died today.

From steve ashbaker on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 10:58:31

Good Cheryl, Especially the way you did the second workout. For now don't worry if you can't do that every day especially on days when you do longer runs.

From Terry on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 12:03:20

Nice to have another S. Jordan runner on board.

From Cheryl on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 12:22:45

Thanks everyone for the welcome. Sasha, I'm glad a big elephant died today. This blogging is kind of fun. Steve, maybe the second workout is why I didn't feel great today, so maybe I'd better limit that. Terry, if you want to come to our fun running group in So. Jordan, let me know.

Total Distance

Ran with the group today.  At least, that was the intention.  We met at 5:30 at the River Front park and ran for about 20 minutes, then started the real workout.  Realized my legs were tight and achy and just did not feel like I could do the workout, which included hills.  So Debbie, Kris and I just decided to run easy, so we took off and ran to 9800 So. and then got on the parkway trail and ran there and up into the Parkway Palisades neighborhoods until we got in our mileage.  Felt bad about leaving our fun group, but didn't have it today.  Ran easy and flat, which was nice.  Looks like Peggy had a good workout for the others.  Probably need to take it easy this week so I feel good on Saturday for Ogden.

Then after getting the kids to school I went to yoga class at the So. Jordan Rec Center.  My difficulty in doing many of the poses shows I have very tight hips and hamstrings.  That is most likely the cause of many of my running issues.  Will work on more flexibility!

From Jody on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 13:57:09

Glad to see you joined the blog! Hopefully I will get to come run with you someday!

From Cheryl on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 20:54:13

Thanks, Jody. We would love to have you come run with us sometime!

From Julie on Tue, May 13, 2008 at 21:17:25

Hi Cheryl. It sounds like I missed a fun workout. I'm glad you finally have a blog.

Total Distance

Since I've felt fatigued the past couple of days, just decided to take it easy today.  I ran 3 miles and threw in some faster one minute runs during the workout.  Did 15 of them.  My legs felt a little better today, maybe the yoga yesterday helped.

From MichelleL on Wed, May 14, 2008 at 20:57:14

So you are doing Ogden? I hope to meet you there! I'll be wearing a fast running blog singlet. You should buy one for future races. I hope we have a sea of running blog singlets at St. George.

From Cheryl on Thu, May 15, 2008 at 15:29:39

I will look for you guys. I'm doing the relay and am running the last half. Good luck!

Total Distance

Met with our So. Jordan group today up in Daybreak and ran 6 miles.  Was a nice workout because we got both uphills and downhills.  Tried to keep things at half-marathon pace.  Then I went to yoga class after and really enjoyed the stretching.

From Cheris on Thu, May 15, 2008 at 17:27:39

Hi Cheryl,

I didn't realize you had a blog--I am so glad! I miss the running group, I hope next week I can come again.

From Cheris on Thu, May 15, 2008 at 17:28:25

I also am so excited to see how you and Becky do on Saturday. You guys are such awesome competitors!

From Cheryl on Fri, May 16, 2008 at 22:39:21

Thank you Cheris. You're going to do great also. By the time you see this probably Ogden will be over, so we'll need a recap of the race.

From Bonnie on Fri, May 16, 2008 at 23:21:43

Get some sleep Cheryl!! I will be looking forward to hearing all about your race tomorrow!


Race: Ogden marathon relay (13.1 Miles) 00:00:00
Total Distance

Well, Becky and I did this same marathon relay last year in 3:27, and this year it was 3:36, and it wasn't Becky who was slower.  I was 9 minutes slower than last year; I chalk it up to hip/hamstring/piriformis issues that I've struggled with for the past few months.  Oh well, it was good to get the mileage in.  Overall, I tried to keep the pace from getting too uncomfortable.  Peggy was nice enough to run me in the last I think 3 miles--everything was kind of hazy there at the end, and it was nice to have her there to talk to and to keep my mind off the misery.  The others from the blog and my running group did really well.  Cheris and Julie were both well under 4 hours, PR's for both of them, so fantastic job ladies!!  Peggy ran a great half marathon and then ran several more miles, so it was a great day for her too.

  So I ran the Painter's half in January in 1:44, the Moab half in March in 1:47, the Salt Lake half in April in almost 1:56, and this half in 1:51:40, so for the first time this year I haven't gotten slower in a half marathon; I'm hoping that means I'm on the road to recovery.  We'll see.  Congratulations to all the other bloggers for some great races; it was fun to see all the fast running blog singlets go by at the lead of the marathon when I was waiting at the half way point.  Sasha, do you ever acknowledge the people cheering you on or are you in a zone?  I thought for sure you would finish 3rd when I saw you, so congratulations on finishing 2nd.  After the race I went to BYU for several hours to watch my son run in the state track meet, so I saw lots of running today.   What a great day!!

Total Distance

We met with coach Steve at Alta High and he had planned a track workout, but because some of us were still recovering from Ogden we decided to postpone the track work until next week and just run easy on the streets today.  I like the streets around Alta because there is both uphill and downhill work.  We don't get as much of that around Bingham high where we run a lot.  It was a fun run and we picked Steve's brain about various running things such as correct running pace and better recovery and nutrition.  Thanks Steve for all your insights.  I went out and bought chocolate milk after so I would have a better recovery drink;  we'll see if being more diligent about recovery will help my legs feel better this week.

Total Distance

Met with the group today at Bingham high and we ran along the canal road and then into a neighborhood for slightly faster running--but not too fast, Steve.  Once again I kind of died during the run so cut it short and left about 6:30.  Then went to yoga class at 8:45; I'm still very tight, especially on my left side.  I think once I get a bit more flexibility there my running will improve--at least that's the hope.  I also did a little pool running to make up for cutting the street running short.  I haven't included that in the mileage because I'm not quite sure how to do that.

From Sasha Pachev on Fri, May 23, 2008 at 16:35:07

When you are not feeling good, slow down the pace instead of cutting the distance. Nothing wrong with running at 11:00 pace if a faster pace does not feel right.

Total Distance

I needed a rest day so all I got in was 3 miles.  This doesn't help my mileage total, but it's all I felt I could do today.  I did ride my stationary bike for 30 minutes also.

Total Distance

I warmed up on my treadmill and figure I got in about 1/2 mile, then I met with our So. Jordan group at 6:00am and we ran a couple of 2 mile repeats--actually they were both slightly over 2 miles, so I think I got in 5 today.  The first 2 miles was 16:45 and the second was just about 16 minutes even.

Total Distance

Up early again to meet Peggy and Debbie at the Rec Center and then we ran 5 miles, mainly on the canal road.  It was a little faster than I would have run on my own on an easy day, but overall it was ok and it was fun to talk to them.

Total Distance

I ran an hour today, with one of the 30 minutes on my treadmill where I did fast minutes and the other 30 minutes on the canal road where the wind was blowing and my ipod wasn't working right (somehow it got on some repeat function so I had to listen to the same song over and over and over...) so that wasn't too pleasant.  My miles weren't great this week but I think my legs are slowly feeling better, so the plan for next week is to run more.

From josse on Sat, May 24, 2008 at 19:19:27

Great job on getting in a run everyday! Keep up the good work and SG will be way below the 3:30 mark.

From Cheryl on Sat, May 24, 2008 at 21:34:04

Thanks Josse, I appreciate the encouragement!

Total Distance

The day to meet with Steve and the group.  The surprise was that it was raining this morning, I wasn't expecting that.  We (Peggy, Cheris, Kris and Michelle) drove up to Alta High and discussed with Steve whether we wanted to run in the rain.  Finally Lisa showed up and said let's do it, so we were off.  I like those streets around Alta, felt we got in a good workout.  Lots of hilly streets.  We were plently wet when we finished, but overall it was fun.

From Cheris on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 15:26:22

Where is your picture?

From Cheryl on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 15:38:01

If I were more computer literate and knew how to put one on, I'd do it. I'll have to ask one of my kids to help me.

Total Distance

Met with the So. Jordan group at 5:30 and we ran an easy 25 minutes, which I figure was around 2.5 miles.  Then we regrouped and ran 6.5 miles.  I pretty much told everyone to run the pace they felt was best.  I ran with Lynette the entire way and could carry on a conversation even though at times I didn't really want to talk.  So I didn't  think I was running too fast and wasn't checking my time throughout the run and was surprised to see I ran the distance in 54:42, which is around 8:25 per mile.  Could I have maintained that pace for an entire marathon?  No, not right now, but I was glad that 8:25 pace didn't seem overly difficult.  However, just now reading Sasha's comment on Peggy's blog that she shouldn't run over 9 minutes per mile makes me think I maybe ran this too fast; if she should be 9 minute miles, I should be closer to 10 min./mile. Anyway, it's hard to slow down when we feel good running a faster pace.   Plus, time was limited and if we had slowed down we wouldn't have gotten in as many miles.  What to do?

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, May 27, 2008 at 12:48:34

Get up earlier :-)

If you slow down by as much as 1 minute per mile it is only 9 extra minutes for the 9 mile run. The pace should be sufficiently conversational to be able to discuss complicated issues, not just exchange a few quips about the weather and the pace.

From Cheryl on Tue, May 27, 2008 at 13:17:00

Yes, but let's say hypothetically you only have an hour to run. Is it better to run 6 miles slowly or 7 at a faster pace?

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, May 27, 2008 at 13:31:43

If you normally would have run 7 miles in an hour and 10 minutes, and you only have an hour, you should probably do 6.2-6.3 in an hour instead. However, if you normally would have run for an hour, but you find that 20 minutes is your limit for the day, you should warm up for 5 minutes, and then run the next 15 at about your 10 K race pace.

From steve ashbaker on Wed, May 28, 2008 at 22:43:25

Cheryl, It was fine for that particular day. Remember the hard-medium-easy system that we discussed. As long as you take the next day easy, it's actually better as long as you do not overdo the distance for a particular workout intensity.

From steve ashbaker on Wed, May 28, 2008 at 22:50:15

Sasha, Please don't confuse the runners I coach. I have a system and a cycle of training I want them to follow.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 14:12:33


Hard-Medium-Easy might work on a very healthy 20 year old male runner with exceptionally fit nervous system, perfect running form, strong bones, strong joints, strong muscles and a schedule that allows sleeping in doubles (9 hours at night + a 2 hour nap). It will likely overtrain anybody else. At least, as healthy as I am, it overtrains me.

From Jon on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 14:42:29

I saw a study where you actually see more benefit from a hard workout if the next day is a medium rather than real easy day. I don't remember where I saw it but it made me think. Is that what you have them doing, Steve?

I think it may have been Wetmore's philosophy in "Running with the Buffaloes"- hard, medium, then easy days. Maybe we should ask Nick.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 15:25:21

Jon - interestingly enough Nick is currently injured. Hard-Medium-Easy is not for everybody, even if they are very fit and young. However, Easy 5 days a week, a longer Easy possibly with a hard finish on the 6th, and race once a month so far has produced PRs with a very little injury rate on everyone who I have observed. If you can get PRs running easy, why risk injury and overtraining running hard twice a week, and medium hard twice a week on top of it? I'd say wait for the pure base approach to plateau before trying something different.

From Jon on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 15:32:21

I certainly agree that a good base is a prereq to speedwork. I was just discussing (in-general) the concept of following hard days with easy vs. medium once you get to that stage.

From Sasha Pachev on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 15:55:30

The big question is when you get to that stage. From what I've seen I am inclined to believe that very few people ever get to the point of not being able to improve with base alone, and it takes a very long time to get there.

Also if your recovery routine is unpredictable (common theme for almost everybody), you do a hard workout or a medium hard, and then you have some work or family emergency to take care of. So you lose a good meal and a couple of hours of sleep while dealing with the added stress on top. Whatever benefits that hard or medium hard workout had to offer are now negated by the lack of recovery. Going moderately long and easy, on the other hand is a lot more resilient to this. You are not just building running fitness, you are also building another type of strength (while you would have spent it in a hard workout) to cope with stress. So essentially you come into stress (no meal, no nap, someone is yelling at you) after an hour walk in a park enjoying the nature vs after an interval session pushing yourself to the limit.

From Cheryl on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 17:19:55

Thanks for all the comments. I think that's the number one running related thing we discuss in our running group, how much to push the pace on our runs.

From steve ashbaker on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 22:28:21

Who is the coach here? Thank you Jon for backing me up on that. It is a concept that we have discussed recently and some are beginning to incorporate. I have used it before and have had good results. As long as distance, intensity, and rest are properly balanced I believe it to be a good system. Base training contrary to popular opinion is not just composed of slow slogging all of the time.. There are levels of intensity that are gradually increased throught a macrocycle, and even a microcycle per say. My methods have brought me some really good results and on a lot less mileage than some people. I believe in LSD and high mileage. but LSD like everything else can be overdone. Like the old saying goes; Too much long slow distance makes for long and slow runners...

From steve ashbaker on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 22:33:08

And no Sasha I have not started them on intervals yet. Not until later in the season when we start to approach the St George Marathon. So no I don't crash runners with intervals just for sake of doing intervals in the hope that they might get faster. I know what I am doing..

From steve ashbaker on Thu, May 29, 2008 at 23:05:40

Medium is defined in my book is 75-80% mhr or for continuous... runs or in other words, just slower than marathon pace.

Total Distance

Met with Debbie at 6:30 and we ran for an hour, mainly along the canal road.  We did do some barefoot grass running also, that was kind of fun.  Tried to keep the run very easy and relaxed.  It was a great morning to run.

Total Distance

Met with the So. Jordan group at 5:30.  We did a slow warm-up of approximately 2.7 miles, and then we went into our regular workout.  We ran from 3200 W. up 9800 So. to Glenmoor, up the Glenmoor golf course road twice, and back.  That was about 5.8 miles.  I kept the pace moderately easy.  I could carry on a complicated conversation if I wanted.  We decided we don't talk about anything too complicated when we run.  There were only women today, no men, which is somewhat unuual for us.  It was a nice morning to run.  I then went to yoga class and enjoyed the stretching, and when we got out it was very windy and now it's rainy.  I'm glad the morning run was nice.

Total Distance

Met with Peggy and Debbie at 6:00 at the Rec Center and we ran for an hour along the canal roads.  Kept the pace easy; nice morning, nice conversation, nice run.  It makes a difference running with others.  Usually on my own I'm constantly looking at my watch and just hoping the time will pass fast and spending a lot of time talking myself into completing the run.  Today I barely noticed the time and it seemed like the hour went fast.

Total Distance

Today was an interesting running day.  I first got on my treadmill around 6:30 and ran a warm-up with some fast sprints intermixed.  That was about 2 miles.  Then I went to run a 5K that a young man working on his Eagle project was sponsoring.  It was down on the Jordan Parkway trail by 106th So.  My time was 24:39, not a great time, in fact my slowest 5k in a long time, but I was happy with it because when I went in I thought anything in the 24's and I'd be happy.   The last few times we've done practice 5ks I've been in the 26 minute range. At the turn-around I was about 13 minutes, so I thought the best I'd do would be in the 25's.  I guess I picked it up the 2nd half to finish where I did.  Then I ran another 6 miles, slowly, with Debbie, Peggy (who won the women's portion of the 5k) and Alan.  Almost hit 50 miles this week, not quite, but I was happy with the week because I put in a lot more miles than I think I ever have before and it really wasn't that hard.  Running slowly and with the group makes a difference.

From Jody on Sat, May 31, 2008 at 18:26:00

Great week! Way to kick it in on the second half of the 5k.

I am hoping that a couple more good weeks and I will be ready to join you guys on Tues. & Thurs.

From Cheryl on Sat, May 31, 2008 at 18:37:56

Jody--thanks for the comment. We would love to have you join us at our group!

From Julie on Sun, Jun 01, 2008 at 10:39:38

Great job at the race. I'm very impressed with your milage this week.

Total Distance

We met at Riverton High to do our workout with Steve.  He had us warm-up, and then we ran a 200 with a 600 recovery, then a 1600 with an 800 recovery, and then we repeated that for 3 repetitions total.  My first two 1600 times were right about 8 minutes, and then my third was 7:22.  Probably a little too fast but I was glad I could hit that time.  It's been a while since I've run a 1600 or a mile that fast, so it tells me my recovery is progressing.  Those there were Peggy, Debbie, Cheris and Michelle.

Total Distance

We met with our So. Jordan group today at Bingham High and ran an easy warm-up of about 2.5 miles.  Then we went into the main workout of doing a similar run to last week, about 6.5 miles, except the opposite direction of what we did last week.  I ran a little slower this time, probably close to 9 minute miles.  I felt a little fatigued, but basically ok.  Then it was yoga class at the Rec Center, I think I need more stretching.

From steve ashbaker on Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 18:33:15

Looks good. Very easy tomorrow, just jog easy.

Total Distance

I needed a sleep-in day today, so I didn't get up early to run.  Then when I saw it raining at 10am I wished I had gotten up early.  Managed to get in two 30-minute runs working around the rain.  I ran easy and tried to practice better form that Steve told about, running more on the toes and lifting the knees.  They were enjoyable workouts, except I started out in a jacket, hat and gloves and thought, this is June in Utah, what is wrong with this picture?  Must be global warming.

From steve ashbaker on Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 21:59:32

Thursday evenings are good also for me if that is what the group needs to do.

Total Distance

I came home from today's run singing that well known show tune "Running in the Rain."  We met with our group at 5:30am and ran an easy probably 2.5 mile warm-up.  Then for the main workout we ran about 6.5 miles on some hilly terrain in the Parkway Palisades area.  It rained the entire time and I really wished I had gloves.  I could barely turn the key to start my car at the end because my hands were so numb.  As far as the workout goes, I ran easy to moderate.  It was enjoyable; I never thought I'd say that after a Parkway Palisades run.  I then went to yoga class and enjoyed the stretching, as always. 

Total Distance

I had an early wedding to get to this morning, so I had to run a little earlier than I wanted to.  I left my house about 5:45 and ran to the SJ Rec Center to meet Peggy, Debbie and Alan.  From there we ran on the canal road.  I had to leave early to get ready for the wedding, so I just ran home.  Total running time was 55 minutes, and I'm figuring that was about 5 miles.

Total Distance

Some in the group had planned to run up Butterfield Canyon today to help prepare us for the WBR.   Eric, Debbie, Alan, Greg and I drove up at 6:30 and met Cheris and Michelle who had already been up and down once.  We all took off together.  Cheris, Michelle and I turned around at mile 3 and ran back down, the others kept going up.  At the bottom Cheris and Michelle left, then I ran back up to meet the others.  I made it about 1.5 miles before seeing them, then ran down.  So I figure I got in at least 9 miles.  We saw the sole sisters group just starting as we were finishing.  It felt good to be done.

Total Distance

Met with some of the group at 5:45 and ran about 8 miles up to Glenmoor and back.  We advertised it as an easy run, but for me it was more of a moderate effort--not easy, not hard.  The pace was probably about 9:15 per mile.  It was a nice morning to run.

Total Distance

I could tell this was going to be a tough day when I tried to warm-up on my treadmill and I quit after about 3 minutes.  Usually I'm able to get in a pretty good warm-up, most times I don't want to stop the warm-up, but today that wasn't the case.  I then met our group at Bingham at 5:30am and we ran easy for about 2 miles, then we went to the one street close by that has a hill and ran around there.  Peggy had a fast and slow option for us, for me it was no choice; I was going slow today.  Dragged myself thru about 5 miles, then done.  These early mornings may be catching up with me.  I went to yoga class and dragged thru that too, just did not have my usual enthusiasm for the fun poses.  Oh well, if Big Brown can have one of those days, so can I!  Tomorrow will (hopefully) be a better day.

Total Distance

Treadmill day.  I know some people call it the "dreadmill" but for some strange reason I like occasionally running on a treadmill.  Today I did two miles easy, then two miles where I threw in some faster one minute intervals.  Felt much better today, I was happy with the workout.  Went to the chiropractor today also, trying to get that piriformis muscle loosened up.

From Maurine on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 09:11:06

I agree - treadmills can be wonderful tools. I hate doing long training runs on them, but I have to admit that I hate hypothermia more with winters like last one.

From Cheryl on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 13:39:22

I totally agree! Thanks for the comment.

Total Distance

Busy night last night, my kids were preparing for youth conference and had friends over late, I guess the night before party, so I slept a bit fitfully.  I therefore did not get up early for my group, missed the 5:30 run but met them at the church on 3200 W. and 102So. at 6am.   We ran just under 7 miles; I ran with Kris and Lynette and tried to keep the pace fairly easy because of our second run tonight with Steve.  Of course, I always run a bit faster than I probably should.  One of these days I'm going to run a truly easy run; hopefully tomorrow!

PM--We (Michelle, Cheris and I) met with Steve at Alta High at 7:00 and we ran up I guess it's called Bell Canyon road.  It was very pretty.  We did 4 miles up and then down, throwing in a few faster surges along the way.  It was fun.  If we do something like that regularly, we'll be well prepared for St. George.


From steve ashbaker on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 23:33:39

Good job on todays workout. You ran well and with really good effort on the faster stretches.

From steve ashbaker on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 23:37:17

See if you can get Michelle to post an entry.

From Shauna on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 23:55:29

Wow! Yeah, I think you'll be ready to rock at St. George with that kind of mileage!

From Cheryl on Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 16:20:35

Shauna--Thanks for the nice comment.

Steve--We all really enjoyed last evening's run; thank you. I told Michelle you wanted her to start blogging and she said she would. See you Monday

Total Distance

I was a little afraid to run today because of the big day yesterday.  I don't know, I just have this fear of injuries.  So I power walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I felt it was a good workout, but should I have run very easily instead?  Not sure what to do in this situation.

Total Distance

I have not had a truly easy day of running in a long time, so I decided today would be the day.  I was going to run slow, slow, slow, I didn't care what the pace was.  So I started out on the canal road slow, slow, slow I felt, but would find myself speeding up periodically, so I just worked on slowing myself down.  The goal today was to run for two hours.  After the first hour, I took my shoes off and ran barefoot in the grass (sounds like a movie title) in the fields by Bingham for about 30 minutes.  Now let me tell you, that was fun!   It even felt liberating, so liberating that I felt like joining NOW (I was going to say I felt like burning something, but didn't know if that was appropriate.)  I felt like I could go really fast on the grass.  Watch out, BBK group, I know what I'll be planning for you soon.  After that, I put my shoes back on and finished the run on the canal road.  I'm not sure how far I went, but I'll estimate that I averaged 5.5 mph, so I'll put down 11 miles. 

From steve ashbaker on Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 23:31:47

Good for you Cheryl.. I'm glad you had fun today. Save your smoke for Monday though!

Total Distance

We had decided to just run easy this morning because of  Steve's group tonight.   So met at 6:30am at the Jr. Parkway Trail at 9800 So.  Debbie, Michelle and Alan were the others there.  We just ran nice and easy along the trail.  I was practicing being less of a heel striker and more of a running on the toes, picking up the knees runner.  It seemed to help, I felt a lot less stress in my hamstrings and the run was definitely more enjoyable than usual.  I got out my book on Chi Running afterwards, seeing what tips I could glean from that.  I think that is the perfect way you should run, it's just a matter of learning how to do it correctly.   Any Chi Runners out there?

And then this evening we met with Steve at Riverton High and ran some 1000's.   I kept my times and then erased them accidentally, but I think they were 4:31, 4:41, and then 4:34.  We did a 400 and I remember my time on that was 1:47.  I checked my running journal from last year and last August I ran 1000's at one of our workouts in 4:07, 4:05 and 3:56.  So obviously I've lost a lot since last year.  I'm not quite sure why, but I hope to get it back.  We'll see.  Besides the heat, it was a fun workout.  We talked with Steve after about various running things and that was fun.  I could tell you his max heartrate, but I won't.

From steve ashbaker on Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 00:04:16

Watch it Cheryl.. I'll make you run 20x400m with 100m interval! Hee Hee!

From Cheryl on Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 00:57:35

Now that sounds like real fun!

Total Distance

Because of the workout last evening, I did not want to meet with the group at 5:30am.  Made it at 6:00am and we ran a basically continuous run around the neighborhood just south of the high school, to Canterwood and Rustic Rds., back to the neighborhoods and then back to the high school.  Steve told us to run easy today but I found myself running just a little faster than I probably should  have run.  Oh well, we can't be perfect all the time.  Later on I put in some faster strides on the treadmill (16).  That was fun.

From steve ashbaker on Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 22:16:27

Make sure you get at least a couple of very easy days a week. Don't worry about yesterday as long as you get some very easy running in this week. Sometimes a hard-medium-easy type pattern is best but only if the the hard day was not particularly brutal. I was not sure how you all would feel the next day considering the heat. So I thought it would be best to err on the safe side.

Total Distance

Met with Alan, Debbie, and Peggy  and we ran along the canal road for about an hour (1:02 to be exact by my watch.)  That was 6 miles according to Alan's GPS.  It was a comfortable pace, but I could have run slower and been more comfortable.  Bothers me somewhat that 10 minute miles doesn't seem super comfortable.  And I'm hoping to run 8 minute miles in the marathon...Hmmm....  Anyway, my legs were feeling kind of stale so I went to the pool later on and pool ran, hoping that would revive them.  I'm not sure yet if it worked.  I "ran" for 30 minutes, but I'm not logging any of that as mileage. 

From marion on Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 13:01:24

Hi Cheryl-

I saw your comment on Michelle's blog and thought I'd say hi. I am a fellow yoga lover too. It is so great to find other runners who love yoga!

I hope the pool helped your legs. I love the water! We are getting a new pool with a lazy river and I am looking forward to it!

From Cheryl on Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 16:05:47

Marion--Thank you for the comment. Yes, I love yoga and think it's really helpful for flexibility when you're a runner. I also like to pool run, I feel like the pool is really rejuvenating. Lucky you to have your own pool! Good luck with the running.

From marion on Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 16:27:50

I only wish it was in my yard :) It's the new community pool. Sorry for the confusion. It's only a few blocks away though. Yipee!!

Total Distance

Well, my legs, specifically my calves, were sore this morning, so I skipped my group run, thinking it was better to rest my legs for the WBR.  I did go to the gym and pool run for an hour, which was very enjoyable.  I've decided I'll convert my pool running into 15 minute miles, so that's how I came up with 4 miles.  If anyone else thinks I should do it differently, let me know.  Hopefully I'll feel strong and well for the relay.

Race: Wasatch Back Relay 26:50:10
Total Distance

I ran the Wasatch Back Relay with my Bingham Glute Kicker group.  I was the lead-off runner in van 2, so my first leg began about 3:15 in Liberty.   A guy passed me right off the bat, but I eventually passed him back.  I passed several other people who looked to be mainly recreational runners.  I ran that leg in 32:32, so if it was really 4 miles, I was happy with the time.

My second leg began about 11:00pm when I took the hand-off in East Canyon.   This leg was rated moderate, but I felt it was pretty difficult with a lot of uphill.  It was dark so I couldn't really tell that well, but it felt very uphill.  Two guys passed me during that leg.  My time for 3.9 miles was almost 40 minutes.

After everyone was done, we went to the middle school in Heber to spend a few hours.  I had a great shower, then probably slept for just over an hour.  I took the next handoff about 7:45am.  And then the big event of this relay happened.  I knew Sasha's team was starting at 5:00pm (our team started at 9:20am), and as much as I couldn't believe a team that started over 7.5 hours behind us would beat us, I knew we would eventually be passed by a Fast Running Blog runner.  So out of 12 people on our team, I was the lucky one who got passed by Sasha's team.  I felt so proud!  He was very friendly and we exchanged a few words, then he was off, a speck in the distance.  I finished that leg in 34:05; it was 4.1miles.  So I was done with my running early and got to watch my teammates run their legs and got to enjoy Ragnar from the van.  We finished in 26:50:10, with an 8:53 per mile average.  I thought finishing under a 9 minute mile pace was a great accomplishment.  Good job team!!


From Julie on Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 19:54:25

Great job Cheryl. This sounds like a blast. I hope I can run it with you guys next year.

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 20:01:04

That would have been Taylor Price. Leg 19 is a beast. I ran it in 2006. Paul was with me on a bike. The hill was so steep that Paul fell behind, and did not catch me until we started going downhill.

From Cheryl on Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 00:38:32

Julie--Thanks for the comment. We would love to have you on the team next year.

Sasha--I knew that run was hilly. Congratulations on how well your teams did.

Total Distance

Met with some of the group at Cheris' house and we ran about 8 miles.  I said I was going to take it easy but ended up running faster than I probably should have, coming off of the WBR.  I need a recovery run from my recovery rn.

Total Distance

Met with our BBK group at 5:30 and we ran easy around the So. Jordan park area for about 25 minutes.  Then we kind of broke up; most ran our SJ 5K route, and Alan and I ran barefoot in the grass park.  Wanted to try some barefoot running and it was fun, except our feet got cold after about 15 minutes.  Then we met up with the rest of the group and ran around Canterwood and Rustic Roads for about 34 minutes.  Felt pretty good today.

Total Distance

I ran on the treadmill for about four miles, throwing in some fast one minutes along the way.   It was a lot of fun.

Total Distance

We met at the church by 9700 So. and 2200 W. and ran thru the neighborhood west of there for our warm-up.  Then we ran about a 6 mile tempo run, starting running downhill down 9800 So. to the Parkway Trail, south until 106th So., up there until 1000W., then back up 9800.  I ran with Nancy's daughter Christine, a young fast gal.  I wasn't sure who was setting the pace, but I seemed to be breathing harder than she was.  I was glad I was able to run a good pace, but I think I would have enjoyed the run more if I had run just a tad bit slower. Overall I felt it was a good workout.

From Kim on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:11:13

Good job! Nice, consistent week! Do you mind telling me what a "grand master" is?

From Cheryl on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:20:50

I didn't know what it was either until I went to the 15K race put on by the Salt Lake Track Club in February. They had grand master awards for that race. It just means you're 50 or older and I am the ripe old age of 50 so I qualified. Thanks for the comment.

Total Distance

Easy day of cross-training because my legs were a little sore and I thought it best to lay off the running, plus I wanted to be somewhat fresh for Saturday.  So today I rode my bike for about 45 minutes and then pool ran for about 45 minutes.  I'm listing it as 4 miles because that seems fair.

Total Distance

We met with Steve this morning at 6am at Alta High and ran south until the Draper trail and then kept on that until the road that leads up to Suncrest, I believe (maybe I'm wrong about that, it was a big hilly road anyway, maybe called Travers Ridge.)  Then we turned around and ran easy until about 126th So., then picked it up.  I thought it was good to finish a long run strong instead of the other way around.  It was a fun workout, I'm sure more than I would have done on my own, and more fun than on my own.  With Cheris, Michelle, Debbie, Alan and Steve, you're bound to have some interesting conversations.

From Cheris on Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 11:48:53

VERY interesting conversations!

From Shauna on Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 12:44:39

Great job today! I also try to pick up the pace for the last 2-3 miles of every long run. It's a big help psychologically as well as physically, especially when you can start passing people at the end of a race!

The interesting conversations always help the time go by too!

From Julie on Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 12:52:55

That sounds like a fun course. I'll have to try that sometime. Great job this week.

Total Distance

Some of us from the group met at Michelle's house at 5:45 and ran 8 miles.  Those there:  Julie, Cheris, Peggy, Debbie, Lisa, Nancy, Aaron and his friend Siddaharta (I guess that's his real name, that's what he told us. He goes by Buck also.)  And of course Michelle was there.  We split up pretty early and I ended up running (or trying to run) with Peggy and the guys.  I kept thinking I shouldn't be running Peggy's pace, it's too fast, but I couldn't help but try.  I'm sorry, I guess Steve's right, I just try to push it on every run when it would be better to take things a little slower.  Anyway, they gradually pulled away from me, but I was able to keep them in sight.  We ran by Peggy's house to see her new sod; it looked really good.  Peggy was nice enough to slow down and run with me the last two miles or so.  Total time for the run was 1:13:04; we did stop for a light for at least a minute it seemed, so maybe total running time was really 1:12, which I would be very happy with.  Great morning to run!

From Shauna on Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 13:42:15

Great job this morning! It's great to push the pace by running with faster people sometimes.

Total Distance

Today was not a great day.  I met with our Bingham group at 5:30 and we started by running a 25 minute warm-up that felt too hard the entire way.  The pace was probably about 9:30.  Then Peggy had us do some speed where we ran half mile repeats.  I just didn't have it today, I really struggled.   Makes me wonder whether I ran too fast yesterday and was feeling it today, because I did push the pace a little yesterday, averaging 9 minute miles when Steve told me I should be closer to 10 minute miles on my easy days.   Or was it a recovery issue, maybe I didn't recover fully yesterday.  I want to be able to run well on most days, I don't want to feel trashed, so maybe I need to make my easy days even easier.

From Kim on Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 13:19:33

Sorry it felt hard, but you did 8 miles! Nothing to feel bad about! I agree with making the easy days easier!

From Cheryl on Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 15:51:29

Kim--Thanks for the comment. I think after how I feel today that I will definitely make the easy days easier.

Total Distance

Today was my treadmill day.  I first did about a 10 minute warm-up of walking/slow running.  Then I did about 15 fast one minute sprints and one minute recoveries.   The "sprints" weren't overly fast, but faster than I usually run.  Then I ran a 5K on the treadmill in about 22 minutes, with the treadmill set on a decline, so I did get some help with running slightly downhill.  I used to do these 5K runs a lot when I set my St. George PR last year, then I struggled with some injuries early this year and seemed to really slow down, so with my advancing age, entering that time of life (you know what I mean), I almost believed I would never run a 5K on the treadmill that fast again.  So needless to say I was quite happy with the effort today.  Isn't running great, you can feel great all day after a good run (of course, if it's a bad run you try not to have it ruin your day.)

From Shauna on Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 22:21:04

Nice job! That's a smokin' fast time! Were you on a treadmill that actually goes lower than 0.0 incline? That sounds like a great workout for St. George training. I just can't find a hill that's long enough (except one, and it's way too steep).

From Cheryl on Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 22:40:10

Shauna--What I do is put a board under the treadmill to make it decline a little. I read about that in Runner's World, they said it's a good way to train for a downhill run if there aren't many good downhill routes where you live. I think it really helped me last year for St. George.

Total Distance

We met at the River Front park by the East pavilion.   The plan was to take it easy because of races tomorrow.  Once again, I struggled.  I'm thinking now my main problem  is I'm too tight in the hamstrings, hips, glutes and back area, and that makes it hard for my legs to stride out well.  I'm spending too much energy fighting the tightness. So once again, I will make stretching a HIGH priority.  Check back to see if this works.

Race: Riverton 10K (6.2 Miles) 00:50:46, Place in age division: 2
Total Distance

This year started out promising, I hit PR's at all the Salt Lake Track Club Winter Series races in January and February, and then for some reason I got lax on the stretching and by late March I got hit by some serious sciatica/piriformis issues that really slowed me down.  Since then I have consistently hit PW's, the slowest 5K and half marathons since 2003.  So I knew today would be a PW in the 10K and seriously debated whether I even wanted to run it and have to see the awful truth.  But I decided why not, a race would probably be good for me.

So yesterday I stretched and stretched A LOT, trying to get things to loosen up.  I had been really tight in my run yesterday and wondered if I could possibly get things better for today.  I think I figured out I need to do more hip exercises for flexibility so that's what I concentrated on.  Josse told me the pigeon was a good yoga stretch, so I've incorporated that into my routine.  Last night I went out with my dog to see how I felt and ran a little and felt pretty good, so I was more confident for today.

So I definitely felt quite a bit looser during the race, which was a good sign.  My time was a PW (in the last five or six years) but just the fact that I felt better left me somewhat encouraged.

Our Bingham running group did well, several placed high in the race.  Peggy won for the women, Lynette was 3rd, Jessie 4th, Michelle, Julie and Cheris did great, Debbie won her age group, I think Nancy M. did also.  Hope I didn't forget any of the women.  The men I won't mention, too many to mention.  Now our coach STEVE ASHBAKER won the race overall.  Yea Steve!!  So I'm glad I did it, it was fun.  I warmed up before hand and then cooled down, so that's where the extra mileage came from.


From Sasha Pachev on Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 16:24:49

After talking with Steve about the course, and looking at his and Terry's times, I think 50:46 is an all right time. Not exceptional, but not as miserably horrible as you think.

From Cheryl on Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 16:42:45

Thanks for the encouragement Sasha. I guess my discouragement comes from running that 10K at Salt Air in 46:28 and then having such a regression lately. But I think I've figured out the problems and hopefully I'm on the mend and will be back!

Total Distance

We (speaking of  me, Debbie, Cheris, and Michelle) met with Steve today at the Jr. Parkway Trail at 126th So.  The idea was to run a recovery run after yesterday's race.  Right when we started running I felt like the pace was too fast and it wasn't true recovery, but hey, we were in a group and I wasn't going to be the one to tell them to slow down, so I just plugged away, trying to keep up.  Eventually things got easier as I warmed up into the run.  Steve talked to me about why I'm struggling with running right now, he thinks my hips are weak and I spend too much contact time on the ground, my cadence isn't fast enough, I don't pick up my knees enough, I shuffle too much, I look tight, I look weak, I slouch too much... but besides that my form is ok.  So I guess I have a lot to work on.  He suggested doing fast uphill sprints to help with strength and knee lift.  He also suggested doing squats and other strengthening exercises.   So all that was very informative.  Right when we had about done 10 miles, we passed Julie and a different Michelle and they said they were going 13 miles, so I was afraid everyone would want to go 13 also, but we stopped at 10.  That was just enough for me.  We talked for a while as we stretched, and of course the conversation was interesting as always. 

Total Distance

Met with some of the group at the church at 9700 So. & 2200 W. and we ran our 8 mile Glenmoor Route, which is 4 miles up a steady incline and then obviously 4 miles back down.  I once again probably ran a little too fast, but wanted to keep up.  It took 1:13:26 for the run.  I felt a little less tight today, although there is still something going on in my glutes.  Will it ever end?  I'm going to really work on strengthening and stretching that area.

Total Distance

I met with the group at Bingham High at 5:30 and we ran easy for about 25 minutes.  Then we regrouped and did a neighborhood run of about 6.5 miles.  I  started out with a new woman and was talking to her and the main group took off.  I tried to catch them after a few minutes and spent the entire workout trying to catch them but never did.  It took me about 57 minutes to run the distance.  The good news is I did not feel as tight as I was feeling last week.  I keep thinking I've figured out what my main problem is.  Now I think it's weak glutes and that's why my piriformis is bothering me.   I've been stretching but not really working on strengthening.  Now I'm going to add strengthening into my repetoire and see if that's the magic key.  I did go to yoga class after and that felt pretty good.

From Jody on Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 17:28:32

Nice job! It always seems like there is some little nagging pain. Take care of yourself!

From Cheryl on Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 15:25:27

Thanks, Jody. You're running really well right now, keep up the good work!

Total Distance

I ran about 3 miles on the canal road working on faster leg turnover; then later I got on the treadmill and put in some more miles.

Total Distance

I met with the BBK group and we ran the Riverton 10K route again.  Along the way a little black lab puppy started following us and it ran with us for probably at least a mile before it got distracted by another dog and ran after it.  Where it started running with us there weren't many houses around, where it stopped following us was in a neighborhood.   I hope somebody sees it and takes care of it.  I felt a little bad about abandoning it, but what can you do?  We put in about 9 miles.  Later on, after stretching, I just felt like running again, so I put in a little over 3 miles on the treadmill.  Today was one of those days where I just had a lot of energy so I decided to take advantage of it and get in some more miles.  Probably tomorrow I'll pay for it and be really tired, but tomorrow is supposed to be an easy day, so I'll take it real easy.

Total Distance

I ran for 60 minutes on and around the canal roads, working on leg turnover.  It was an enjoyable run.

PM--took Schneider the schnauzer this evening and ran an easy 30 minutes on the canal road.  I'll say that was 2.5 miles

Total Distance

I just read Michelle L.'s blog where she said she did 80 miles this week for the first time.  This must be a week for firsts because I hit 50 miles for the first time, and Michelle Margetts from my running group also hit 50 for the first time.  So hurray for all of us!!  Though as Sasha says, mileage isn't what really matters, what matters is how you perform in a race, but hopefully this mileage will translate into better racing.

I met at the Riverton track at 6:00am with Cheris, Michelle and Debbie.  Steve had a baby-sitting issue and couldn't be with us, but he told me the workout he wanted us to run.  We warmed up for two miles on 2700 West, and then did about 3 laps of speed changes before we hit the meat of  the workout.  We ran 6 800's, with the idea to get progressively faster.  My times were:  ?, I had a watch problem; 4:06; 4:03; 3:54; 3:44; and 3:26.  At least I think those are the times.  I'm going from memory because I stupidly deleted things before writing them down.  I know the last one is correct and the others I'm pretty sure are accurate.  I was happy to hit a 3:26.  We then finished up with 6 100 meter sprints.  I felt aerobically ok during the workout, my limiting factor is still the tightness in my hamstrings and glutes.  I just feel like I cannot stride out all the way.  I will keep working on that

When I got home I felt like I had extra energy, so I ran for an easy 30 minutes on the canal road with Schneider.  I guess my energy wasn't as great as I thought it was because I struggled a little on this run.  But overall it was a good running day.  I'm working on faster leg turnover and I think that is helping a little.

Have a great weekend all you bloggers!!


Total Distance

A few of us--Cheris, Michelle, Nancy and Eric--met at 5:30am and drove up to Popperton Park and ran down 11th Avenue, then around into City Creek Canyon for a little ways up, then back down thur Memory Grove, then up the stairs and back to B Street..  Then we did one of my favorite runs, where you go up an avenue, then over, then up, then over, and repeat that pattern until we got back to 11th Avenue.  The hills were tough, but they didn't seem as hard as when I've run them in the past.  Maybe my bigger mileage base is helping there.  We then ran back to our cars at Popperton and had a fun ride home.  We did see Chad during the run, he came zipping by us.  We also saw my friend Ann Cannon.  Memory Grove is very pretty and was probably my favorite part of the run--except for those hills!!

 P M--took Schneider and ran easy on the canal  road for 30 minutes.  I'll count that as 2.5 miles

From peggy on Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 13:12:44

By all accounts, Cheryl, you were very fast yesterday on the hills. Way to go.

From Cheryl on Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 15:47:36

Thank you Peggy for that very nice comment. I think all our running and hill training may be paying off because like I said the hills didn't seem as intimidating as they have been in the past.

Total Distance

I missed my group today because I had a doctor's appt. for a physical this morning.  I was supposed to fast for it, so I didn't think it was wise to run hills for 10 miles and then not be able to eat for maybe two or three hours after.  It turned out that I chewed one measly little piece of gum and they said that would alter the results, so I couldn't do my blood test today.  All because of one little piece of gum!

Anyway, my workout today consisted of 20 minutes on the Stair Master at the SJ Rec Ctr, and then 30 minutes of pool running at Marv Jenson's.  I will count that as 3 miles.  I also lifted weights, mainly for my legs to strengthen hamstrings, glutes and quads.

Total Distance

I wanted to meet with some in the group to run this morning, but I was fasting again for my blood test, so decided to run after the test.  So I ended up running around noon, the heat of the day, but it wasn't too bad because of the cloud cover.  I ran for 60 minutes straight, stopped to drink and rest a few minutes, then ran for 30 minutes.  I will count that as 9 miles.  I ran mainly on the canal roads.

From Bonnie on Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 21:10:20

how cool our birthdays are on the same day and we both are masters runners!! I think you need to change your "goal type" you already have established your ability to finish marathons - I would think age group winner would be more your goal? Especially with a 3:35 and from the grandmasters division!

From Cheryl on Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 22:33:51

Bonnie--yes, I wish "Marathon PR" was an option. I feel like age group winner, especially at St. George, is a little too ambitious, since last year the winner in my age group was around 3:15. But at smaller races I'm sometimes the winner in my age group (50-54). Too bad you won't be running St. George, but Taiwan sounds awfully exciting. You are quite the world traveller!

Total Distance

I met with the group at the Jr. River parkway trail at Gardner Village to run 10 miles.  I started out running with Cheris, Julie, and Lynette, then they wanted to pick up the pace and I didn't, so after about mile 2 I was on my own.  I started taking 1 minute walking breaks at mile 3 just to see how that would go.  I guess it went ok.  My splits:

1- 9:20










What can I say, the total time was 1:30:33, so my aveage was about 9:03.  It would have been nice to have been faster, but it is what it is.  That trail has always been kind of tough for me.  Nice to get in the mileage.


Total Distance

Different kind of work out day.  I first went to the SJ Rec pool and did some pool running there and other exercises.  Then I got on my treadmill and ran some hill sprints, something Steve told me to do to help my form--getting more of a knee lift.  I enjoyed it so much that I did some more in the evening--quick 30 seconds sprints, not too bad.  I think for all I did, wirh warm-ups and cool downs, that I got in at least 4 miles.

Total Distance

We met with Steve today at Alta High at 6am.  Those there were Cheris, Michelle, Debbie and Alan.  We ran south and saw everyone preparing for the Draper 5K.  We stopped for a couple of minutes for Steve to talk with Sasha, then we were off.  We went to the road that leads up to Suncrest and ran up it for quite a ways.  Have you guys ever been on it, it is a pretty steep and steady uphill.  Steve says we'll run all the way up one of these days, I can't wait for that.  Maybe we'll bring our BBK group here someday.  After running that a few times, Veyo will seem like a piece of cake.  Then we had the screaming downhill which probably beat up my legs, and I'll feel it tomorrow.  Then it was pretty steady back to Alta, except for a stop at the park again to see how Sasha did.  Steve's prediction of 16:26 was off by 2 seconds.  Pretty good time prediction!  The others in the group wanted to go 16 miles, I was happy with 14, and my legs were saying, "Time to stop" so I hung out at the high school until they finished.   I felt pretty wasted when I got home, but nothing a little nap couldn't remedy.

From Jody on Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 20:40:49

Sounds like you had a great run! I always need a recovery nap on long run days, its like my little reward for running long.

Total Distance

I met with Peggy at 5:30am and we ran from her house down to the trail, up in Parkway Palisades and back.  The distance was 8 miles and the time was about 1:12 on the dot.  We discussed, as she said in her blog, all the issues of the world today.  I don't think we solved any of them though. The pace was brisk for me, I never felt totally comfortable but not too uncomfortable either.  What is that pace called, between comfortable and uncomfortable?   Comfortably hard?  Was I running tempo pace?  I think it wasn't quite as fast as tempo pace.  Hopefully 9 minute miles will start feeling totally comfortable soon.  Overall it was an enjoyable run.

Total Distance

I was up at 4:45 so theoretically I had plenty of time to get ready and meet my group at 5:30.  But in reality I was so tired that I just couldn't get going.  After dragging around, I got on the treadmill and did a short warm-up.  I started to feel better, so I headed off to meet the group at 6:00.  We met at the trailhead at 123rd So. and the Jr. River Parkway trail.  There was a pretty large group today--and even an ex-BYU quarterback joined us, Paul Shoemaker, who played in the early 1990's.  I knew my 17 year old BYU fanatic son would be interested in me meeting him--even my 51 year old BYU fanatic husband would be interested in that too. 

Anyway, we ran down the trail and then back, supposedly alternating between 8 minutes easy, 8 minutes hard.  I think Brett Jenkins summed it up when we were halfway done, and he asked, "When does the easy part begin?"  I was amused by that.  It does seem like the pace doesn't really alternate between easy-hard, but more like hard-harder.  I wonder if it would be better to make the easy part easier and the fast part faster.  I guess I could just do that myself, but it's hard to really slow down when you are with a group. We all want to push the pace a little, I think.  Anyway, it was a fun run overall.

From Kim on Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 17:18:54

Great first 2 days of the week! Are you doing a race on Thursday?

From Jody on Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 21:53:51

Another great work out! Are you running DesNews tomorrow?

From Cheryl on Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 20:55:39

Thanks for the comments, Kim and Jody. I was out of town this week and that is why I'm late in responding--no free internet where I was. Obviously I did not run on the 24th, though I wish I could have. Oh well, there is always next year. Good luck with your running!

Total Distance

We were in Las Vegas today on vacation.  I thought about getting up and running down the strip, but unfortunately it remained just a thought.  I did run the stairs that were by our room.  We then drove to San Clemente in CA and went immediately to the beach.  So I did what any runner would do and ran barefoot on the beach for 30 minutes.  That was a lot of fun.

Total Distance

We were still by the beach in San Clemente.  I got up early and went out running. There was a great path that paralled the beach, lots of runners and walkers using it.   It was very pretty and relaxing to hear the ocean as I ran.  I went by time, 1:05, so I will count that as 7 miles.

Total Distance

Still by the beach.  This time I concentrated on hills, lots of hills to run, so that's what I did.  I went for 1:05, so once again I'll count it as 7 miles.

Later we went to Sea World.  We were all amazed by how they're able to train those sea creatures to do all those tricks.  I'm almost as amazed that they're able to train cats to do tricks. Being a cat owner my entire life, I always thought cats were untrainable, but I guess I was wrong.

Total Distance

Last day at the beach.  Once again I concentrated on hills during the first half of the run, then I went to the beach and ran on it for about 20 minutes.  The total time was 1:25, so I'll count that as 9 miles.   I had three very enjoyable days running at the beach.  I think running at sea level is easier than here in Utah, at least I wasn't breathing as hard as I usually do.  Maybe I wasn't running as hard, I'm not sure what the explanation is.  All I know is I had fun running in San Clemente!

Total Distance

Some of us met to run the Glenmoor route, starting at the church at 9700 So. and 2200 W.  I took off feeling stronger than I have in a while.  Maybe those runs in California helped?  Anyway, I ran with Julie, Cheris and Peggy the entire way.  They were talking comfortably, I was happy to mainly listen.  The total time for the distance was 1:11:12, which I think is the fastest I've run it lately, so I was pleased about that.  My glutes were sore when I got home, I need to keep working on that.

Total Distance

I met with our group at Bingham High at 5:30 and we ran for a little over 2 miles, mainly on the canal road.  Then to our regular workout at 6:00.  We had around 10 people there.  We ran a workout I found in Running Times where we did fast two minutes, then recovery, a fast 5 minute, 10 minute, 5 minute, with recovery after each, and we ended with some hill sprints on Rustic Roads.  We then ran 30-30 back to the high school.  Everyone seemed to like the workout.  I felt pretty good, my legs were just slightly rubbery, probably recovering from yesterday.

From peggy on Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 17:25:49

I guess you can include me in the "everybody" that liked the workout :), although it did wear me out.

From Julie on Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 20:38:17

Thanks for the fun workout. There is no way I could have pushed myself that hard on my own. It was tough. I loved it.

Total Distance

I was planning to meet with Peggy and Debbie at 6:30am to run for about an hour, but this morning the mattress won the battle.  So thank goodness for treadmills, because I don't think I would have run outside later when it was hot.  I ended up doing two 5-K's on the treadmill, on a decline, and my times were 21:40 and 21:45.  Don't be fooled by those times, I think running is easier on a treadmill, especially when there's a decline.  Probably on the road the best I could do on a 5K right now is around 24 minutes.  But I enjoyed the workout because I worked up a really good sweat.  Is that bad to enjoy sweating?  Only in the privacy of my own home.   I once read to be healthy you should sweat every day, so today I'm feeling pretty healthy.  I think those downhill runs will be good for St. George because that is such a downhill course.  You don't feel that way at Veyo, but everyone says it's downhill, so I have to go along with that.

PM--I did some hill sprints that Steve wants me to do. Don't know exactly how much mileage I did, but with warm-up and cool-down it had to be at least 1 mile.

Total Distance

Met with the group at 5:30am at the church on 9800 So. I had planned a tempo run where we changed the pace throughout--20 minutes slow, 20 moderate, 20 pushing it. So of course all the speedsters in the group took off; they did not match my definition of "slow." Then during the moderate 20 minutes, everyone got spread out even more, and I pretty much lost the group except for Eric, Nancy and Kris. So I just completed the workout on my own. We added 30 minutes on after, which was supposed to be run 10 slow, 10 moderate, 10 pushing it. Who knows how everyone ran, I just know I ran for 90 minutes total. I think the distance was around 9.7 miles. I came home and rode my stationary bike for 30 minutes, then I took my 9 year old to the Rec pool and did some pool running. All that I'll count as a little over 1 mile. Now I'm tired.

Total Distance

My husband and I were in Deer Valley today at The Chateaux at a retreat for the firm he works for.  There are several bike riders in his firm, so a big bike ride was planned for today.  We started down at Kimball Jct., where the marathon starts, and then rode a bike loop around the area.  Several places we went were places I've run before during the marathon and half-marathons I've run up there.  We went about 20 miles, and then the real fun began.  We rode back up the road to Park City, then into lower Deer Valley, and then up Royal St. which lead back to The Chateaux.  They had warned me that Royal Street was all uphill, and they were right.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, I've run Royal St. before, except the opposite direction, donwhill, during the Wasatch Back Relay in 2007.  Anyway, I just plugged away for the 3.4 mile ride straight uphill.  It was tough, but it's like anything hard we do, we're glad we did it after it's over.

So I biked about 34 miles, several of them uphill, the last 3.4 very much uphill.  So how do I count this as mileage?  Sasha says we can count biking mileage in our running mileage as long as we have a fair conversion, which I think is 3:1.   So I'm counting what I did today as 10 miles.  Does anyone object?

Total Distance

I was still in Deer Valley this morning.  I debated whether to run up there or just wait until I got home.  I finally made myself get out of bed, saying I would only go an easy 30 minutes.  But as it usually turns out, once you get going you want to keep going.  I ran around the Silver Lake area there, then went to the ski resort and ran up and down some of the trails.  That was a lot of fun.  When I had to stop after 45 minutes to go to breakfast, I was sad.  Should have gotten up earlier.  I hope to put in more miles later on.

PM--I did manage to run some more.  I ran a little on the treadmill, then took my dog and ran on the canal road.   We both got some good exercise.  Managed to put in 8 more miles.

I put in the most mileage ever this week.  Now granted, I counted biking miles for 10 miles of it, so if you subtract that, I was around 47 running miles for the week, which is where I've been the past several weeks.  Hope to get to 60 one of these weeks.

From Kim on Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 12:41:28

Great job Cheryl! Your Deer Valley run sounds fabulous! I'm sure you are glad you got out of bed for that!

Total Distance

I went on a bike ride this evening with my husband, you know, just a nice husband/wife thing to do together on a Sunday.  We went at least ten miles, so I'm giving myself credit for two miles of "running equivalent."

Total Distance

It's exactly two months until the St. George marathon.  Time to get serious!  I met with some of the group at Bingham at 5:45 and we ran south on 2200W. to 114th So., then up to Daybreak.   We saw how the temple is progressing up there.  We then ran back by 9800 So. to the high school.  I was feeling in my "mean speedwork" mood I guess and suggested running some repeats on the "hill" there in the Bingham parking lot, so we did 5 of them.  I wanted to do more but didn't want everyone mad at me.  I ran a lot of the run by Nancy and her dog Duke.  I think I ran faster just being by Duke because he didn't want me to get ahead of him and we kind of turned it into a race.  That was fun!  Thanks Nancy and Duke.

From Jody on Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 19:41:18

Nice job! You guys always get quality work outs!

From peggy on Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 17:11:02

That sounds like a fun route. How was the traffic on 114th South?

So, were you NOT in your "mean" speedwork mood this morning? Do "mean" speedwork sessions only involve hill repeats and 30-30's? :)

From Cheryl on Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 17:51:37

Thanks Jody for always leaving nice comments.

Peggy--The route was fun, 114th wasn't too bad. I'd like to do another run in Daybreak, there are parts of it that might be fun to explore. I don't know about the mean speedwork stuff. I guess when I'm feeling good I can be mean, when I'm not I enjoy complaining. Complaining is sometimes the most fun.

Total Distance

We met at Parkway Palisades today to run hills.  First we did a warm-up around the cemetery, then it was to our old familiar routes in the Parkway Palisades neighborhood.  We ran the two mile loop, and my time was just under 17 minutes.  Then we did our mile repeats on the hilly street.  My times there were 9:07 and 8:53.  I tried not to push them too hard and keep them at marathon effort.  If I can run the Veyo hill mile in 9 minutes, I'll be happy.  I don't think I've ever been under 9 for that.  Then Peggy and Debbie went to run some more miles, and at the time I didn't feel like it, but later I felt guilty about not doing the extra, so I ran on my treadmill for around 2 miles, so that's how I got my total mileage.  Felt pretty good today.  Last night I did some hamstring curls and for the first time in forever my left hamstring didn't hurt, so maybe I'm finally healing up there.

Total Distance

It was a bit of a  struggle to get going this morning.  Peggy and Debbie had made plans to run at 6:00am, I hadn't committed, so I had an easy way out.  I got out of bed at 5:15 and was sorely, sorely tempted to return to it, but I made myself get ready.  Once I was out and running, as is almost always the case, I was glad I had not given in to temptation!  We ran along the canal road for most of it, we added some street running in at the end.  I'm not sure of the pace, but I went for 1:12, so I'm counting that as 7 miles.  We did see Cheris, she was in the middle of a 13 miler and she looked good.  I'm glad I got the miles in.

From Walter on Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 00:36:31

I was in the same mood this morning! I got up at 515 and went to riverton track. I was going to ask you how the track is progressing at Bingham. I just live up the street from it on 3200 w. and 104th. there is alot of equipment there and I thought they would be done by now. Im sure Ive bumped into you and your friends before I run up by daybreak and down around 9800 south to the canal by marv jensens gym and even down around Parkway palisades, which I think ive seen you on. You and Cheris have great goals. Good luck im sure you'll do fine.

Total Distance

We met with the group at 5:30am at the trailhead by 9800 So. and the Jr. River Parkway.  Jody from the blog was there for the first time, so to welcome her to the group, she got to drive us up to the top of 9800 So.  Thanks, Jody!  We then ran down; the idea was to practice downhill running, trying to get us ready for Top of Utah and SGM.  I ended up running with Jody and Cheris for most of it.  We went past the trailhead and ran up to 700 W., so we got a few hills in there also.  It was a fun run, much easier running down then up obviously.  The others there were Peggy, Lynette, Dean and Greg R. 

Later I took my 9 year old to the Rec pool.  I pool ran and did other exercises while he swam and played around.  This way I got in another workout but didn't feel guilty because I was spending "quality time" with my son.  I'm crediting myself with two more miles of running because I ran for about 30 minutes.

Total Distance

Treadmill day--I ran fast one minutes followed by a slow minute recovery,  total distance was 7 miles.

Total Distance

My 9 year old had football practice at 7:30am today, so I missed all the group runs because I wanted to be at practice.  After that I had my husband drive me up to around Suncrest, and the plan was for me to run home.  I figured if I stayed close to home I wouldn't put in the mileage, I would wimp out early.  So I took off at a slow pace and ran west to the Jordan River parkway and got on it at Spring View Farms.  I did the Jeff Galloway method of running some and then taking walking breaks.  Anyway, all went ok until I got to around 126th So. where there is a fork in the trail.  I knew if I went left where the trail would lead.  So I went right instead thinking I'd explore where that went.  That was a mistake.  It just kind of ended around 112th So.  I thought for sure there would be a dirt trail or something that would lead to 106th So., but I was wrong.  I went up into some neighborhoods trying to find a way to get to 106th So., but I couldn't find a way.  I finally wound up at 114th So., and headed east there to Wal-Mart Supercenter.  By that point I'd been running for almost 2 hours and had had enough, so I called my husband to come rescue me.  This was also about 12:30pm and it was hot and I was getting dehydrated I think.  Anyway, he came after I'd run for about 2:04.  I'm giving me 12 miles for that.

So the lesson learned here is, if you come to a fork in the road and you know where one way leads and you're not sure about the other, take the sure route--unless you have a lot of time to kill and don't mind getting lost and exploring new areas.  And always carry a cell phone when you're running alone.

Later, after doing my domestic chores for the day, I went to the Rec Center and pool ran for one hour.  That felt very rejuvenating.  I'm giving myself 4 miles for that--15 minutes=1 miles.

Happy running all.



From Julie on Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 12:32:15

Great job getting your run in. I can't wait until that trail goes all the way through. I've done that same thing and had to run back to 12600. I'll see you Monday.

From Jody on Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 12:37:50

Great job! You were tough but also were smart enough to say "enough" You had a busy day!

From walter on Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 02:48:42

Ive come to alot of those forks in my life. It seems like ive taken the same ones as you have lately. Im trying to make them positive. Good run. I wish they would connect the park trail there and around 94th south. It bugs me they have put alot of effort and a few hundred yards of trail are seperating a great trail. Besides the smell and nats you get at dusk its good to not have to stop at a light.

From Kelli on Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 15:30:52

Hey, I just noticed your Yoga comments. I do not have time to go to the gym for Yoga anymore. Do you know of any good, basic Yoga DVD's that I could buy? I am not flexible at all, so I keep it really basic. I checked out a bunch at the library, but they were all trying to twist me in knots!!! I just want to stretch and not be accosted by a guy in a speedo!

Total Distance

We met at Peggy's house and ran 9 miles. Originally we planned to run 8, but when we got back to Peggy's we had run a little more than 8, so of course we had to go to 9.  My brain was programmed for 8 miles and it did not like going the extra, but maybe it was good to override the programming.  I think our pace was right about 9 minute miles.  Later I did a little pool running, so that's where I got the extra two miles.

Total Distance

So I must have been half asleep when I set my alarm last night because I set it for 5:10, and there's no way I could get to Riverton High by 5:30 because my morning routine is so intricate.  I showed up at the track about 5:55 and ran a few stairs to warm-up a little.  We had a pretty good sized group.  Jody joined us again, which I was happy about, plus we were privileged to have Walter join us for the first time.  We'd been stressing about Walter coming because we know how fast he is and we were wondering what workout would challenge him.  Fortunately, Peggy was in charge, so I didn't have to worry about it too much.

We ended up running some intervals on the track, but I didn't do very well; Walter lapped me at least twice.  I just didn't feel like I had much "umph" today (is that a word?)  We also ran about a 2.5 mile tempo, then did some more track stuff.  I was mad at myself for doing so poorly that I went home and punished myself by running 7 miles more on the treadmill.  Maybe that wasn't really punishment, maybe I was just feeding the addiction.  Those treadmill runs really get the endorphins flowing.  Man, it's great.....  (Read Walter's blog and comments if you need an explanation.)  Anyway, enough about that.  Let's hope I do better next time.  It was great being with everyone this morning.

From Jody on Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 18:33:51

I want to say you are insane to punish your self for a work out when you struggled, however I did the same thing last week.

You guys do a great job and I am just lucky enough you welcomed me.

From walter on Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 01:20:06

That is a funny blog in itself! If nymphomaniac is a lust for the opposite sex or the same for some I guess, then what would a lust for running be? I wonder these things. It was good to see you at the Japanese dinner send off tonight. Ignore my ubsurd thinking its late!

Total Distance

I had a busy day with helping my daughter with some school stuff and then I had a dentist's appointment (no cavities!) so my running took a hit today.  I needed kind of a rest day because my ligaments hooking my hamstrings to my glutes were quite sore today (I bet some of you didn't even know you had ligaments hooking hamstrings to glutes.  The things you learn being a runner and dealing with injury.)  I still managed to get in a quality 4 miles.  Now for tomorrow and the three 5-k's!  I can't wait!!

From Burt on Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 22:10:20

Thanks for the anatomy lesson. Although, it may hav been more than I needed to know. LOL. Glutes.

From MarcieJ on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 18:14:10

I have learned way too much anatomy from dealing with tight muscles. My massage therapist makes way too much money off of me! Great job on no cavities ( I am a dental hygienist so things like that make me happy:)

From Cheryl on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 23:32:22

Marcie, thanks for the comment. I will try to keep flossing and keep having no cavities. Good luck with all your running goals!

Total Distance

I met with the group this morning.  It is now totally dark at 5:30am.  We had some new people join us like Kelli and Michelle N.  And Jody and Walter were there again.  I feel like Walter should be leading the workouts, not following what I say.  Maybe one time we'll let him be in charge, and then if we like it we'll put him in charge permanently.  Anyone who can beat Lance Armstrong in a race deserves to be the leader of the group.  Maybe he doesn't want to be the leader of our group, though.  Anyway, we did one of our classic workouts, three 5K's around the old So. Jordan 5K route.  My times were:  26:02, 25:01 and 24:17.  So at least I got faster on each one.  Last year about this time I was able to do this workout in 22:56, 22:43, and 23:22.  So I'm not as fast this year, so maybe a SGM PR is not going to happen this go around, unless something really kicks in the next month and a half.  On a good note, I went to the chiropractor and he said my problem muscles weren't quite as tight this time.  He even said he might try some hot laser on them to get things to loosen up and heal better.   I think that would be cool.  I did run a little more later in the day, to make my total 12 for the day.

From Kelli on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 18:05:59

THANKS for letting me crash the party! I was not sure how I would like running with a big group---but I loved it. I got to chat a little, and then just be on my own running with people to chase. I like chasing people, it keeps me from STOPPING when I really want to. That was a fun workout.

From Jody on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 21:56:13

Hot lasers? You are even tougher than I thought! THANK YOU so much for inviting me months ago and being so nice when I finally showed up. Your expertise and workouts are fantastic!

From Cheryl on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 23:36:32

Yeah, Kelli, it is fun to chase people, you definitely go faster than if you were just running alone. I'm glad you came today and hope you can make it again and become one of our regulars.

Jody--I'm glad you like the workouts and that you've been able to come. This blog is great, linking us up with so many nice people who also happen to be runners. It's been a lot of fun having you and Walter and Kelli join us.

From Kelli on Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 11:11:28

I really am going to try to make it when I can. My husband has to leave our house for work by 6:30, so if we can figure out a way for him to not have to go home from wherever you are working out for the morning---we will be there.

Thanks for being so nice and welcoming! I do love runners! I know I call you all crazy---but I think runners are crazy---and I mean it in the nicest way! It is a crazy sport, and only for the real die hard people out there. RUNNERS ARE TOUGH!!!!!

Total Distance

When I woke up, I felt like a truck had hit me.  I was still recovering from yesterday's running.  So I thought maybe I would just take today off or maybe pool run only.  I ended up going to the Rec Center, doing a few exercises, looking at the pool, debating whether to pool run, looking more at the pool, and finally feeling like I could run on the treadmill, so I did four really good miles there.  It ended up being a nice run.  Sometimes it takes a while to talk myself into running.  That's why the group is so nice, we have a definite time and place to meet, and there's no hem-hawing around about it.

From air darkhorse on Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 17:47:26

Hang in there Cheryl. You still had a good low-monotony schedule this week. You girls are doing great. Looks like I may have to wear that skirt after all...

From Kelli on Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 12:59:10

I agree 100%---it is getting me out of bed in the morning EARLY, and without complaining. When I say I will be there, I am there.

Thanks for motivating me!

Total Distance

My 9 year old had to be at football practice at 7:30, so that messed up any early morning long run I wanted to do.  What I did instead was run for about 65 minutes on the treadmill, which was 7.5 miles, and then later I went for a casual 30 minute run on the canal road with my dog.  So I did not get in the traditional long run, but I got in some miles, so I guess some is better than none.

Total Distance

There are parts of Daybreak I've been wanting to run lately, just because there seems to be a hill every so often to break up the monotomy of running, so my group was nice enough to meet me and that's what we ran this am.  Those there:  Peggy, Michelle, Kris, Walter, Kelli and Kelli's hubby Scott, and Nancy M. ran with us part of the time.  I thought it was fun.  Thanks all for joining us this morning.  See you tomorrow for more hills!  We love hills, we love hills, we love hills (just keep saying that over and over when you are running up a hill.  I think it works.)

This PM I felt like doing a few more, so I put in 3 on the treadmill.  Not as much as Steve running 20 in the morning and then 10 in the afternoon, or Walter who ran with us this morning and then ran up Dog Lake this afternoon, but it was a little additional mileage.


From Kelli on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 11:45:36

Wow, you ran twice! Good job. You people, I tell ya!

Thanks for the torture this morning, but the way. I have never sweat so much in my entire life! I lost 5 pounds! That was FUN, can not wait to do it again.

From Cheryl on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 13:45:09

Kelli--I just read your blog and you didn't sound like it was that much fun. But those hills are fun in their own strange sort of way. Don't worry, that's one of our favorite workouts so we'll be doing that lots more in the coming months. Stick with us and those hills will become your near and dear friends.

From Kelli on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 14:30:41

No, I agree. It is a fun in a strange, demented, totally messed up way! It is fun to be with people who are all suffering the same thing and it is great when you are done and can look back and say you did it! I also really enjoyed watching how everyone else was doing---you seemed to get faster with each repeat. AMAZING.

That is running in a nutshell for me---not so fond of it most of the time, but I like people, I like being part of a "community" of runners, and I like to be able to say, "Hey---look what I did!!!"

My husband has called me 3 times to tell me he wishes he had just come! So, he will be glad to hear you do it often. I am not sure how our schedule is going to work when school starts for my oldest next week, but we will figure out a way to at least come some of the time!

Total Distance

We met at Parkway Palisades to run those hills we love so much.  We had a pretty big group today, so that was fun.  First we ran around a 2.5 mile warm-up, then it was to the street with the hills to do hill repeats.  I absentmindedly erased my times, but I think I remember.   The first was about 9:47, the second was around 9:10, the third was 8:46 and the fourth would have been about 8:35 if we hadn't stopped early to run hill sprints.  We did 3 1-minute hill sprints at the end.  It was all a lot of fun.

From Julie on Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 18:14:11

Great job on those hills. Every week you seem to be getting a little faster. I think your best running days are still ahead.

Total Distance

Peggy and Debbie met at my house at 5:45 to run 10 miles.  We did the up and back Glenmoor route that I plotted out many years ago when I was training for some St. George marathon, I can't remember the exact year, probably 2000 or 2001.  I used to dread doing that run but felt it was good because of the up and down involved.  It was much nicer today because of the company.  A ten mile run no longer intimidates me because of the higher mileage we've all been doing.  A twenty mile run still intimidates me.   Maybe, despite what I said to Peggy about hating 20 mile training runs and feeling all they did was wear me down, I need to do a few of them.  We'll see. 

PM--Ran 4 more on the treadmill.  Fun!! 

From Kelli on Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 12:52:42

Great job! You a re a runnin' fool!

Sorry we missed yo this morning---my husband didn't have to be to work until 9 so we opted to try to get some sleep and run later! Hope it was FUN!

From Cheryl on Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 14:07:52

Thanks Kelli for the comment. Yeah, we missed you this morning, but sleeping in sounds good. I was very tired this morning also, but the run turned out pretty good. Good luck at Hobblecreek.

From Kelli on Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 18:33:42

Thanks Cheryl!

Total Distance

Our group met at Gardner Village to run around marathon pace.  As usual, I felt like the effort was a little difficult starting out, but then I worked my way into it, at least by half way.  We went to the 5 mile mark, even though I couldn't find the actual mark, it's just where I remembered it was, think that mile was a little long, then turned around and ran back.  My splits:

1- 9:52

2- 9:27







9- 8:38

10- 8:04

Total time:  1:28:46

Yesterday, we ran the 10 miles in 1:36:49, so this was better, even though yesterday was an "easy" day and today I pushed it a little more.  I guess my marathon pace as of right now is somewhere between 8:30-8:45, not quite the 8:00 I hope for, but we'll see what happens in the next 6 weeks.  I also spent 30 minutes on the stationary bike, so I'm giving myself 2 miles for that.



From Jody on Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 19:17:08

Great job today! I am assuming my marathon pace is about the same 8:30 - 8:45 - we should do some more runs together. You had great splits today especially 8:04! WAY TO GO!

From Kelli on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 16:39:58

WOW!! You are awesome, really. That is an amazing week for you---and I have not even seen Friday and Saturday yet!

From Cheryl on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 20:20:53

Jody--Thank you for the comment. Anytime you want to run together would be great. Some of our group gets together almost every day, so you can join us anytime.

From Cheryl on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 20:30:35

Kelli--Thank you. You do great also. Come join us next week after your great race at Hobblecreek.

Total Distance

I put my treadmill on a high incline and ran slowly for 50 minutes.  That got me 4 miles.  I wanted to do more later but never got around to it.  Good luck to all Hobblecreek runners!!  I think we're going to see a lot of PR's.

From Michelle N. on Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 18:40:16

We missed you today Cheryl. Hope you had a good Saturday run.

From Cheryl on Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 19:19:33

Thanks, Michelle, I appreciate that. I had a pretty nice run, but I wish I had been there with you guys at Hobblecreek. You all did awesome!!

Total Distance

I was sad I had to miss all the fun races this morning, but my 9 year old had a football game at 8:00am and I just felt like I should be there.  It was their first real game, and it was pretty exciting, they won on a last second touchdown pass.  How many Gremlin (8 and 9 year olds) games end on a TD pass?  They usually can't complete any passes, so that was especially exciting for all of us.

After, I was pretty pumped up, so I got on the treadmill right away and ran for an hour at a pretty easy pace, throwing in some harder intervals along the way.  That got me 6.5 miles.  I then rested for a few minutes, then ran again, this time faster, and got in another 4 miles.  I felt good about the running, but the miles probably aren't enough for a "long run" for a marathon coming up in 6 weeks.  Oh well, we do what we can, right?  Congratulations to all who had great races today.  This blog has helped everyone get faster and faster.

From Jody on Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 02:01:47

You amaze me! You do such a great job balancing everything! 10.5 on the treadmill is tough!

From Julie on Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 21:22:59

We missed you at the race. Great job getting your run in.

From Kelli on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 11:57:57

Holy treadmill miles! How do you do that?? Again, you cease to amaze me!

I am glad you did not miss your son's game, you would have been sad to have missed a good one!

Sorry about this morning. My clumsiness is contagious. I better stay away until after October 4th!! I hope nothing was skinned and bleeding and that your hip is alright. Dang, I felt so bad that you had to stop for me. It threw everyone's rhythm off, I know. Really, next time just leave me to my husband---he is used to it!

From Cheryl on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 13:27:01

Thanks for the comments, Jody and Julie.

Kelli--Thank you for your comment also. Don't worry about the fall, I didn't for one second think it was your fault or you were responsible in any way. We were running on too dark of roads, so I'm not surprised this happened. I even almost fell again later on, so you couldn't have affected that. How are you doing? Hopefully you were able to walk things off. And you better come back and run with us, no waiting until after the marathon. I expect you there tomorrow!

From Kelli on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 14:49:47

Oh, I will be there. My husband is addicted, so now you are stuck with us. I'm not sure about sprinting anything, but we will see!

It is stiff, swollen, and blue, but it will be okay. I have done it before!

From Cheryl on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 16:20:54

It was fun to see Scott again near the end of our run. I'm glad he's addicted; how about you? We'll take it kind of easy tomorrow, at least those who don't want to run the track. Take care of that ankle!

From Kelli on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 19:11:03

I used to be addicted, but I joined runner's anonymous and their 12 step program really helped me! No, really, I used to love it until we started racing. I hate the pressure of always being better and faster all of the time. i do not know how long I can do that!

I am loving running with you guys, it has brought some of the FUN back to me! See you in the morning!

Total Distance

I warmed up for about 1/2 mile on the treadmill, then I met some of the group at the Jr. Parkway trail.  We headed out for an "easy" 10-miler (they're never quite easy enough for me, probably easy for everyone else.)  We ran on some roads with no lights, so we were trying to be careful, but then Kelli turned her ankle, and shortly thereafter I fell on some raised part of the road.  Besides banging my piriformis muscle, the muscle that's plagued me for a couple of years now, I was ok.  Kelli had to turn around with her husband, I kept running with Peggy and Cheris.  About 9 miles into the run, we hooked up with Kelli's husband Scott again.  When we got back to the cars, we had run 9.7, that was good enough for me, I needed to head for home to see my kids off to school.  I was ok after the run, I'm hoping Kelli will be all right also.  We need to run in better lit areas, or bring our own light.

 Later on, I rode the spinner bike while watching a replay of the men's Olympic marathon.  That guy who entered the stadium 3rd and then ending up being passed and finishing really slowly reminded me of how I feel and must look at the end of marathons.  He just had nothing left, poor guy.  I also did a little more running, so I think my total today was about 14 miles, that's including a couple of miles of bike cross-training.

From Kelli on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 12:15:50

My goodness, you never stop! I can barely keep my eyes open in the afternoon, let alone work out again! I hope I can get used to these early mornings at some point!

Now, I am going to go watch the end of the marathon that I slept through. I did not know that anything exciting had happened!

And the ankle is good--all is well.

From Cheris on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 13:42:52

Wow, your workouts are impressive! And by the way, I don't think that is how you look at the end of races at all! We were talking a couple days ago how you have that kick at the end of races/speedwork, and it doesn't even look like you are expending any more energy!

From Cheryl on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 17:17:34

Kelli--You'll get used to the early mornings. I never thought I could get up and run at 5:30, but now it doesn't seem so bad. Glad your ankle is OK.

Cheris--thanks, maybe I don't look like that but I feel like that.

From Kelli on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 17:21:47

I hope so, because right now I have a pretty severe addiction to afternoon diet cokes for the headaches!

My hope is that my wacky internal clock will some day just learn to sleep at night. That, and that my 3 year old will not wake up mysteriously and put Daddy DayCare on the TV at 2:30 in the morning.

See you Thursday. I am actually quite looking forward to that run. I can not believe how mych better I like running now that I run with PEOPLE (vs. Scott, he is not PEOPLE!)

Off to a soccer game...

Total Distance

I met with the group at Riverton High at 5:30am, and we ran "easy" around the neighborhood by the school.  Then we broke up into the track group and the road group.  The track just doesn't seem to agree with me anymore, so I opted out of doing the track and supposedly lead the road group, even though we got pretty spread out.  We had a pretty big group that wanted to run on the road.  Kelli and I ran together and had a nice chat, then we met up with Jody, Amy and Lisa, and we ran with them the rest of the way.  I used them for speed work, going faster to catch them, then falling back, then speeding up again to catch them.  So I got some speed work in that way.  Total miles for all that running, plus a small warm-up I did beforehand, was 8 miles.  Later on I did some stationary bike stuff plus ran a little more on the treadmill, so I'm giving myself 4 more miles for that.  It turned out to be a pretty good day.  It was fun to see all the people at running group today.

From Kelli on Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 13:33:02

It is a BIG group! You guys are the popular kids at school!

I enjoyed chatting with you also---I told my husband that you are my favorite person to run with! We just chat and run and i do not even realize that I am working!

Thanks you guys so much---this has helped me more than you know! I was so sick and tired of running!!!

Total Distance

It was sleep in day.  I notice that others in my group were glad to not have to be up before what, 6:00?  As Kelli says, it's pretty bad when sleeping in is 6:00.  Actually, I made it to 6:30.  After piddling around the house, I finally got on the treadmill.  The plan was to run for two hours, speed did not matter, just make that time.  So I put on my recording of the men's Olympic marathon for inspiration and I made it to 1 hour 23 minutes.  So not quite 2 hours, but whatever.  That gave me 8.5 miles.

Total Distance

It was quite the day of running.  I met the group at 5:30am, then we drove up to the top of Glenmoor and ran down, trying to practice downhill running.  I ran with Kelli pretty much the whole time, which was fun.  I was happy to see our time was just under 48 minutes.  Now I thought the distance was 6 miles so I was happy because I thought I had averaged under 8 minute miles.  Then when I drove it later I saw the distance was only about 5.5 miles--so much for being under 8 minute miles.  Debbie and I ran back home, giving me 8 miles for the morning run. 

Now to get to Glenmoor this morning, I had driven my truck up and left it there.  The original plan was to ride my bike back up to get it, but then later I thought, hey, this would be a good way to get in a second run today, so I ran back up to get the truck.  I added some additional distance to give my total distance for that run 7 miles.  That gave me 15 miles for the day.  That is half of what Steve Ashbaker did the other day, so I still have a ways to catch him.  Now if I just had some reason to do this amount of running every day, I'd either get really good or more likely injured or burned-out.  It was fun for today anyway.

From Kelli on Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 15:49:09

Oh my! I was wondering where you were going as I drove by. And then you ran to get your car---WOW!

Scott's Garmin was at 5.9 at the top of the hill that leads into the parking lot. SO I think it might have really been 6 (come on---we did good today, it had to be 6!!!) Then we did those little 90 second sprints and jogged back---that had to have added another half of a mile, don't ya think???

I do not like wearing the Garmin, but it is nice to know how far you have gone (when they are right).

From Cheryl on Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 17:24:18

OK, I like that it was closer to 6. I forgot about the bridge over Bangerter, I bet that added distance on that you don't get driving the route. So we were closer to 8 minute miles, good for us!

From steve ashbaker on Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 17:48:01

Cheryl, 15 is good for you. Now it's time for some other workouts. What's happening this week?

From Kelli on Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 19:17:26

Yup, we are speedy!

From Cheryl on Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 23:10:44

Steve--I'm not sure what everyone's planning. I'm signed up to do the Salt Lake half marathon on Saturday. What are some other workouts we should be doing?

Total Distance

Not much running today, I'm resting up for the SL half marathon tomorrow.  I did get in 3 miles on the treadmill.

Race: Sl Half Marathon (12.9 Miles) 01:46:55
Total Distance

I ran this half marathon last year in 1:41:33.  I know that this year I'm not as fast, so I didn't expect that time again.  I was hoping to run it in 1:45 and to keep the pace at marathon effort.  I managed 1:46:55 and the pace never got terribly difficult but it still was probably harder than I could have maintained in a full marathon. 

The first 4 miles were uphill.  Last year I ran them in the low 9's or high 8's.  This year the first mile was 9:52, last year it was 9 even.  Pretty much every split was slower this year, I guess it would have to be for me to be over 5 minutes slower.  On the bright side, I was 9 minutes slower at the Ogden marathon relay this year than last year, so the gap between the two years is closing.  Maybe I shouldn't compare the two years, but I can't help it, so nobody give me any flak for that!! 

Anyway, I pounded it out.  When I turned the corner at the finishing street, who should I see but my trainer Steve Ashbaker.  Apparently he came there to help run me and anyone else he knew in.  Now for several miles of the race a woman had been consistently ahead of me by about 10 seconds or so.  Steve told me to draft off of him, then he had me sprint it in right at the end, so I passed that woman who led the entire race.  Was that nice to do?  I have a philosophy that all's fair in love and running, so I don't feel guilty about it.  My husband can't figure out why anyone would think it was wrong to pass right at the end, he thinks that's perfectly fine, so I've adopted his way of thinking.   It was nice of Steve to meet me.  In his blog he says I had my determined game face on.  That's really my determined agonized face saying get this torture over with as soon as possible!   I should probably think of smiling right at the end so nobody knows how much I'm suffering.

I then hurried off to watch my 9 year old play football.  His Bingham team defeated Alta, so at least for the Gremlins, Bingham was victorious over Alta.  Now if only the high school team could do as well!

I'm glad all my running friends had good long runs today (I've read all your blogs, all you who ran 20 miles and have already blogged.  And yours too Kelli.)  Good job all!  I know each and every one of you will set a PR at St. George or Top of Utah or whatever marathon you're running.  I don't think I will, so maybe Steve won't have to wear a skirt after all.



From Jody on Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 22:12:52

Congrats! You did an awesome job! Way to pass the girl at the end, nothing wrong with that!

From Julie on Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 13:08:24

Way to go Cheryl. 1:46 is a great time. I agree with your husband. If you have enough in you at the end to pass, do it. I think you will do great at St. George.

From Kelli on Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 15:27:02

I always have a kick at the end, so I agree 100%. It is a race, even if we are not trying to win we are trying to have fun and do the best we can! Kick if you have it!!! It is not about who you pass, just about your time at the finish.

I think you did great, by the way! 4 miles uphill kills the legs. That is a rough way to start. All of us are out running the downhill half marathons!!! You are tough, and amazing, and strong! And I would not count out St George just quite yet! I would like to see whoever this guy is wearing a skirt!

OH, and thanks for calling racing TORTURE. I AGREE! Although you probably didn't mean it, and I DO! Running, fine. Racing, not so fine!

GO BINGHAM (unless you are p[laying Riverton in soccer!)

Have a good holiday weekend!

Total Distance

Some of us from the group met today at Cheris' and had a fun 10 mile run.  Those there (besides Cheris and me or course):  Julie, Jody, Eric, Aaron and his SIL Kim.  We ran (literally) into Nancy M. along the course.  I ran the entire time with Cheris, Julie and Jody.  It was fun, the weather cooperated and we got in the miles at about a 9 minute pace.  Eric was amusing us after with different things he was saying.  I've missed seeing him more at the group, hopefully he'll be showing up more often now.  Hopefully Aaron will come more also, although we barely spoke with him because he stayed with his SIL.  Ten miles doesn't seem as difficult as it used to, which is good.  More fun tomorrow on the hills.

From Cheris on Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 21:52:34

Thanks for coming on our fun 10K route! Maybe if we do it enough, I won't hate it as much next July. Maybe...

From Kelli on Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 13:43:45

10 miles is alway hard for me---I need to run more!

Great job!

From Eric on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 01:01:00


Monday was kind of a blur, I cannot remember one amusing thing that rolled out of my mouth.

Total Distance

We did hills today with the BBK group at Parkway Palisades.  There were about 18 of us, so it was fun to have a large group.  We varied it a little today.  I did run the main hill three times, I had my best time in a while at 8:26 for the last hill.  Will I ever get under 8 minutes again??  That is the question.  Anyway, I thought it was pretty fun today and thanks everyone for coming out and making running those hills bearable.

From Kelli on Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 15:34:38

That is so fast! I have no clue how "fast" I do those hills. I leave the Garmin with Scott! I do not want to know. See you tomorrow.

Total Distance

Seems like a lot of the BBK group enjoyed sleeping in today, as did I.  However, Peggy's idea of sleeping in is 5:15, mine is 7:30.  So I got a slow start on things.  I did get on the treadmill and run for about 5 miles, give or take a few tenths, but what the heck I think it's close enough.  I put it up on a pretty steep incline for part of it just to get a little hill work in.  That's always fun.

From Kelli on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 15:11:55

You really like the hills, huh??

Great job on that treadmill, I just do no know how you guys do that so often. Maybe once I get a bunch of the new fall shows on my DVR I will try to run more. That will keep my wee brain occupied on more than the fact that I hate treadmills!

You have not posted for Thursday yet---so I will say it here: GREAT JOB!! You were fast today. I could barely keep up with you on the HARD 5k (which I thought was the backwards one, but I guess not).

Total Distance

Just to let everyone know, I was up at 4:30 also but I didn't meet you die hards at 5:00 to run an extra 5k, I just did a warm-up on my treadmill.  I figure I ran at least .7 miles--how convenient, that added to the 3 5k's we did equals 10 miles.  Everyone says our 5K route is  a little short, but don't blame us, blame the people in SJ who put on the 5K a few years ago, they're the ones who set the start and finish lines.  I'm just going on the belief that they're really 3.1 exactly.

Anyway, we started out and I ran with Cheris and Michelle on the first one and enjoyed talking about the Republican Convention and Sarah what's her name's talk (can't think of her last name right now, I know it has a Pal in there.)  That was fun and pretty comfortable.  It better have been comfortable because it took 26:34 to run it.  We then rested for 2:20 and then headed out on the next one.

This one all the speedies took off and I was running by myself, but I could always hear someone or someones behind me.  Finally Scott and Kelli come running by me at about the half-way point looking fresh and strong.  Where had they been?  How did they look so strong?  Why am I asking all these questions, just run.  Anyway, I stayed behind them until about the end when I saw that I could be under 24 minutes for the first time since last Februrary, and then I picked it up.  Kelli and I basically ran in together, thank you Kelli for pushing me to my best time in many months.  Official time according to my watch was 23:57.

We rested (or at least that's how long I rested)  for 3:39, then we hit number 3.  The speedies took off again.  I thought I was going to die on this one because I had really pushed the last part of the second one.  After a little lull especially going up Rustic Roads, I was able to pick up the pace and finish in 23:48.  My new best time since last February!  So I should be happy with this workout because I hit my best times in a long time.  And I am happy, no complaints.  Now if I could just get back in the 22 minute range...(we're never satisfied, are we?)

 Good job everyone, can you imagine trying to do those on your own?  I'm glad all of you come to support us in our misery, oops I mean fun!!

I went on a little bike ride later for about 30 minutes, I put in some hill climbs at the hill at 102nd So., so I'm giving myself 2 miles for that.  

We'll see you all at our own little SJ half marathon on Saturday.   


From Michelle N. on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 16:28:31

Great job Cheryl. You did great today as always. Oh, and thank you again for figuring out these miserable, oops I mean fun, workouts for us. Saturday will be fun and thanks for figuring it all out also. I was trying to think of another water stop also. I'll let you know if I come up with something. Maybe I could get my hubby out of bed and see if he would be a little support vehicle. I'll let ya know.

From Jody on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 20:01:45

Those are some fast 5K's. You did great! I would have been in the back today.

From peggy on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 22:30:47

Good job on hitting those fast time this morning. You've been putting in some good mileage; hopefully all this stuff we do will pay off in 4 weeks at St. George.

Your guys' conversations always sound so interesting. . . although I don't know if politics compares to menu selections. :)

From Cheryl on Thu, Sep 04, 2008 at 22:37:59

Thanks for the comments. You guys are too nice. That's why I enjoy running with you.

From Kelli on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 14:04:30

Oh, I am so glad to hear you say that you were pushing it at the end of that second one!!! I was struggling to keep up with you and I was thinking, "Why is she going so fast? Is she trying to lose me?" And, we were not fresh when we passed you, just in a hurry to finish!

That is so great that your times were your best since Feb!! Happy to have helped (although I am not really sure how I did, I was chasing you!)

We will not be there Saturday---it is our one and only chance to do a 20 miler before SG. Our soccer schedules are crazy, but we have time tomorrow if we get up and go at 5:30! You guys have fun. Maybe we will see you out there.

From Cheris on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 23:46:38

That is so cool--those are awesome times! I think running those 5K's with everyone there is so fun! Especially when they push you to run harder!

Total Distance

Today was an interesting day exercise-wise.  I first went to a class at the SJ Rec Center that works on lower body strength.  After that, I met Peggy, Debbie and Kris and ran probably two miles with them--they were finishing up a 6 mile run.  I couldn't run just 2 miles today, so I got on the treadmill and ran 4.25 more miles, then I rode my bike to pick up my car.  Needless to say, I didn't get a lot done around the house but I did have a good workout day.  Hopefully not too good, I hope to be fresh for our run tomorrow.

From Cheris on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 23:48:20

You totally put us to shame! I can't believe all the stuff you do! As for the housework, that's optional, isn't it? It should only be done if your running schedule allows it.

From Cheris on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 23:49:05

Also, Michelle finally set up a blog! I am so impressed--it is Razmatazz.

From Cheryl on Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 00:19:53

I totally agree, running comes first! I saw Michelle's blog, hopefully she won't give so many details next time. JK, Michelle, it's great that you're here.

From Kelli on Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 16:21:39

Great job, Cheryl! It sounds like the "race" was fun, I really wish soccer had not started today (or that we had done 20 miles last week---yeah, that woulda been better). We wanted to come, darn it.

You are awesome to plan such fun runs (and some not so fun but necessary runs)! So so glad that someone talked me into coming! Too bad I did not join Cheris way back when, think of how fast I would be now?

See you next week.

Total Distance

Today was our SJ half marathon, one we set up ourselves, nothing official.  We had a large group at 6:00am at Bingham High, which was nice.  When I finished about 1:54 later, just about everyone had left.  Where were the after race festivites?  We'll have to work on that next time.

Anyway, we all started out in the dark and ran up 9800 So. to Glenmoor, back down to 40th West, to 118th So., to 2700 W., 114th So., to 2200 W. back to Bingham.  I ran behind Cheris and Jody most of the way until they decided to pick up the pace and leave me in the dust.  I was on my own  from about 118th to the finish.  Michelle N.'s super nice husband handed out water to us at three different places, that was really great, thanks Jared and Michelle.  I would say aerobically I felt ok, but my legs just didn't want to move as fast as I wanted them to move.  I need to work more on flexibility and strength.  I looked at my shadow and my legs looked stiff, no real bounce or energy to them.  Oh well, there's always something that needs work.  It was fun to do that run and thanks to all who came out to support it. 

It seemed like everyone else was running extra and putting in extra miles, so after I went to my boy's football game and did a few domestic activities, I ran about 4 more miles.  BYU won so all is well at my house.


From Jody on Sat, Sep 06, 2008 at 23:42:59

You did great today! I always love running with you because you have so much knowledge, I always learn something. Thank you so much for organizing this, you did a great job!!

From Julie on Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 18:23:28

That was so much fun Cheryl. Thank you for planning it. We should do that every year. You did great!

From Michelle N. on Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 18:37:43

Thanks again Cheryl. You were so great to plan this for us.

From peggy on Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 11:42:42

The run was really fun, Cheryl. We'll have to talk to the race director about getting some after-race food!! Thanks for suggesting we do this and scoping out the route.

From Kelli on Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 13:53:01

Sorry I missed this! It sounded like fun!

Total Distance

Yesterday I had a low grade stomach ache all day.  I actually missed church, which was the first time in forever that I've missed church because of illness.  I blame my 9 year old, he came in my bed the other night and coughed all over me all night.  We took him to the doctor yesterday because he was complaining of an earache and the doctor said he won the prize for having the reddest ear he had seen that day.  So I must have picked up something from him.  Then when I woke up this morning  the ache was still there, so I wasn't sure I would get in a run at all today, but as the day progressed I felt better, so I got on my treadmill and actually had a pretty good run.  I ran for an hour doing one minute fast, one minute slow.  As long as I kept the slow minute really slow, I was able to hit the fast minute pretty fast, so I felt good about that.  Sorry to miss Steve and the group this morning, maybe next time.

From Kelli on Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 10:09:08

Oh, there is something in the air! I feel cruddy, too. But, it is Tuesday and i still feel yucky. I can not eat cause it makes me sick, so I have no energy.

Anyway, you did great for not feeling well!

Total Distance

My distance today is a guess based on what others who ran about the same as me have put down.  I really have no idea how far we ran, I was just trying to keep up with Michelle, Cheris, Dean, Jody, Aaron, and Amy.  We ran on the new Bingham field for the first time--it is opening officially on Friday, that will be the first Bingham game on the new field.  So we got to check it out before hand.  Then some stayed to run on the track, and some others went with me on the road.  Dean, who just completed LOTOJA, kind of took charge and told us what to do.  We first just ran around our favorite neighborhoods--Temple View, Bonanza, Bridle Oak, and Prospector.  Then Dean had us run fast around the Temple View loop, recover, then fast thru Bonanza, then back to the track.  It was fun.  I should do a workout on the track, it looks so cool.  Maybe when all my hamstring and other issues clear up--that might be in many years, but whatever.  Good job everyone in the group today.  I just can't wait for SGM to see all the great times that will be posted.

Total Distance

I ran on the treadmill today.  I tried to do fast and slow 1-minutes for half, and then just kept it steady for the other.  Enjoyed the running.

From erico on Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 13:42:52

I love the idea of warming up on the treadmill before actually taking on a workout. What kind of a pace do you usually warm up with?

From Cheryl on Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 14:10:48

Just basically how I feel. If I'm feeling good, about a 9:00-8:00 minute pace. If not so good, it could be as slow as 11:00 or even 12:00 minute miles.

From Julie on Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 22:53:02

Isn't it so nice and convenient to have a treadmill at home? I'll have to ask you about some of the speed workouts you do on the treadmill when I see you next.

Total Distance

Our group ran the Glenmoor 8-mile route today.  I like it because I think it simulates St. George somewhat--uphill at first, and then downhill.  I ran on my own because everyone just took off on their own pace.  I ran it in 1:08 and change (I also have watch problems, I usually just erase my time before I should) which is my fastest time running it this year.  I tried to keep the pace "marathon effort," though of course you always go somewhat faster when you know you only have 8 miles as opposed to 26.  It's hard to fool the brain totally.  Later in the day I put in 4 more miles.

Total Distance

I felt like yesterday I "overreached" so to speak, so today I thought I should take it easy.  I went out for 60 minutes and ran 30 seconds practicing good form and then did 30 seconds of walking.  During the 30 second form sessions I worked on high knees, butt kicks (sorry, that's what they're called) and some bounding and skipping.  I did all this on the canal road where I could take my dog also and give him some exercise.  It's nice because usually there's no one else around so he can run free.  I then walked on my treadmill for 30 minutes, using a high incline to get some hill work in.  I have no idea how many miles I actually ran, but I think I did at least 4 so that's what I'm giving me for today.

From erico on Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 18:33:46

Buttkicking huh? Is that where the BBK came from? We ought to work those into the weekly workouts. Some polymetrics sound like a great idea.

From Cheryl on Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 18:46:43

I think that's where the name came from. I'm all for doing form work and plyometrics in the weekly workout--everything I read says they're important to do. Maybe after SGM when we're less concerned about getting so many miles in we can do different things that should help us run better.

Total Distance

I was thinking about meeting Cheris, Michelle, and Jody for a 22 miler at 5am, but my kids came home too late last night and 4:30 came too early, so no 22 miler for me.  I did go out and run easy, easy, easy for 1hr45m (did I mention it was easy?) on the canal road and then to the new Bingham stadium where I ran on the field and added a few sprints.   Who knows how many miles I ran?  I'll give myself 10 because I'm sure that, although it was easy, easy, easy, it was probably at least 10:30 minute miles.

Then later, after talking with Cheris and hearing about their strong 22 mile run, I thought I should get in a few more miles.  I got on the treadmill during the second half of BYU's game and ran for 8 miles.  I must have been inspired by BYU's 59-0 blowout of UCLA because I went further and faster than I thought I would.  It was a great run!  Thank you BYU!!

From Jody on Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 19:51:17

We missed you this morning, but I understand the need for sleep! Great job getting back on the treadmill and cranking out some more miles!

From Kelli on Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 23:18:09

Great job today, Cheryl! You packed those miles in, as always!

Total Distance

I met at 5:30am at Cheris' house to run 10 miles.  The others there were Michelle, Kelli, Scott, and Nancy M.  Cheris had a route picked out that took us all around the area.  It was fun, I felt like I was pushing the pace for most of it, and then Cheris said our average pace was about 8:56.  I was hoping it was closer to 8:30.  Whatever, I felt pretty good for most of it, I guess that's what counts.  Thanks, Cheris, for planning the run and for everyone else who made it fun to run 10 miles.

Total Distance

I wanted to run with the group today, but woke up in the night feeling sick, and then when time to get up came around, I went to my living room, laid on the couch trying to determine if I felt well enough to go, decided not, so went back to bed.  I did wake up periodically thinking of everyone running and all the fun they were having.  I wanted to do that cemetery workout because it's always fun, but I just didn't have it today.  I'm hoping I'll feel better later and be able to get in a run.  I missed all of you this morning, it sounds like it was a fun workout!

I started feeling better this PM and got in 4.5 miles on my treadmill.  It was actually a pretty fun run.

From Kelli on Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 14:30:59

Ah, we missed you, too. I was wondering where you were. I really think there is something going around. It is not really bad, but you just feel like crud! Get well soon, take it easy, and hopefully we will see you Thursday.

From Michelle N. on Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 16:21:56

We all missed you Cheryl. It was a fun workout. Hope you feel better.

From Jody on Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 20:08:52

We missed you today! Take care of your self and get feeling better!

From Cheryl on Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 00:18:57

Thanks, everyone. I'm starting to feel better and think I'll be up to doing those 4 5K's. Doesn't that sound like so much fun?!

From erico on Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 02:31:34

Cheryl, sorry you were feeling under the weather. Sounds like we both missed a great workout. With October coming around the corner I suspect we will be doing that workout a few times hopefully. Glad to hear you felt better towards the end of the day.

See you for a few miles on Thursday.

Total Distance

I was feeling a little better today.  I challenged myself to stay on the treadmill for 8.5 miles.  I wanted to quit several times.  Physically I knew I could do it but my mind was rebelling, sending me all sorts of negative messages.  I just had to plug thru it, telling myself it was my last long treadmill run before the marathon.  And I made it, so I was happy that I was able to override the rebellious side of my mind.  The taper can't come soon enough!

From Michelle N. on Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 14:57:04

Great work Cheryl. You're a trooper.

From Kelli on Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 14:29:22

Can you have your mind talk to mine?? I am glad to know that I am not the only one that rebels when it comes to the treadmill!

Glad you are feeling better.

Total Distance

We did our last big speed workout before SGM, which was the 4x5K.  I've always credited this workout with helping me hit PR's the last two times I've run SGM.  Will it happen again?  Nothing I've done this year indicates I'll be as fast as last year, so we'll just see what the day brings.

Anyway, I wanted to be in the 23's today, which is where I was last year as this time.  Alas, I did not hit my goal which was somewhat disappointing, but what can you do?  My times were:  26:15 (4:31 recovery); 24:54 (4:28 recovery); 25:49 (2:27) and 24:28.  I always feel like my breathing is fine, it's my legs that feel stiff and heavy.  I keep thinking if I could get some "bounce" in my legs, things would be a lot better.  The question is how to get that bounce?   I'll keep trying different things.

So one more big workout on Saturday before the TAPER!  I am looking forward to that, have I mentioned that before?

I rode my stationary bike while watching Regis and Kelly.  The marathon man, Dean K? (don't know how to spell his last name, you know, the one who ran 50 marathons in 50 days), was on attempting to set a Guinness World Record for running the most miles on a treadmill in a 48 hour period.  He started on Tuesday and he had a web cam on him the entire time.  I would check in periodically to see how he was doing, and most of the time he looked like he was struggling.  He did not set the record, missing it by about 29 miles.  I think one hour on the treadmill is difficult, I can't even imagine trying to stay on for 48 hours.  He said he wants to try it again, though.   He seems like a nice guy who represents the sport of running well. 

From Kelli on Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 17:11:30

Holy cow, what a crazy guy. He is amazing, though. I am sure he will get it next time. Do they give him potty breaks or food breaks?

You are great Cheryl, you really are. I have so enjoyed getting to know you and you sharing your running wisdom with me! Whatever you do in SG, it will be great in my book!

From Cheryl on Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 21:09:22

Thanks, Kelli, for your nice comment. You are great also and will have a great SGM--Scott also, he is looking strong. As for Dean K., he could take breaks, it was just to see if he could run more than 241 miles in 48 hours. He made it to 211. Maybe next time he'll set the record.

From Kelli on Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 21:17:47

So, did he do the full 48 hours, he just made it to 211?? He better come join your group then and get faster!!

We are looking forward to this marathon just to see what we can do. It should be interesting if nothing else!

Total Distance

I was debating whether to even run today because I was tired and sore and tight from yesterday.  I mowed my front lawn, and that must have loosened things up, because then I felt like running.  I got on my treadmill and walk/ran on an incline, then did some hill sprints.  I turned out feeling pretty good when it was all done.  It's just a matter of warming up really well and then the running feels ok.

Total Distance

I met at Bingham at 5:00am to run our half marathon route.  The others there were Cheris, Michelle, Jody, Peggy and Mike.  We started off and I ran pretty much with the group until about mile 1, when I wanted to take walking breaks to practice that.  My right leg started hurting early which was a little concerning because it seemed like it was too early to be hurting and I didn't know why it should be hurting, it hadn't hurt before like that in a run.  I was thinking of just cutting the run short because of that, but I guess by about mile 4 it started feeling better, so I decided to stick it out.  I had lost the group totally by that point, and just figured I was on my own.  Then I saw Cheris and Michelle at the Maverick on 104th So. and 40th West, they had stopped for a bathroom break I guess it was.  I just plowed ahead because I knew they would pass me at some point, which they did a mile or two down the road.  I heard all this laughing behind me like they were having a fun time.  I on the other hand at that point wouldn't have been up to talking too much.  I plowed ahead and was just happy to finish the run in one piece and to have all the big running behind me (until the marathon, of course.)  Now for the TAPER!!

From Kelli on Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 18:42:37

Yeah---TAPER!!! My aching feet! You have been awesome!!

From Jody on Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 19:06:01

You did great today! It took us quite a while to catch back up to you. Glad your leg ended up feeling better.

From erico on Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 21:49:20

Cheryl, great job sticking out the run. Also, it is good to know that Cheris and Michelle are human and need to stop running once in a while.

From Cheris on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 12:37:56

That was a fun run! If Steve were there, he would probably get after for us for talking and laughing the whole way!

Total Distance

Not much running today.  I've decided I'm going to experiment with tapering this go around, since I've never really had any system for tapering before.  I'm going to try an aggressive taper where I really cut down on mileage.  We'll see if that makes any difference in the race.  So today I went to the Rec Center at 5:30am and did a circuit training class there.  Then later I took my dog to the canal road and ran for probably two miles at the most.  I intermixed running with walking.  Kind of enjoyed having an easier day.

Total Distance

I went to the track at 6am to meet our running group.  We did a workout I found in a book by Matt Fitzgerald.  Actually, I modified it because it didn't seem like it had us doing enough.  We ran a 1200, my time was 5:37; then an 800, time 3:45; then a 400, time was 1:41.  Then we ran a two mile tempo run on the road.  My time for that was 16:02.  Then one more 400 on the track, time again was 1:41.  That's the first track workout I've done in a while, it was kind of fun, but I was worried about pulling something the entire time.  Fortunately, I don't think I did any damage.  I wouldn't mind doing more track work after the marathon.

From erico on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 00:13:49

Cheryl, great job on the track. Those are some impressive times.

From Kelli on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 15:57:16

I thought it was fun, just the right amount on the track---not too much, but enough! THANKS!

From Cheryl on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 18:42:04

Thanks, Eric, we missed seeing you there, but it sounds like you've had some good workouts since the marathon--amazing how you're able to run so soon after.

Kelli--I'm glad you thought it was fun. Love these taper weeks where we don't have to feel like we have to kill ourselves.

Total Distance

Treadmill day--I ran about 4 miles, throwing in some fast one minutes  along the way.  I really didn't want to do it when I started out, but once I got warmed up it was actually kind of fun.  I just wish it didn't take quite so long to get warmed up.

Total Distance

Met with the group today at Bingham.  We did another workout I found in a book by Matt Fitzgerald--I like him, by the way, and would recommend anything he has written.  We first ran for approximately 1 mile easy, then headed into a 15 minute tempo run up Canterwood, down Rustic Roads, and back up Rustic Roads.  Rustic Roads has a nice hill on it that I like (it's really the only hill of note close to Bingham) so that's why I like to run it so much.  We recovered for about 5 minutes, then it was off for another 15 minute tempo.  I felt really good during the run and hope I can feel exactly that way during the marathon, for all 3 plus hours of it.  What are the chances of that?  Anyway, it was a nice run on a nice morning with nice people.  What more can you ask for?

Total Distance

No real running today, though I did go to the 5:30 class at the Rec Center.  I'm giving myself 2 miles for that just because I don't want to see a zero in my mileage for today, and plus I figure each 30 minutes of any kind of cross-training has to count for at least 1 mile of running.  We rode the bike and worked on lower body strengthening.  I felt remarkably good all day today, my "issues" (you know, the glute and hamstring things) didn't bother me nearly as much, I wonder if all that moving about and stretching, etc. makes everything feel better.

From erico on Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 01:36:34

Cheryl, was wondering more about your comments relating to your glutes and hamstrings. Do you feel they do better mixing in the cross training and stretching? It does seem that you are running very strong this year without any downtime. Wondering what your verdict is since you made mention of it in your post.

I have enjoyed swimming and cycling more this year, but whenever I increase my mileage about 40 miles per week my hamstrings scream at me.

From Cheryl on Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 13:04:04

Eric--I definitely feel stretching and strengthening helps with the hamstrings. It's when I stop doing those things that I really have problems. I do the piriformis stretch every day, plus hamstring stretching and whatever stretching I feel needs to be done. I also do the leg extensions and hamstring curl exercises regularly. I think if after the marathon you really emphasize the stretching and strengthening that you'll be able to run more than 40 miles a week with minimal problems. Also, another thing that helps is concentrating on not striding out too far, keeping your feet under your center of gravity. I think overstriding puts a lot of strain on the hammstrings.

Total Distance

My boy had an early football game, so I had to put off running until a little later in the day.  When I did get going, I had a really good run where I went for 60 minutes, with 1 minute fast intervals thrown in.  It was fun, things felt good (after the first 10 minutes of so) and I wish that's all I had to do until SGM.  Just a few more days before the real taper.

By the way, I was perusing thru other blogs, and I liked all the mentions of "only" having to run 10 or 15 miles and getting to sleep in until 6:30 or 6:45.  We're crazy, but I'm happy to be affiliated with all the craziness!

From Kelli on Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 19:14:27

Yes, pure craziness!

I hope it was not too hot for your run---Saturday was a scorcher by noon!

Total Distance

I had just started running on my treadmill when my husband called, and I knew he really wanted to talk with me, so I got off.  I don't normally stop when I'm in the middle of a workout.  I thought I could get back on and finish, but I lost motivation after that, plus my mind started doing stuff like saying I should rest instead of run, so I just quit and one mile is all I have to show for today.  This last week before the marathon is tricky because I'm not sure exactly how to taper, so I keep going back and forth in my mind that I should run, no I should rest, no, run just a little.  I don't know what to do!

Total Distance

I met with the group at Bingham.  For one brief moment I was tempted to bag the workout and just go to breakfast or something, but the group kept me focused.  We went to Rustic Roads and ran 3x1 mile repeats.  My times were 8:43, 8:14, and 8:17.  We then ran two 2-minute fast runs.  It felt good.  Later on in the day I felt so good that I put in 3 more miles on my treadmill.  I think that may be it for me, no more running until the big marathon.  We'll see if I can stick with that plan, I'll probably give in and run a little on one of the days.  Nothing I do now will probably make a difference, so I think rest would be the way to go.  On the other hand...  I can't decide what to do!  Hopefully I can stick to my rest plan.

So what time do I think I will get in the marathon?  Last year I ran it in 3:35.  Nothing I've done this year indicates that I will match that time.  Every race, every workout, pretty much everything, has been slower this year.  It all started in March when I got a bad case of sciatica, and it has taken me forever to overcome that.  The only thing I have this year that I didn't have last year is a lot stronger base.  Last year the longest I ever ran was the half marathon distance.  This year I've put in a few runs longer than that, plus overall my weekly mileage has been a lot more this year than last.  However, all that mileage has not thus far translated into faster times.  So, for this Saturday, I think it's unrealistic that I'll be below 3:40, unless all the stars and whatever align, so I'll have to be content with somewhere between 3:40 and 3:45.  If I'm slower than 3:45 I'll be somewhat disappointed, but not too much because there's always next year!

As for my fellow BBK members, you guys will be awesome!  Everyone is running so strong, I expect to see some great PR's.  Good luck to everyone.

From Walter on Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 09:59:09

Dont down play your hard work for this year. Look at Jon's post for yesterday. He kept track of his accomplishments and now it helps his mindset know that what he has done will help him.

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 12:33:48

Thanks, Walter, for that. I guess I'm just trying to be realistic and not get my hopes up too much. The difference between Jon and me is he has improved across the board this year, whereas I have not. I can't realistically expect to be as fast as last year if nothing I've done this year has been as fast, right?

From Walter on Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 12:42:01

My point is that everyone thinks that they havnt done enough. Its normal. I PR'd in Ogden last year after being off from mono for the better part of the year. I ran 2 months before the race with very little mileage behind me and felt the same way you do right now. I started the marathon very slow and felt like I wasnt worthy of trying to keep up with the fast guys. I kept them in my sights longer last year than I did this year. Just dont forget your accomplishments youve done and your training. Who cares about the time. Just go into the race mentally ready and who knows maybe you'll surprise yourself. Cheers

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 12:47:00

That's the fun thing about a marathon, you're never quite sure how it's all going to work out. It's always a bit of a surprise. You're going to have a great race, though, that's one thing I'm sure of!

From Walter on Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 12:49:04

So will you! Remember to not get down on yourself mentally while your running. Ive told a bunch of people on here to tell yourself you are a specific animal and run like that animal. Im a gazelle! I have alot of Cheetahs after me and I have to run like a gazelle! lol

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 13:27:53

You will do great---you are a very strong and consistent runner!! I think 3:40 is easily doable and will not be surprised if you do even better!

Good luck and sorry we missed the last workout---I need to catch up on my sleep!

I expect to see you much during the race---as Scott and I are shooting for 3:40!

From Cheryl on Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 17:27:57

Kelli--Thanks for the comment. I think you and Scott will be faster than 3:40, but maybe we'll see each other along the way. Good luck!

Race: St. George marathon (26.2 Miles) 04:01:14
Total Distance

It was my birthday today, so I have to stay very positive in my race report.  So I'll start with the positives:  I am now a member of the St. George marathon 10-year club!  And I did qualify for Boston so I have at least two more years to run it if I ever decide that's what I want to do.  Any other positives?  I completed the marathon with a minimum of walking after my legs rebelled early on.  I ran the most even splits I've ever run at this marathon.  Usually I negative split by three or four minutes, or positive split by many, many minutes (when I've faded badly at the end).  Today I ran the first half in 2:01 and the second in 2:00, so pretty even for me.  I was faster than I was when I first ran it 13 years ago.  Now the negatives: I was 26 minutes slower than last year.  I can only blame about 10 minutes of being slower on the weather, so how do I explain the other 16?  I certainly was not undertrained, I ran MUCH more this year than last, I ran much more this year than any previous year, and yet this was my second slowest SGM (besides two that I don't count because I had some health issues during those).  I think it all comes down to hamstring/piriformis issues that have bugged me pretty much all year.  Aerobically I feel fine, my legs just always feel weak and achy and there is always pain in the hamstring area of both legs.  It always takes me a while to loosen up, but with the weather today, I don't think they ever loosened up.  So until I get these leg problems taken care of, I will not be setting any more PR's or apparently not even getting close.  My husband says my problem may be one that doctors can't help, the problem being getting older and entering the change of life (she whispers).  I hope I still have one or two last hurrahs left in me.  Stay tuned...

My fellow BBK members--what a great job all of you did.  I take some vicarious pleasure in your accomplishments by helping to hook us up with Steve and having him reveal to us the secret to marathon running:  lots of miles!  Thank you Steve, you're great!!  And Sasha, your encouragement and your willingness to answer any questions I've had is always appreciated!  It's been a lot of fun being a member of this blog.  I enjoyed meeting many of you Friday night. 

On a side-note, I have to add one more positive on this day:  OJ Simpson was convicted of armed robbery and could be sentenced to life in prison.  It's interesting, 13 years ago in 1995 when I first ran SGM, he had just been acquitted of double homicide in that wonderful trial I'm sure all of you remember.  I still remember being mad when I ran the marathon.  So his legal issues make interesting bookends to my 10 years of running the St. George marathon.

From Michelle N. on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 21:03:13

Great job Cheryl. You are so awesome and I thank you for all of your wisdom in our speed work. We all have our bad days, but you are an excellent runner and 4:01 is still a great time. Happy belated birtday.

From Jody on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 22:27:26

Great job! I wish I could have seen you Saturday, but I was in a daze. You are such an example of dedication and hard work! Thank you!! Happy Birthday!

From Tom on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 22:31:27

Good job Cheryl! Hey I can relate to the hamstring/piriformis hassles, I've fought this off/on for years now. And I think the cold/wet/windy conditions just magnified any lingering aches/pain problems. Congrats on the BQ and joining the 10 yr. club!

From Cheryl on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 22:37:07

Michelle-thanks for the comment. Great job for you at the marathon! Without all those stops you would have been many minutes faster, so I say you met your goal!

Jody--You did great also, that time for your first marathon is awesome. It took me 8 tries to get that fast at SGM. So look what's in store for you, faster and faster every year.

From Cheryl on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 22:38:44

Tom--thanks also for your comment. It was fun to meet you and Kim Friday night. You both did great.

From Julie on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 22:39:13

Happy belated Birthday. Great job on your race. You are a big part of the success that so many of us had at St. George. I have learned so much from you.

From Cheryl on Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 23:03:07

Thanks, Julie, that's nice of you to say, but you guys do all the running, so I can't take too much credit. I think Steve's ideas really helped. We should have tried this big mileage thing years ago! Think what you'll do next year if you improve as much as you did this year!

From Cheris on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 00:23:24

You are totally right, I think Steve and his plan of lots of miles did wonders for us--I know it did for me! Thanks for all the encouragement, even when we thought it was crazy! You and Peggy have always taught us so much, I hope you can get vicarious pleasure out of lots more races--and pleasure over your own times, as well. (Although 4:01 is a dang-good time.) BUT I do think the weather can acount for a lot of lost minutes. We can always say "Remember that year when it rained the whole marathon? I RAN through that!"

From Debbie on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 01:02:07

Cheryl, I am proud of you! You give us all strength, you are so persistent, and fixed on the goal. You are an example to me. As I told you, factoring in age (in a whisper) your the fastest in our group!!!! Happy Birthday!!

From Mark on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 11:36:33

Great job getting out there and doing it and then reflecting on the positives even though it wasn't really the time you wanted. Maybe you've tried this already and this is tired advice, but a good sports massage therapist might help with hamstring/piriformis? Mine has done wonders for me (hip/lower back in my case)

From peggy on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 11:52:36

Way to go to make it into the 10-year club. Another goal accomplished. And I think you have more great running years ahead. After all, you're only my age!!

From Cheryl on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 14:29:41

Thanks, everyone, for your encouraging comments.

Cheris--You did great and I always, always, always appreciate your upbeat and positive attitude!

Debbie--That's about the nicest thing anybody's ever whispered to me. Don't know if it's true, but thank you anyway!

Mark--Thank you for your comment. Who is your massage therapist? Do you know of any good physical therapists? How about psychiatrists (that one's a joke! I think).

Peggy--You're right, I almost forgot we are the same age, so next year I expect to do as well as you. No more age excuses!! You have only a few more years before you're inducted into the fittest AARP group you've ever seen. Did I mention everyone at the 10-year dinner looked a little older, but they all looked in great shape!

From Kelli on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 15:59:42

Cheryl, you are a true inspiration!! Just think of how many young people you beat---thousands!!!

What a way to spend a birthday---a marathon in the rain. Lovely. I think I would have chosen Disneyland int he sun or something!

And that OJ thing is quite interesting!! I did not know he had been convicted, but it is due time for him to be behind bars.

Thanks for all of your advice and help the last month and a half, I know it helped me tremendously! You are GREAT!

From steve ashbaker on Mon, Oct 06, 2008 at 18:37:16

Cheryl, You are way too hard on yourself. Anybody who fights as hard as you do in a race will always have my honest respect. I am glad you gave yourself some credit though. Interestingly enough I seem to have have the exact same problem right now. It is not so much in the back as it is in the piriformis area. Coincidental that we also have hamstring issues too?

From Mark on Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 09:59:49

Unfortunately I am in the Tampa area, so my recommendation wouldn't help very much - unless you find yourself out this way, in which case I'd be happy to pass along her contact info. I talked to other injured runners to find my therapist. Good luck on your recovery and training - you have some good races ahead with your positive mental attitude.

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 00:31:21

Steve--it is interesting that we have similar issues. I hope you get over yours sooner than it's taken me. Actually, I'm still not over mine, but my goal for the next few months is to get totally healed up. Hope things are going ok with you otherwise.

Mark--that's interesting that you live in Tampa. I've lived in St. Augustine and Jacksonville, so I'm a Floridian at heart. And go Rays!

Kelli--Once again, thanks for always leaving nice comments on my blog. I really appreciate it.

From Kelli on Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 13:18:19

You are ever so welcome, Cheryl! You are amazing and I just want you to know it!

From Brent on Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 21:00:08

Cheryl, congrads on the 10-year club again, very great accomplishment.

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From erico on Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 00:48:53

Cheryl, hear you have been secretly doing recovery runs on your treadmill. Probably watching flashbacks from the OJ trial. I have to say I am pleased with the outcome of the latest trial, and it shows that bad behavior eventually catches up eventually.

Happy Birthday! Wishing you lots of healthy running for the upcoming year.

Thanks for being an inspiration to get out there on the pavement no matter the conditions and give it your best.

From Cheryl on Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 21:57:36

Brent--Thank you for that. I enjoyed meeting you and Sylvie at the Friday night gathering, and then seeing you again at the 10-year dinner. Good luck with your running.

From Cheryl on Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 22:04:16

Erico--Rumors of me secretly running on my treadmill have been greatly exaggerated. Thank you for your nice comments. You are an inspiration to me also. What a great running group we have, it's been a lot of fun.

Total Distance

I feel like I need to update my blog.  I decided after the marathon to take time off to let whatever is ailing my legs to heal up.   I went to a physical therapist on Thursday and the problem was diagnosed as ischial tuberosity which I guess is a fancy way of saying I have tendonitis on the upper part of the hamstrings on both legs.  My chiropractor agrees that is the problem also.  I'm getting treatment from both the PT and chiropractor and hopefully the problem will heal quickly and I'll be back to running soon.  In the meantime, I'm trying to do cross-training, with a little biking, a little stair-stepping, a little elliptical and maybe some pool running as part of the regime.  I feel I need to give my body a break from the constant pounding of running.  So don't expect any big mile weeks from me anytime soon.

From erico on Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 20:10:38

Cheryl, ouch! Sorry to hear that you are feeling so beat up. Hopefully some PT and cross training will help out. Let me know if you want to do any biking this fall. Looking for any excuse to break out the road bike. Maybe a triathlon is in the future for both of us.

From Kelli on Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 17:29:09

I am glad you got to the root of the problem. I hope you heal fast, but you will be smart about it---so you will!!! Have fun cross training---I prefer it!

From Cheryl on Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 20:34:58

Eric--I would love to do some biking if the weather cooperates. If you think it's cold to run on these mornings, just try biking, brrr! But maybe we'll have an Indian summer and we might have some nice mornings when we could bike.

Kelli--I agree, cross-training is fun. I've decided if I want to be running when I'm 80 that I can't pound my legs every day. The running group will continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays thru the winter and I hope you and Scott will still come join us!

From erico on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 00:59:57

Cheryl, I can imagine it would be cold riding in the winter. Listening to the weather this evening it sounds like it might warm-up a bit towards the end of the week. Maybe those who want to can get a few rides in.

From Michelle N. on Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 15:52:13

I hope you heal up soon. Take care of those legs and hope to see you out soon.

From Cheryl on Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 18:27:53

Thanks, Michelle. I'm glad you're back with the group, and hopefully I'll be able to join you again before too long.

Total Distance

I missed running with the group today because I need to let my hammys heal before I can run again.  I'm one of those lucky runners that seem to always get injuries that take a long time to heal.  My PT said tendon injuries are the hardest to heal because tendons don't get a good blood supply going to them, to they take longer to heal than say a muscle or something that does get a lot of blood.  So who knows how long I'll be out.  I know from sad experience if I don't take the time off now and let things heal up, it will just stay a nagging injury and will just keep on bugging me, and eventually I will have to take time off, so I might as well do it now.  I will blog my cross-training just so I can keep track of what I do.  So all you BBK's, I'll miss you, but hopefully when I come back I'll be a healthier and happier runner.  You guys stay healthy and happy!!

From erico on Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 11:36:30

Cheryl, sorry about the hamstrings, unfortunately they are tough to heal. I think swimming has helped out mine the most along with some stretching. Hope to see you again soon. Didn't you pace us with the bike last year?

Total Distance

I went to the SJ Rec Center and spent 30 minutes on the stair stepper, then 30 minutes on the elliptical.  I'm trying to do 5Ks on the elliptical, similar to what I do on a treamill.  I think what I can do on the elliptical would be what I could do on a treadmill.  Right now with resistance set to 10 it takes me about 25:30 to run the 5K.  I'll try to get faster in the weeks to come.

Total Distance

I' m going to start recording my cross-training as mileage so it doesn't look like I'm doing nothing.  I first went to the Rec Center at 9:00 for a yoga class.  I need all that stretching and other stuff,.  Then I went upstairs and did the stair master for 40 minutes.  That is quite the workout.  I feel like that has got to be keeping me in running shape, at least somewhat, right?  I then did the elliptical, pedaling backwards, for 10 minutes.  It was a lot of fun.  I miss my running group a lot, but I've got to say I've enjoyed this cross-training.  But, BBK group, you are still my first love!  Hope to be back soon.

From Jody on Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 19:33:38

We miss you too! Glad the cross training is going well, can't wait to have you back!

From Julie on Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 19:44:29

Yes Cheryl. We do miss you. I hope you recover soon. Take care of yourself.

From Cheryl on Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 23:33:25

Thanks, Jody and Julie. You guys are too nice. I can't wait to get back running with you! I like reading your blogs and keeping up on what you're doing.

From Bulldean on Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 00:13:51

Remember you can also cross train on the bike, maybe we will see you on the wheels. But, we do miss you in the morning, make sure you get better and don't come back to fast.

From Cheryl on Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 16:12:31

Thank you, Dean, I really appreciate that. I would like to ride my bike, but it's too cold in the morning--I know, I sound like a wimp. I just don't like the cold. I am trying to be really disciplined and not run until everything is healed up totally. But I do miss you guys a lot!!

From Kelli on Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 22:01:46

Miss you, too! But I love the starimaster---it is a great workout so enjoy it while you can becasue you are back to us when you are healed!

From erico on Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 22:19:03

Too cold? Cheryl, you don't break out the tights unless it is 20 degrees or lower! I think the forecast is upper thirties in the morning. Just ribbing you a bit. I do hope you feel better but Dean is right, you don't want to rush back too quickly.

Total Distance

My cross-training today:  35 minutes on the elliptical, 22:47 of it at a fast pace (did a 5K in that time) on a level 10; 23 minutes on the stair stepper.  I then walked with my dog on the canal road for about 30 minutes.  How many miles is all that?  I think I'll just put down 5, that sounds good.

From Kelli on Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 14:28:25

WOW, that was probably more than 5! How are you feeling? Is it getting any better?

You are awesome to fit all of that in---if I was told I could not run I would probably just quit and eat cookies!!

From erico on Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 16:07:31

Cheryl, you are probably the most balanced person on the blog. Hope to see you soon.

From Cheryl on Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 19:26:33

Kelli--Hopefully my hamstring is getting better, it's hard to tell, but I figure it has to if I've laid off running, right? I don't believe that thing about eating cookies, I see all that you do in addition to running! You're smart to do other things besides only running.

Eric--That's nice of you to say. I really do want to run and every day I have to force myself not to. I'm trying to see the big picture and telling myself in January when I'm all healed up (I hope) I'll be glad I didn't run right now. Hope all is going well with you.

From erico on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 00:38:02

Cheryl, I think it is awesome you are so motivated to keep up your fitness even when it is uncomfortable. I think I have mentioned it before but this swimming thing is really helping out with my hamstring. I think it fought me for two whole years before I started swimming this summer.

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 13:06:10

Eric--I have heard that swimming is good for the hamstring. I plan to add it to my cross-training repetoire here pretty soon. My 9 year old is off track and having him home all day has made it difficult for me to get to the gym when I want. But I will definitely try swimming. Thanks for all your nice and helpful comments.

Total Distance

For cross-training today, I spent 50 minutes on the elliptical.  Lots of fun.  I figured since my BBK group went 60 minutes today, I should do 60 also, but only made it to 50 because I had to get home so my son could have the car.

Update on the injury:  when I broke my toe a few years ago, I could feel it get better each day.  In other words, every day it felt a little better, and by a week after it felt almost healed.  For this current injury, every day it feels about the same.  If there is any improvement, I can't really tell, but I figure there has to be since I'm not running on it.  That's why I think it will be at least a month and probably longer before I can run again.  Remember when Carlos Boozer had the never ending hamstring injury a couple of years ago?  Everyone thought he was faking the injury because no injury takes that long to heal, or so they said.  Unfortunately, these hamstring injuries take a long time to heal.  So I'm just going to have to become a friend of the gym and learn to love cross-training.

On another note, I went to the BYU bookstore the other day, and saw they were selling shirts that said, "Quest for 12-1."  Sorry, BYU fans, I couldn't resist, and I'm a BYU fan myself.



From erico on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 00:43:32

BYU oh BYU. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. What can I say, TCU did their homework and our Cougars could not adjust or do anything new. Hopefully it was a good learning experience for them and they will have some answers for their next matchups. I am nervous for the Utes to face TCU with the new confidence this win over BYU gave them.

Oh crap, I just spent a whole paragraph talking football when this is a running blog…

From Cal on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:14:24

I loved your joke!

My injury was diagnosed as 'Piriformis Syndrome with Sciatica'. The biggest pain has been in my glute but i've often felt it in the upper hamstring as well. Probably different from your injury, but I can certain emphathize with you on the slow daily progress.

Hang in there. It stinks to be injured, huh? One good thing for me is that I'll really appreciate being able to run (once i can, of course) and be more conscientious about when to push it, when to go easy, and also when to crosstrain for total body fitness and balance.

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 13:02:52

Eric--that's fine to talk football, I think pretty much anything is fair game on these blogs. Read Walter's blogs if you want to see how far things go. I agree, I hope BYU has learned some lessons from this game. Don't be so predictable, change things up a little. We'll see how they do from hereon out.

Cal--I've suffered from the piriformis stuff and sciatica also. I think it's all interrelated. I think the key in my case is keeping the hamstrings well stretched and strong and doing the piriformis stretch every day. I once had a chiropractor tell me to stretch the piriformis everyday whether I thought I needed to or not. That's the best advice I've ever gotten for this injury. I didn't always heed it and I think that's why I'm injured now. Now I will stretch religiously. Is there anything besides the stretching and strengthening that you do for your injury?

From Cal on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 13:20:04

The Dr. prescribed Prednisone for the inflamed nerve and said to do the stretches 3 times a day, to loosen up the piriformis.

Prior to this injury I was suffering from lower ab and groin pains. I think that my body tried to compensate for those and may have brought on this other condition. Tom Lee has had all the same complaints as well, so i think its all inter-related.

(I had never been into stretching in the past, but it will be an integral part of all my future routines.)

From Kelli on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 14:18:57

Oh, that made me laugh, Cheryl! ERIC---do not read Walter's blogs unless you have a lot of time on your hands!! And do not make a comment unless you want your inbox to have 100 fastrunningblog e-mails every morning!!!

Cheryl, I am a fan of the cross training, really! It builds up the unused muscles in your body and it is just plain more fun! I hope you learn to love it as much as I do! Which gym are you going to?

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 15:09:46

Kelli--I do enjoy the cross-training. I figure if I have to have a running injury this is the best time, during the winter when I don't really want to be running in the cold and dark anyway, and enough time before racing season starts again that I should be ready for that. I go to the South Jordan Rec Center, it's close to my house and has just about everything. I especially like the stairmaster, that really gives a good workout. The elliptical is fun too. I agree that it helps strengthen unused muscles. My best year of running is when I did a lot of cross-training in addition to running. I don't think I'll go back to running 6 days a week, 50 or 60 miles a week. I don't think I can handle that. This year was a good experiment in high mileage, but it just didn't work for me. Have fun at the running group. I think about you guys a lot.

From Kelli on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 18:43:26

We think about you, too! ;o)

From erico on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 00:04:19

Cheryl, I went to Walters blog and got caught up on toes, lagoon and breaking up concrete with a jackhammer so I guess everything is fair game.

Oh yeah, about the BYU game, it felt as if Norm Chow was running the offense. 1down-Pass 2down-Run 3down-Run 4down-Punt! You are absolutely right, they need to mix things up, that is one thing that Gary Crowton actually did well.

And in closing, you are an animal for using the stairmaster that length of time. If I use it for 5 minutes and my thighs and achilles scream at me and render themselves useless for an entire week. Here you are going for 30-40 minutes at a time?!?! If you are trying to get some recovery time you might want to try something less ambitious and masochistic like running down Sasha.

From Cheryl on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 14:07:58

Eric--that stairmaster is a beast. I have to really psych myself up to get on it. I've found I can go high intensity for a few seconds, then lower the intensity and recover for a few minutes, and that seems to work. You're right though, it's quite the machine, probably designed for masochists, which we all are, right?

From erico on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 17:47:41

Cheryl, right you are. You know, what ever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Too bad it doesn't make you immune from pain. Are you planning on coming to the Pumpkin Run? It might be nice just to come socialize if you aren't planning to run.

Total Distance

Not much today, 20 minutes on the stair master.  Actually, timewise it wasn't a lot, but exercise effort-wise it was quite a bit.  Nothing gives you an aerobic workout like that stairmaster.  I have a love/hate relationship with it.

I couldn't spend a lot of time at the gym today because my 9 year old's football team was making a visit to BYU.  We got to see the locker room, weight room and then we got to watch a practice.  Some of the players got into a scuffle right in front of us.  I thought that wasn't much of an example for these young boys, but it did make things interesting.  Then all the players came over and gave autographs to anyone who asked.  They were all very nice.  I was especially impressed with Bronco Mendenhall.  I saw a lot of kindness and goodness in the way he treated everyone.  Maybe I'm just a biased BYU fan, but I was just really impressed by him.  Harvey Unga was also really nice, he went up to all the boys and called them by name (they had their jerseys on with their names on them) and thanked them all for coming.  It was a fun experience and I will root even more vigorously for BYU now.

From erico on Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 13:40:09

Cheryl, Bronco taught my Priest Quorum back when I was seventeen years old and he made an excellent impression on me back then. It is nice to know there are leaders that live what they teach. Glad you had an opportunity to meet him

From Cheryl on Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 23:59:21

That's cool that he taught you in Priest Quorum. I think he's a great guy and BYU is lucky to have him--in spite of that TCU game. I think they'll win from here on out. They'd better beat Utah or there will be a lot of weeping and wailing at my house.

Total Distance

I spent about 35 minutes on the elliptical and was able to go the 5K distance in 21:55 at a level 10.  I then did 12 minutes on the stair master.  I also did some yoga and core work.  I heard that a weak core leads to hamstring issues, so I'm going to try and strengthen that area.  I also was able to run in place for 5 minutes with no pain.  I'm not sure what that means because most of the pain is when I stride out, but maybe if I can run in place regularly I'll keep some muscle memory on how it feels to run.

Total Distance

My workout today consisted of 53 minutes on the elliptical.  I did 1:30 at a hard pace, then 30 seconds recovery.  That was pretty fun.  I then walked for 10 minutes on the treadmill, just to see if walking aggravated my hamstrings.  I could feel a little something, but it wasn't too bad.

 I'm tempted every day to run, but I just have to resist, knowing I'll be glad that I took the time to heal completely.  I keep telling myself that if I can't really run again for two months, that's ok, two months goes fast.  I remember when I had an IT band injury many years ago, it was a bad injury, at its worst I couldn't have run if I wanted to. Despite that, I resisted taking time off from running, and I would rest a few days, then test it out.  I did that several times before I just decided I would not run for two months.  I stuck to that, and then after two months started running again, had a really good running season capped by a PR at St. George, and have never again had IT band issues.  So I guess taking enough time off is the answer to some of these nagging injuries.  I hope I can stick to my plan of no running until everything feels better.

I'm especially tempted to run when I read the blogs of the BBK people telling about the workouts.  Then some of them talk about how cold they were, and then I'm happy I didn't have to get up early to run in the dark and cold.  So BBK people, keep telling how cold it is during the workouts so I don't miss the group so much.

From erico on Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 13:42:10

Okay, okay. I can take a hint and not talk about running on a running blog! It has been getting colder and darker, only six months till spring!

From Jody on Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 15:21:22

I will do my best to emphasize the cold, dark mornings! You have amazing will power, I do not think I could take two months off. BUT you are almost half way there - way to go!

From Cheryl on Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 16:45:17

Thank you, Eric and Jody, for helping me keep my desire to run under control. Pretty soon it will be sub-freezing temperatures and then I won't envy you guys so much!! Or maybe that's when I'll be back ready to run and will have to suffer in the cold with you.

From Michelle N. on Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 16:47:00

It was sooooo cold that I stayed in bed and didn't go Cheryl. Did that help? You are doing great cross training.

From Cheryl on Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 23:56:21

Thanks, Michelle, that did help. I really don't like the cold so I should be happy I can't run right now. I'm just worried that when I get better and am ready to run again it will be REALLY cold. We should all be sane and just stay in bed when it gets that cold, right?

From Kelli on Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 16:56:36

You are doing great, just keep it up and you will be all healed and better in no time at all!!

It is very cold, so COLD that i am now very sick. Feel better??

Total Distance

To the Rec Center.  I did 2x20 minutes on the stair stepper.  The last 20 minutes I put the stair master on its highest level and did some running--not the whole 20 minutes, that would have killed me, but some minute intervals spread throughout.  I can do that kind of running without feeling any pain in my hamstrings, so maybe that's what I'll have to do the next few weeks.  I then spent 25 minutes on the elliptical.  Family Guy was on the TV when I did that, so of course I was forced to watch.  What a show.  Funny but very crude at the same time.

From erico on Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 14:41:24

Cheryl, you are incredible, running on a stairstepper? You might just be building up a ton of strength and endurance that will be a huge benefit in the long run. You are smart!

Also, have to rib you about Family Guy! You can be honest if you really enjoyed it or not.

From Cheryl on Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 15:43:04

OK, Eric, this is just between me and you and no one else. I do find Family Guy pretty funny; I have a hard time resisting Stewie and Brian. If anyone else asks, though, I will say I find it disgusting.

From luzylew on Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 19:37:00

I hate to even say this,because it's something to do while you can't run... but I ran some steps at the Masonic Temple in DC this summer (over and over again as part of my run), and I think that's where my pain began in my hip/butt,,,,Gauge how you feel taking a tiny run after you get of the stair stepper to see. Just in case.

From air darkhorse on Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 00:23:47

Hi Cheryl! Thanks for your note on my blog. Are any of you meeting sometime in the afternoon? Just want to meet up and go for a run with everybody and say Hi.

I must agree with you on the Family Guy sentiment. Stewie makes me laugh so hard sometimes, I end up getting a sideache!

From Cheryl on Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 13:21:38

Hmm--I don't feel pain when I do the stairmaster, but maybe I should be more careful. It is an intense workout so maybe I should do it every other day.

From Cheryl on Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 13:23:47

Steve--Thanks for the comment. I'm not running right now, trying to let my hamstring tendonitis heal. However, when I feel better I would love to see you again and go for a run. I'll talk to the others and maybe we can plan something. I'll let you know.

Total Distance

Everyone knows I'm not running this mileage, right?  I'm just guesstimating how my cross-training translates into miles, just so it won't look like I'm doing absolutely nothing.  I don't want to see zeros for the next few weeks.

Anyway, my workout today consisted of walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes, varying the speed, trying to stretch out my legs and at the same time stretch the hamstrings.  I was able to get to 4.5 mph at Level 2 with no pain, so I saw that as a good sign.

Later, I went to the Rec Center and did the stairmaster for about 25 minutes.  I first just walked for 20 minutes, then for 5 minutes I threw in some running.  The machine is getting easier, I can have it at a higher level without my legs burning from pain.  Today I ran at level 17 without holding on to the handrails.  Before this I had always held on to the handrails because I have a big fear of falling off, that would be really bad.  I think if I'm really careful I won't fall, at least I hope not.  I guess I like to live dangerously on those gym machines. 

From erico on Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 15:24:32

Cheryl, which episode of Family Guy did you get to watch this time? Have you seen the Star Wars episode? It is a classic and I have it on DVD if you would like to borrow it. Anyways, 4.5 is moving for a walking pace, sounds like you are coming along very well. So, are you about a month out now?

From Cheryl on Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 16:02:26

I've heard about the Star Wars episode, but have not seen it. The one I saw was where their teenage son--is it Chris?--went to a hoity toity boarding school and the boys there were mean to him because he was poor. The plot wasn't that important, it's all the little asides they throw in that make it pretty funny. I hope to be back with the group in about a month, I would guess. Hopefully not any longer than that.

From Kelli on Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 12:28:18

Great job Cheryl!! You are doing awesome, and 4.5 is a dang good clip!

From Julie on Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 17:04:23

Cheryl, I am so impressed that you can do the stairmaster at a level 17 without holding on. That is tough. When I was running up Vejo, I felt like I was on the stairmaster. Keep up the great work.

From Cheryl on Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 22:55:21

Julie--I was inspired by you telling me how Jerry uses the stairmaster, and how he runs on it. I can only run for about a minute at a time before I've had enough. I think the stairmaster is my favorite cross-training thing to do. It's a great workout. Thanks for your comment and I hope all is going well with you.

Total Distance

I'm slowly working my way back into running.  I got on the treadmill for 65 minutes, walking mainly, but throwing in some running along the way.  I ran comfortably without pain at 5.0mph and 2% incline for quite a while.  I tried to get faster, and by the time I hit 6.0mph I was feeling pain in the hamstrings.  It just feels like they need to be able to stretch out more and then there wouldn't be pain.  So I have to keep working at getting them more flexible.  So for the time being, I may be slow, but at least I'm running again, which feels good.

From Michelle N. on Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 16:06:43

YAY Cheryl! You'll be out running with us before you know it. I shouldn't say us because I was lazy this morning and didn't join the group.

From erico on Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 16:18:25

Cheryl, glad to hear you are feeling stronger. You are so disciplined to listen to your body like that and backing off when the pain starts. Hope all is well with you and your family and looking forward to seeing you again soon.

From Tom on Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 18:11:12

Thanks for the comments on my blog and good luck getting those hamstrings happy. I've had to deal with the high-hamstring tendonitis issues off-and-on for a lot of years and I know what a pain-in-the-rear, literally, it can be.

Looks like your are at exactly the same point I was about 3 years ago, I took a break after SGM 2005 and did 4-5 weeks of just cross-training and some physical therapy to help loosen and strengthen the hamstrings and let the tendons heal. The good news is that for most runners, doing exactly what you are doing will allow you run that much more comfortably and better down the road.

Although I still get flare-ups every now and again, by being diligent with the stretching and icing I've been able to do my best running AFTER having dealt with this injury. I've found one of the most important things in keeping this at bay is to NOT do any hard runs too soon and too fast shortly after a hard race, especially after marathons.

Good luck with your recovery!

From Kelli on Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 15:11:15

Yeah, running!!!! Great job, but take it easy becasue I want you back soon!

From erico on Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 17:44:03

Cheryl, I was checking back for entries from your very entertaining blog. Sounds like you are very busy so I will check up on you later. Hope all is going well so we can see you back with the group again. Went on a run with Debbie, Alan and Peggy this morning and we talked about how disciplined you are taking the time off and then the stupid people like me that run through a hamstring injury for two years before it gets better.

From Cheryl on Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 20:52:32

Thanks, Michelle and Kelli for your comments and for always being so nice. I may be back to the group soon, I'll see how this next week goes.

Tom--I appreciate your thoughts on the injury. I've dealt with this injury off and on for the last few years, I just have to remember to be diligent in stretching and icing. Hopefully I'll be like you and have my best running after taking care of this.

Eric--do you really think my blog is entertaining? That was so nice of you to say. Just because you said that, I just now updated my blog. I haven't watched Family Guy recently so nothing to report about that. I did see the Simpsons "24" episode, that was pretty entertaining. I'm glad all you guys had a good run this morning. At least you were able to run thru the injury and now it's better. I'll probably always have pain in my hamstrings, I'm just going to have to learn to live with it. Maybe I'll see you at the group in the next couple of weeks.

Total Distance

I think I'll just put down 3 miles every day.  It doesn't really matter what I put, I'm not doing a whole lot of running but I am cross-training a lot, so whatever.  I did manage to get on the treadmill and walk/run.  Every day I try a little faster.  I'm really trying to work on form, trying to relaxxxxxxx.  Everytime i think "relax" I seem to get more tense.  I think that may be the root of my problem, I'm too stiff and tight.  So the key word is "relax," run at whatever speed I can stay "relaxxxed."  I guess that's my word for today.  RELAX everyone.

Total Distance

Another walk/run day on the treadmill.  My hamstrings feel just a little tight and sore, not too bad.  I'm actually thinking I may be able to return to the group soon.  One or two more weeks of easy running, then I may venture back with them.

Total Distance

I did another treadmill walk/run workout.  This is getting kind of boring, isn't it.  Boring for anyone reading my blog, but actually fun for me because it's just great to be running again.  I did some faster running also, that was the best.  Hopefully things will keep feeling ok.  I also went to the Rec Center and spent 20 minutes on the stairmaster.  That is the best workout of all.  I always say I'll keep it easy just to get me to get on it, then I always have to push it at the end, to where my legs are wobbling when I finish.  Always glad when it's done.

Total Distance

I went to Lisa's class at the Rec Center and we worked on lower body strengthening.  It was fun.  It's always fun, I'm always glad when I go, it's just sometimes hard to get there at 5:30am.  Then I lifted weights upstairs with Peggy and Debbie for a few minutes after that.  Later I did another treadmill run/walk thing.  I'm slowly starting to run more than I walk, I think.  I'm still working on "relaxing."

Total Distance

It was a busy day for me.  First, my 9-year old had his championship football game today.  They had a great season, only losing one game, and they avenged that loss last week, playing a great game.  We all had high hopes they would win the championship, but alas, they came up short, losing 7-0.  What does it take to win a championship?  I've now been there three times with my two boys, but they've lost everytime.   Maybe I'm the jinx.  Maybe next time I'll just stay home.  Anyway, that took up most of the morning.  Then I of course had to watch the BYU game, which helped take some of my pain away, but not entirely.  I then felt I had to do some yard work or I'd feel terribly guilty, so I did that.  Finally, I got on the treadmill and got in a pretty good run, 26 minutes non-stop, and then a few minutes more after taking a walking break.  I would say I had minimal hamstring pain during the run.  I may just have to learn to live with always having a little pain, I can't see being totally pain free anytime soon.  I can deal with a little pain.  So we'll see how next week goes, and then decide if I can return to the group.  I haven't run outside in so long because I hate the cold, so I wonder how I'll handle it.

From erico on Sun, Nov 09, 2008 at 11:44:41

Cheryl, Wow! It was like waking up on Christmas morning and seeing 5 blog entries. Glad to hear you have been able to start running again without too much discomfort. Sounds like it won't be too much longer. - Sorry to hear about your son's loss. That has got to be tough as a parent. Sometimes it seems like character is often built during the journey although it is nice to triumph in the end. I am crossing my fingers for BYU, the stars have aligned for them to win the conference championship if they can beat the Utes. It will be a tough battle with Utah's defense playing so well and BYU's seeming to struggle. It is always a struggle for the two teams and I can't wait. Hope you have a great week. Stay healthy.

From peggy on Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 14:08:18

Sounds like you had a busy day. I'm glad your hamstring is feeling better.

From Cheris on Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 17:06:58

Cheryl! I am so glad to hear improvement--OK, not that I have been reading anyone's blogs at all to even know what improvement constitutes--but 26 minutes with minimal pain sounds like a good thing! Yay! Speaking of pain, I missed you at the Snow Canyon Half on Saturday!

Total Distance

I first went at 5:30 to the Rec Center and did Lisa's circuit training class.  I really like her classes because she mixes things up and it just seems like you get a good workout and I'm sure many of the things she has us do helps with running also.  All I know is in 2007 when I attended her classes regularly, I ran injury free and had some PRs also.  So I'm trying it again.  Then I went upstairs and lifted a few weights.  Peggy and Debbie were there also (Debbie had attended the class also.)  I finished with about 12 minutes on the stairmaster.

Later, I got on the treadmill and ran/walked for 30 minutes, then did some faster one minute intervals.  The emphasis was on staying relaxed, which I think I achieved.  It was fun.

Total Distance

I started out at the Rec Center at 9:00 to do the yoga class there.  I need the stretching and everything else it offers (especially breathing and relaxation.)  I then took my dog to the canal road and ran easy for almost 30 minutes.  I felt a little tight in my hamstrings, but felt no pain, so I thought that was good.  I finished up later with 20 minutes on the stairmaster.  I did the stairmaster because everything else I had done today wasn't too aerobic, so I needed an exercise that really got me working hard, which the stairmaster is good at.

I've been rereading Chi Running, one of my favorite running books.  In it the author (Danny Dreyer) says that running does not hurt your body, it's the way you run that does the damage and causes pain.  He thinks stress and tension cause most running injuries, and if we could just learn to relax and run like little children, running would become much easier, you'd be able to run faster and without injuries and it would just be much more enjoyable.  So my main goal now is to run relaxed with no tension.  Hopefully it will become easier to do the more I practice it, my natural way is to run with lots of tension, which is obviously not good.

From Kelli on Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 15:59:07

How do you figure that out, though??? I need to practice it myself!

BUT yeah for the running with the dog! I hope you enjoyed it (I am sure you did).

From erico on Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:02:47

Cheryl, it was incredibly great to see your smiling face this morning. Wow, hat a morning. I have heard a lot about the Chi of Running. When you are done reading it you and I have to talk about all the new things you will have learned so I can begin putting them into practice as well. Heres to Healthy Running!

From Kelli on Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 17:28:53

OKAY, I have been checking for updates every day!!! I know you ran Thursday with us. How did it go??? And how was Saturday? Are you feeling pretty good?

From Cheryl on Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 21:01:13

Eric--You are too nice. Thank you for that comment. Chi Running has interesting ideas, I'm just not quite sure how to implement them all. The main thing I'm working on is to run more relaxed with less tension. Easier said than done.

Kelli--Thank you for checking for updates. I've gotten a little behind in my blogging, obviously, but will update soon. Running is going a lot better. I didn't really feel pain in my hamstrings when I ran this week, just tightness. I'm still working on getting rid of that. I'm counting on yoga to do the trick.

From air darkhorse on Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 19:42:16

I think the key to running like this is to run without expectations or even an outcome in mind. Just a thought.

From Cheryl on Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 23:07:26

Steve--I think you're right. When I don't worry about how far I'm going or how long I'm running, I can run much more relaxed. When I think I have 10 miles ahead of me, I am filled with lots of tension. How are you doing, by the way? Do you still want to meet with some of us for an afternoon run sometime?

Total Distance

I really didn't do well last week on blogging.  My resolution is to do better.  I think I'm doing so much run/walking type stuff that it's hard to determine how many miles I've run, so I just don't even try to guess and avoid posting a blog.  I did run with the group last Thursday, and was happy to be back with everyone, even though I really didn't talk to anyone for too long, except for Alan.  Then on Saturday I ran with Cheris, Michelle,  Debbie, Dean and Kris.  That was fun, we had fun talking.  I've missed all those guys!!

Today--I took my dog to the canal road about noon and had a great run, nice warm weather, no wind, it was great.  I spent 30 minutes there, walking some, mostly running.  My goal is to avoid pain in the hamstrings and to run loose and relaxed.  I didn't feel any pain and tried my best to be relaxed.  Then I got on the treadmill and ran some faster one minute "sprints" I guess you'd call them, even though they weren't overly fast.  I felt just a little pain in my hamstrings doing that.  It was an enjoyable run.  Now to run with the group again tomorrow.

From Kelli on Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:43:37

WAY TO BLOG!!! Thanks for the talk this morning and the advice! Wouldn't you know that I would get my first real severe pain after talking to you and you telling me to slow down and chill!! I will listen. I will.

The long run (20) by the way, is really any distance anyone wants to do, with 20 being the most (although Scott is aiming for 26). I do not plan on doing the whole thing!!!!

From Cheryl on Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 14:42:22

Kelli--I'm sorry today's run seemed to cause pain. Next time, I need to emphasize that on the regrouping we should keep running, no stopping. I tighten up too when we stop, so I prefer to keep moving. Good luck with everything. I think we all need to do a little less running, and more cross-training, at least right now. Winter is the time to heal and get stronger, not to get more injuries. I'm sure whatever it is won't keep you down too long.

From Kelli on Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 15:03:43

Thanks! I am going to take a little break from running. However, in all that I have read, I can go for as long as I am pain free. I never feel pain until about 3 miles, so I may throw in a few of those. Running/walking with my daughter should be okay. I am listening to my body, though. Once it shouts, I am walking!

Glad to know I am not the only one who gets all tight when we stop. My body wants to quit at its first chance!

Total Distance

I met with the running group at 5:45.  The plan for today was to try and keep the group somewhat together, at least for part of the run.  I think it worked fine, we were able to talk to a lot of different people and it just felt more like a group run.  I don't know if everyone wants to do it that way everytime, but I enjoyed it.  Last Thursday I felt a little in "no man's land," knowing the group was out there somewhere in the mist ahead of me, but not really being able to see or talk to anyone besides who I was running right next to.   What do the rest of you guys think, what do you prefer?  Do you like staying with the group more or do you prefer running your pace for the distance and not having to worry about regrouping?  

In any event, it was great being back with my group, I was on a type of runner's high all morning just enjoying being back out running again with the fun group!

I did go to yoga at the Rec Center at 9:00.  I've decided I have to do yoga if I want to continue to be a runner.   I need all the stretching and strengthening.  It's rough getting older, you seem to need more maintenance.  I enjoy yoga too, the teacher is calm and relaxing, just what I need, and I get to visit with some neighbors I don't normally talk to very often.  All in all, a fun morning.

From Michelle N. on Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 13:54:13

I think the plan is great Cheryl. As long as we know we have to turn around after 5 minutes. I kind of got mixed up on what we were supposed to do and led everyone astray. Sorry. I'll see ya tomorrow:)

From Cheryl on Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 23:01:34

Michelle--You were fine, I think it went well yesterday. We at least got to see everyone and talk to several we don't often get to talk to. So you did great, no worries!!

Total Distance

I went to Costco yesterday and bought a Garmin 305!!  So I will no longer have to ask everyone I'm running next to what our pace is and how far we've gone.  I'm sure everyone in the group is happy to hear that!  I tested it out today on the canal road.  I kept looking at my pace, hoping I'd be faster.  I need to just run comfortably and not worry too much about pace.  Anyway, it was a great day to run, warm, no wind.  We'd better enjoy it because I don't think it will last.  I later got on the treadmill and ran about 3 miles more, alternating pace.  Fun, fun.

From Kelli on Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 13:54:58

Those Garmin's can cause issues!! I got so tied up in how fast I was going that I went crazy!! So, I make Scott wear it. BUT, I am going to go buy him one today for Christmas. He will be so happy to have his own.

Missed the run this morning, my day does not feel complete!!! Hopefully next week!

From peggy on Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 17:09:55

If checking your pace too often gets to be a problem, you could configure your display so pace doesn't show. Then you can just check it at the end of the run. I've considered doing that myself, although I haven't yet.

From erico on Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 18:06:33

Peggy, that is a great idea. I used to put a towel over the display of the treadmill while running. Staring at a display makes the time go by so slow.

From Cheryl on Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 18:34:56

Yeah, staring at the display makes you feel like you should speed up when you don't feel like speeding up. The best runs are when you just run comfortably, going by effort more than a specific pace. If I feel like I have to keep checking pace, I will do what you suggested, Peggy. And Kelli, we do want to see you back next week, so get healed fast!! And Eric, quit working so much and get to the group!!

From walter on Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 22:10:39

Way to get with the times Cheryl! lol Well it looks like you beat me back! Im jealous! Sooo Jealous! Youll have to help push everyone now! I will dream of running for a few more weeks and that will be the just of it! Keep it up, more to follow....

From Cheryl on Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 00:30:40

Walter--yes, I finally entered the 21st century, and yes, I am back with the group. I didn't post that on your blog because I didn't want to make you jealous, like you say you are. But I'm sure you'll be back very soon running just as strong as ever!!

From walter on Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 03:15:28

Cheryl, Im glad your back and strong. Of coarse Im jealous of you thats my job. Your job is to keep pumping out those miles.

Total Distance

I met with the BBK group at Cheris' house at 5:45.  It's hard to describe the run, suffice it to say there were lots of hills, and we all love hills!!  Thank you Cheris for planning that workout.  And since this was my first run with the group where I've used a garmin, I need to write down the vital info:  6.27 miles in 58:37, 9:21 average, with a 7:03 best.  I like that 7:03 best, I probably just held that for about a second.  It was fun being with everyone in the group.

At 9:00 I went to the Rec Center for yoga class, which I enjoyed as always.  I then did 15 minutes on the stairmaster; I can't seem to leave that stairmaster alone, I love it and hate it at the same time.  And then for good measure I went home and ran a little more on the treadmill, once again concentrating on form and trying to be totally relaxed.  It's difficult to change form after a certain way has become ingrained, but I'm trying!

Total Distance

After yesterday, I just wanted an easy day, so I went to the Rec Center around 11:00 and did the stairmaster for 10 minutes, then did some core work, then went to the canal road with my dog and ran easy for about 30 minutes.  It was a nice day, a little cooler, but still nice to be outside running.

From erico on Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 02:00:36

Cheryl, looking at your weekly mileage it looks like you are doing extremely well. It is so great to have you back and running with the group. See you Saturday morning if you are able to make it.

From Cheryl on Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 13:36:50

Thanks, Eric, for your always nice and supportive comments. I'm sorry I missed this morning, I just couldn't face the dark and the cold. That's one drawback with having a treadmill, you can always convince yourself to skip the outside run and just run on the treadmill. Hope to see you this next week at the group!! And by the way, your weekly mileage is really good also. If we can keep this up over the winter, I think we'll have a really strong year next year (for me, just about anything will be better than last year!)

Total Distance

I woke up early, too early, thinking about the Bingham-Alta game, and also about the BYU-Utah game.  Am I obsessed with football, or what?  It would have been nice for Bingham to win so we Bingham Butt-Kickers could revel in their glory, because their glory is our glory, right?  Oh well, maybe next year.  And now to see if BYU can pull off an upset.

Anyway, back to running.  I couldn't face the dark and cold, so I talked myself out of meeting some members of the BBK for a long ran, and I just ran on my treadmill instead.  After a nice long warm-up, I got to the meat of the workout which was a fast 5K.  I managed to run it in 23:17, with no incline.  I'd like to work up to around 22 minutes at a 2% incline.  That's what I was able to do when I was running pretty well, so hopefully I can do that again sometime in the not too distant future.  I also plan to get in some core work later on, maybe during the big game.

From erico on Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 21:57:24


Sorry we missed you this morning. You are doing better than I am, missing two workouts due to laziness. By now you know that both Bingham and BYU lost. Not a good days for the boys in blue. I am really starting to hate the color red. Next year better to a much better year.

Great job with the 23:17 5K. That is incredibly fast for coming off an injury. It sounds like you were smart and recovered well. It is paying off in big ways. Looking forward to great things next year.

From Kelli on Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 15:41:23

That is incredibly fast period!!

Sorry about BYU. Bummer. Oh, and Bingham, too. I actually watched some of that game!

From Cheryl on Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 23:40:45

Eric and Kelli--You both know that I ran that time on a treadmill, right? I couldn't run that fast on the roads right now. But thank you for making it sound fast, you both are always so nice to make nice comments. I really appreciate it!!

From erico on Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:38:16

Cheryl, I don't know about that. I think a treadmill is much harder to run on than the road.

From Kelli on Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 13:14:01

I agree with Eric 100%. I run a 9:30 to 10 minute mile on the treadmill and feel like I am pushing it. Then I run outside and feel like I am going slow only to realize I am at like an 8:15!! I am all the MORE impressed that you are doing it on a treadmill!

Total Distance

I first got up and made it to the Rec Center at 5:30 to do Lisa's class.  We worked on upper body strength.  I then spent a few minutes on my own working on core exercises.  Later, I ran on the treadmill, and again did a fast 5K.  I probably should just be running slow and easy, but I enjoy doing those 5Ks.  This time I managed 22:45 at no incline.  Now again, that's a treadmill time and I could not run that fast on the roads.  Eric and Kelli, I think you could run faster on a treadmill than the roads because on the treadmill there are no hills and no wind resistance, so it's easier going.  Give it a try, I bet you could set an all time record for a 5K on the treadmill.

From Julie on Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 18:33:11

That is a great 5k time. I am so glad that you are able to run again. We all missed you while you were gone.

From Brent on Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 20:28:44

Cheryl, thanks for the happy birthday. It seems your running has been going well after St.George, 22:45 on the treadmill is a mental game, staying with the pace. What is your 5K PR?

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Cheryl on Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 22:55:15

Thank you, Julie. I appreciate that nice comment.

Brent--My 5K pr all-time is 21:59. Lately I can run a 5K in either the high 23 or low 24 minute range. I'm hoping that getting my hamstring issues healed will allow me to run faster on the road soon and maybe I'll be able to match or at least come close to my all-time PR.

From peggy on Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 13:09:16

It sounds like you're feeling good. I'm glad! Thanks for the nice run this morning. Sometimes those tried-and-true routes are nice.

From Kelli on Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 18:36:54

I have tried, I can do 2 fast but not 3!!! You rock!

Total Distance

I met with the group at Bingham High at 5:45.  We ran the approximately 6.5 mile route I had picked out last summer.  I tried to make the speedies start behind us so they would have to catch us and no one would get left too far behind.  However, it didn't seem to work, because they caught us early on.  I need to ask them to wait about 10 minutes before coming after us.  I ran the entire time with Lisa Hardy.  We had a nice time talking.  The only problem is that I went just a little faster than I wanted to go.  I kept thinking I needed to tell her I wanted to slow down, but you know how it goes, a little pride gets in the way and you just think you need to keep going fast.  We ran (literally) into Michelle, Cheris and Debbie who said the speedies took a wrong street, so we bagged the last little bit of the run and just finished thru Prospector.  I was more than happy to skip the last uphill street, although Prospector had its uphill also.  Cheris and Michelle were talking about running Boston.  Makes me think maybe I should go.  That's something to think about.  Anyway, it was a good run and I'm glad we got in almost 7 miles.

From peggy on Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:47:20

The "speedies" didn't mean to take a wrong street. We just figured that if we went down Bridle Oak then back up through Homestead we wouldn't get back to the school in time, so we bagged Bridle Oak Drive and just went down Homestead. Boston would be fun. You should think about it.

From Cheryl on Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 13:55:59

I should have known the "speedies" didn't get it wrong. That run did seem to go on and on and seemed longer than when we ran it last summer. Hmm, I wonder why? What do you think about Boston, do you have any interest in going in April?

From erico on Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 18:13:11

I think the both of you ought to go to Boston. I don't know of any other runners that put in the time, work and give of your efforts to others like Peggy and Cheryl. If you are able to go you will have to give an in depth report when you come home.

From peggy on Mon, Dec 01, 2008 at 15:43:10

I think the reason it felt longer this time is because we were running it faster last summer. :)

I haven't actually signed up for Boston yet, but I am probably going to go. Mike and I figure we'll stay at the same place as the rest of the gang and just hang out with them. It really would be fun for you to come, too.

Total Distance

My legs felt a little tight and sore today, so I figured I should take it easy.  I ended up going to the canal road and walking/running for 30 minutes.  I think I got in two miles of running.   A kind of uneventful running day.

From Kelli on Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 14:22:13

Have a great Thanksgiving and thanks for sending that e-mail out to everyone. I hope some people decide to come, it is a great trail and it will be FUN!

From erico on Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 15:07:00

Cheryl, it was so nice to run and visit with you and the others on Thanksgiving. Thanks for putting that run together. It did wonders for erasing the guilt of over-indulgence on pumpkin pie.

Total Distance

I met with the BBK's at 7:00 for our Thanksgiving run around Parkway Palisades.  I kind of headed up the workout and had us do a couple of 2 mile repeats.  The first had a competitive element where one group started a couple of minutes ahead of the other, and then we saw who finished first.  I kind of pushed it and ran the first 2 mile repeat in 16:08.  The second was a little slower, 16:30.  Then we ran the main road once and it was tough.  It took 9:20.  I ran with Michelle and Cheris, that was fun as always.  Eric was looking strong today.  But I feel out of practice on those hills, I think we need to start doing them somewhat regularly, what do the rest of you think?

Total Distance

After yesterday, I needed an easier day.  So all I did was run pretty easily on the treadmill for 3 miles.  Actually, I put in some faster minutes, but then took good recoveries so it never got too painful.

From erico on Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 18:09:48

Cheryl, we will have to take the group and run the JR Trail in Northern Utah County. It was nice to have a change of scenery and different challenges. And if Kelli keeps on brining muffins whole mobs of runners are going to show up.

Thanks for some great runs this week, looking forward to this upcoming week as well.

From Cheryl on Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 18:16:24

I know, I read Kelli's blog, and it did sound like fun. Who besides you came from the BBK group? Next time I'll try and sneak away and make the run. I'll see you next week at the group.

From erico on Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 19:31:37

Cheryl, oh, I meant to mention that in my last message. It was Alan that came. We had a great time talking about the holidays, work, family, music, etc…. It was great and the pace was comfortable. We averaged around 9:40 for 14 miles even with some good sized climbs. Next week is Vegas but I would like to run the course again soon, Alan and I were even thinking of going up Butterfield Canyon would be nice too.

Total Distance

Another easy day.  Not even a long, easy day.  My husband had a remodeling project he wanted to work on, so I felt I couldn't spend much time running.  I'll just consider this my easy week and pick it up next week.

Total Distance

I didn't start December off very well, barely getting in any running.  I was a little too keyed up about things to put in a decent run.  Hopefully the rest of the week will be better.

Total Distance

Met with the BBK's at the church at 3200 W. and 102 So.  I took off with the group and was surprised to see I could actually stay with the lead pack--at least for a while.  Gradually I began to fade, until I met up with Dean and then Lynette and we finished the run together.  I was really dragging at the end.  Our average pace was about 8:36, but that was with being a little faster at the start and a lot slower at the end.  I usually like to finish faster, so I'm just going to have to start slower.  I'm glad Peggy will now be the speed police and will keep us under control.

From Cal on Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 00:18:49

Good job Cheryl! I hope your injury problems are all behind you.

From Kelli on Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 14:38:26

I think I will even be behind the speed police, but at least I will be able to see you guys!

From Cheryl on Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 14:42:48

Thanks, Cal. That's a good play on words, "behind" you. Get it? All my injury problems are definitely behind me. And they are getting much better, also. Sounds like you're doing a lot better also, which is great.

Kelli, if you're at all behind the speed police, it won't be by much. I'm going to push for 8:45 or maybe even slower pace. We'll see.

From britta on Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 17:19:08

I missed you guys this morning too. I really hope this is not a long process to get over.

From Kelli on Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 20:06:11

Hmmmmm, nobody has posted about Thursday's run! Maybe everyone slept in and no one showed up!

From Cheryl on Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 17:08:22

Britta--good luck, injuries are never fun, but what can you do? You just have to heal up, and then you'll be out running as strong as ever.

Kelli--I finally posted for Thursday. I really wanted to sleep in, but forced myself out. It was fun, we did miss you and some of the others who usually come. Erico, where have you been?

Total Distance

It was the old dreadmill, I mean treadmill, day.  I actually like the treadmill so I probably shouldn't be calling it that.  While watching my favorite shows, such as Regis and Kelli, and of course The View, I got in a pretty good workout.  I threw in some fast stuff there at the end, got the treadmill up to 10.6mph for a short distance (with no incline.)  It was fun.

Total Distance

I met the group at Peggy's house at 5:45am.  The group was just a little smaller than it's been lately.  Several, such as Kelli and Britta, are battling injuries.  We missed you guys!  Anyway, Peggy had a clever workout planned, the only problem was none of us could quite figure out how to do it right.  It had something to do with throwing gloves into a pile, and then exchanging gloves, and then exchanging partners, and then running in different directions.  It was too early in the morning for our brains to follow it all.  But I liked the idea of trying to think of something to do that was a little diferent.  We eventually just all grouped together and ran over to Y Worry Lane by the temple.  We had a fun political discussion.  Everybody seems to think about the same, so that made it nice, nobody to challenge our beliefs, we liked that.  I was just a little draggy this morning and once again ran a little faster than I really wanted, but it was fun to be out with the group.

From Kelli on Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 17:47:02

DANG, I was not there to challenge your beliefs!!!! I am a U fan, you know!

Sounds fun, too bad we missed it! I will be there next week, just running SLOW.

From Erico on Sun, Dec 07, 2008 at 01:39:08

Political discussion and I missed it? Oh man! Can't wait to see the group on Tuesday. It has been way to long.

Total Distance

Short run, didn't get in as much as I wanted.

Total Distance

I had a funeral for my husband's aunt this morning, so I put off running until later in the day, and guess what, later never really came.  I did go to the Rec Center and do the stairmaster for 20 minutes, then some back and ab exercises.  Another low mileage week.  Hope to pick it up next week, but you never know about this time of the year.

Total Distance

I was up bright and early and at the Rec center at 5:30 to do Lisa's circuit class.  We rode the bike and worked on upper body exercises.  Then I went upstairs and did some back and ab exercises, then I did the stairmaster for 8 minutes.  Later on,  I ran on the treadmill and got in almost 3 miles.  Two miles were at 8.5 with no incline.  Always enjoyable to try and run fast on the treadmill.

From erico on Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 23:12:04


great to hear that you had a nice workout. Looking forward to getting back to running group this week. Looking forward to charging up and down some more hills.

From Kelli on Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 23:19:08

Enjoyable and treadmill in the same sentence? You must be losing your mind!!!!

Great work out today. You are awesome!! I got up early, too, and now I am wondering if I will be able to pull it off two days in a row!

Total Distance

Dean led the workout today.  We met at a church in his neighborhood, and then broke the run up into 3 segments.  I liked that because we were able to regroup and see all the members of our group at each regrouping.  It was cold out, but besides my hands being a little cold, it was fine.  I'll take the cold over the wind any day.  I was able to talk to several people, which was fun.  I felt pretty strong during the run.  I think working on my core strength by doing yoga and other exercises has helped me feel stronger.  Last year (speaking of pre-St. George marathon time) when I didn't do those things, I always felt a little weak and struggled to keep up with the group.  Plus I struggled with injuries.  So I know what to do if I want a better year of running in '09.

Since I now have a Garmin, I thought I'd put in the vital stats of the run:

Interval 1:

Time:  16:47

Distance:  1.84 miles

Avg Pace:  9:06

Best:  7:06


Interval 2:

Time:  17:45

Distance:  2.09 miles

Avg. Pace:  8:30

Best::  7:25


Interval 3:

Time:  20:43

Distance:  2.4 miles

Avg. Pace:  8:38

Best:  7:00






From Kelli on Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 18:49:10

Don't you love the Garmin? I love Garminless runs now, too, but it is fun to have the STATS! Wish I had talked to you more today, but you were speedy!

From erico on Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 23:59:03

Cheryl, it was nice to visit with you this morning although it was way too brief. You are looking strong and recovered which has got to feel very good after going through a tough patch.

Looking forward to a great Thursday Run.

Total Distance

A lot of times at night, I have great ambitions about getting up early and running.  Then when early comes, I talk myself out of it.  That's what happened today. I had to be at my 9 year old's class at 9:00 to help with reading, so that's what I did first.   Everyone in his class is a pretty good reader.  Then I found a book that totally grabbed my attention and I had trouble doing anything besides reading it.  Don't ask what it's about, let's just say it has something to do with orange juice and a glove and stuff like that.  Those who know me well and my obsessions may be able to figure it out.  Anyway, I finally put the book down and got on the treadmill and ended up having a very nice run.  I went very easy for about 30 minutes, then cranked the treadmill up to 8.5 mph and ran that for one mile, then eased back down and ran for another mile at a slower pace.  It was very enjoyable. 

From erico on Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 01:11:11


I go through the same thing nearly every morning. It is tough to get out of bed and go running during the colder months. I wonder if there are any mind tricks that make it easier to get out?

Sometimes I will tell myself "ok, just go out and run a mile and if it is miserable you can come home and go back to bed." Most times if I just get out the door I am able to put in a whole workout.

From peggy on Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 12:27:07

You're right, Eric. Getting out of bed and out the door is the hardest part. I wish somebody had a sure-fire way to always get us up and going!

Total Distance

I met with the group at 5:45 at Parkway Palisades.  One of these weeks I'm going to make the 5:15 group, but I'm not quite ready for that yet.  Peggy had us do 3 approximately 2 mile runs.  I must need a lot of time to warm-up, because the first two I was struggling, feeling uncomfortable, having trouble keeping up.  By the third, I fit right in, felt good, stayed up with everyone.  I was sure they had slowed down for that one, but Peggy said she thought they were running about the same pace.  Here is the info from each run:

1-  Time:  17:43; Distance 1.98 miles; avg. pace 8:56; best 6:53

2-  Time:  16:40; Distance 1.71 miles; avg. pace 9:45; best 7:29

3-  Time:  16:35; Distance 1.95 miles; avg. pace 8:29; best 7:13

It was a fun workout.



Total Distance

I managed to get up and make it to Lisa's 5:30 class at the Rec Center.  Usually, I talk myself out of going, but today I made it somehow.  We worked on lower body strength.  I like the class because we do a lot of the exercises my physical therapist says I should do, but I never do them to the extent she has us do them.  Lunges, squats, planks, core work, all that stuff I need to do to run injury free.  Plus, we jump and do other things that are good that I seldom do on my own.  So I was glad as always that I went.

Later I took my dog to the canal road and ran a little.  I wanted to run for a while at a very comfortable pace, just to see what that pace is.  It turned out to be 11:30 minute miles.  Pretty slow, but it was comfortable.  I then ran for 5 minutes comfortably hard, and averaged 8:36.  I then did one minute pretty hard, and that average was 7:25.  The Garmin is great, I can experiment with different paces.  Is this the last nice day before the snow?


From Kelli on Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 19:38:15

Sometimes I think the snow is nice---it seems to be warmer! The ice I could do without, though!

Glad you had a great day and that you are having fun with your Garmin! Do you wonder how you ever survived without it???

Scott and I would be happy to host another run anytime, by the way!

Total Distance

I went to bed last night thinking I would meet some of the running group at 6:30 to run 10 miles, if it wasn't snowing.  I didn't set my alarm because I always wake up around 5:00 or 5:30.  Well, guess who didn't wake up until 6:15.  I figured it would be too much of a rush to get there in time.  Plus, it looked cold and a little windy outside, so it was easy to talk myself into staying home and just running on the treadmill.  I ended up having a nice treadmill run.  After the initial warming up, which takes like 30 minutes, I was able to increase the speed and run fairly fast for about 20 minutes.  I varied the pace throughout, which is always a fun way to do it, so the treadmill doesn't get boring.  Then it was off to do my first real Christmas shopping this year.  We had fun at Best Buy, Costco and the mall.  Missed all you guys I could have run with this morning, maybe next time?

From erico on Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 21:47:00


The wind was fairly tolerable out in Herriman, it didn't seem to slow us down too much. It seems like the moment I put the key in the ignition all heck broke loose and the wind really picked up and the snow started. We made it just in time.

Sorry you missed us, Kelli does have one of the runs around Thanksgiving Pointe organized for next weekend. Alan and I really enjoyed the course. Maybe a few of use could carpool next saturday?

Let me know.

From Kelli on Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 21:14:09

That wind seemed brutal to me, and I was just driving in it!!! I waited until it was ALL GONE before I ventured out for a run. But, I felt like a REAL runner for the first time, only REAL runners run in the snow, right????

Way to FINALLY start the Christmas shopping! I am FINALLY done, aside from darn stocking stuffers!

Hope to see you this week, and do come Saturday! It is fun. I hope it does not snow and cover our trail.

From Cheryl on Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 15:14:57

Yes, I'm not fond of the wind. Everything else I can handle ok. Saturday sounds like fun and I'll be there if all works out at home (and it's not windy). Some of my family is going to Las Vegas to see BYU play, and they're leaving early Saturday, and you know how it goes, they expect their wife and mother to be there to send them off, so we'll see if I can get away for the run.

Total Distance

I made it to the 5:30 Rec Center class, and then later did some running on my treadmill.  I had such a good treadmill run last Saturday that I was expecting the same today, but I just didn't feel as good today.   I guess we all have days like that. 

Total Distance

Our first bad weather run of this winter.  I met the BBK's at Bingham at 5:45.  There was already a large group of them who had met at 5:15 to run.  Way to go, guys, I admire your dedication, especially on a morning like today.  If I hadn't been in charge of the run, I probably wouldn't have been there at all.  Anyway, we just all kind of stayed together on our run thru the neighborhoods near Bingham.  I was feeling very tight, kind of like I felt all last summer.  Don't know if it was just the cold weather or what, but I have been slacking a little on my stretching lately.  One of these days it will get thru my head that I ideally should stretch just about as much as I run.  So after getting the kids to school, I spent 30 good minutes really working on the stretching and yoga stuff that I know I need to do.  It was fun running with the group in the snow today--but I still prefer summer running.

From erico on Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 18:28:24


Thanks for a fantastic run this morning. It was a ton of fun and I sure loved the pace. Don't we have an awesome group to run with or what?

From Kelli on Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 23:49:44

Sorry we missed you, but we did enjoy our run! It was so quiet in the snow. And I loved making the first footprints all the way up the hills!!!

Hey, I had pain today, too, and I KNOW it is because I have not been stretching!! We kind of forget about it when the pain goes away. DANG IT! I need to do better or I will bench myself again!

From Cheryl on Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 23:59:03

Eric--it was a great pace, and we do have a great group to run with. I appreciate your always positive and complimentary attitude.

Kelli--I know, once things start feeling better, we get lax on the stretching. Got to keep stretching, no matter how good we feel. I appreciate you always leaving nice comments.

From Kelli on Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 12:58:07

It was GREAT to see you this morning Cheryl! Britta and i were so impressed to see you not in shorts for a change. We did not know if you ever wore pants to run.

Have a great day!

From Cheryl on Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 17:04:22

Kelli--occasionally I give in to peer pressure and wear long pants. At my age and having frequent hot flashes, I really warm up fast while running. Glad you guys could make it today.

Total Distance

Stayed inside and ran on the treadmill.  It was uneventful but fun (does that make it eventful?)

Total Distance

I met the BBK group at 5:45 at the So. Jordan park.  The plan today was to run our 5K route twice, maybe throwing in a little speed to get ready for Painter's.  The first one I ran with Peggy and Nancy R.  It was fun.  Just wish I didn't have that darn tightness in my legs, my left hamstring especially.  Plus I feel tight in my upper body.  Does anybody else experience that?  I feel like if I could just loosen up, I would actually enjoy running.  What's the secret?  I stretch and stretch, but I still feel tight.  Yoga every day, maybe that's the answer.

Anyway, back to running.  It started snowing a little during our first run, then it continued throughout the second.  I worried about falling, so ran a bit gingerly.  We were supposed to do one minutes on, one off, but I got separated from the group, so gave up on that idea.  Canterwood looked really good, I was tempted to turn there, but I kept going.  Just to complete that run was an accomplishment, I think.

Good to see everyone today.

First 5K:  26:49; avg. pace 8:50; best 7:20  (heading south)

Second 5K:  28:11; avg. pace 9:18; best 7:24 (north)


From erico on Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 20:49:25

Cheryl, thanks for such a nice run on Thursday. It was nice to get some 5K's in. Kind of funny that both workouts included snow part way through. It is a sure sign that it is winter.

Total Distance

Today was no day to run outside--but I wouldn't have run outside probably if it had been 20 degrees warmer and no wind.  I only like running outside when I can run with a group.  Otherwise, it's to the treadmill to run and catch up on some of my favorite shows.  I set the treadmill at a high incline to practice hill running.  Fun, as always.

From Kelli on Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 14:28:55

Friday was awful!!!! No one should have been outside running---NO ONE!!! So, what are your favorite shows that you catch up on?

Missed you on Saturday, may miss you again tomorrow (I think the snow will be too bad for me to venture out driving---but my kids are out of school so MAYBE) but will hopefully see you on Friday! Have a great Christmas if I do not see you before!

From Cheryl on Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 18:57:07

Kelli--Saturday just didn't work out for me. Maybe after the holidays I'll be able to join you all. You guys were awesome, running that far on the track. I don't think I could have done that. Good job, as always.

I like to watch shows that discuss the day's events, but not newsy shows, more funny and entertaining. The two I DVR and usually watch while running are Regis and Kelli and The View. They seem to keep my attention and make running not too boring. I do record movies from time to time and watch them when I want to run longer. You need something to keep from going crazy on a treadmill!

Total Distance

It hurts to put a zero in the total distance box.  This is the first time I've missed working out on a non-Sunday in like forever.  Hubby wanted to get going on Christmas shopping early, then I thought about running during the BYU game, which started at 6pm, but I just didn't seem to have the energy.  So nothing for me today.

From erico on Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 21:08:09

Sorry about the Cougs. I don't think I can handle any more heart breaks this year! Hey, we missed you this morning. Hopefully we will see you for the Friday run. It should be a bit nice with it being light and warmer. Have a Merry Christmas and we'll see you soon.

Total Distance

My lethargy continued today.  I think it may have had something to do with some medication I took yesterday that has as a side affect making you "exercise intolerant."  I was definitely something intolerant today, the running just would not happen very well.  I think I managed about two very unenthusiastic miles.

Total Distance

I think my meds were still affecting me.  I woke up at 5:00 with the plan to meet the running group, but I also had a headache, so I thought, "Hmm, I could go outside in the cold, dark, and probably icy weather, or I could go back to bed and try to get rid of this headache."  Guess which one won?  When I did finally get back up, I felt better, but I still had no enthusiasm for running.  It seemed worse than yesterday, I barely got in a mile.  Hopefully things will be better soon.

Total Distance

Finally, a fairly good day of running.  I stayed inside on the treadmill and ran at various speeds while watching Road Trip, which starred one of my daughter's favorite actresses, Raven Simone, and one of my favorite entertainers, Donny Osmond!  It was a pretty funny movie, it kept me entertained and on the treadmill longer than I probably would have stayed on otherwise.  Merry Christmas to everyone!  I think my shopping's about done.

From Jody on Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 19:33:46

I am so glad your shopping's done :) See you Friday. I hope you get feeling better.

From Becca on Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 20:05:26

That's exactly why I want a treadmill of my own! I'm sure if I were able to pop in a movie, time would go so much faster than it does at the gym where I'm peering at the tiny tv screens at something I don't even want to watch!

Merry Christmas!

From Kelli on Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 10:49:54

You had to shop yesterday?? WOW, we just had to go to the grocery store and it was NUTS!


From Cheryl on Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 12:19:36

Jody, Becca, and Kelli--Thanks for the comments. A home treadmill is great for the reason you mentioned, Becca, you can watch what you want, not just what's on at the gym. Though I do enjoy going to the gym also, I think you get energized being around others who are working out.

Hope everyone's had a great Christmas!

From air darkhorse on Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 19:23:15

Glad to hear you having a good day running! You deserve it for sure. Hamstrings been bothering you at all lately?

From erico on Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 16:23:39

Cheryl, sure missed you on Friday. The weather was so miserable I don't blame you for canceling. Hopefully the weather will cooperate next week. Hope you had a very Merry Christmas.

Donny Osmond and a treadmill. That is quite a combination. Oh Cheryl, it is so fun to tease!

Talk to you soon.

From Cheryl on Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 21:40:40

Steve--my hamstrings still bother me. I don't know what to do, it seems like I try everything but still they give me trouble. I'll just have to learn to live with it, I guess.

Eric--Donny Osmond, the crush of my childhood (should I admit that?) I tell my girls he was the David Archuleta of my time. I'm sure you probably had a crush on Marie, just admit it!

From erico on Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 21:57:48

Cheryl, yeah, Marie was hot, although I was only 7 years old when their show was on TV. I loved it when Donny would blow-up the piano during the opener of the show. Very cool! "I'm a little bit country…" "…and I'm a little bit Rock n' Roll…"

Total Distance

After opening all the presents and hanging out with the family, I got on the treadmill and tried to run a little.  My hamstrings were bothering me, I just didn't seem to have the energy or desire to run because of the pain.  So I moved to the spinning bike and did that for almost an hour.  That was great, no pain, everything felt really good. 

Total Distance

I decided after the discomfort I felt yesterday running that I would take a break today.  I rode the spinning bike again for close to 40 minutes, then I got on the treadmill and walked on an incline for 30 minutes.  Everything felt good, I only feel pain when I run.

Total Distance

First thing, I spent 30 minutes on the spinning bike and 30 minutes walking on the treadmill on an incline.  I watched the movie called The Jane Austen Book Club.  It was pretty good, I learned a lot about Jane Austen's works.  Later on, after doing my Saturday chores, I went to the Rec Center mainly to do more cross training.  I decided to run a little on their indoor track just to see if I could run pain free.  To my surprise,  I was able to run for 30 minutes and my hamstrings didn't bother me at all.  I was working on some new techniques I've been reading about in Brain Training for Runners, a book I got for Christmas.  I think that helped take pressure off the hamstrings.  So I was pleased to get in some pain free running for the first time in a while.  Let's hope I can keep it up.

From erico on Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 15:44:46


Glad to hear you are doing well. How about the both of us keep healthy all year? I think you are really on to something with the cross training. It seems to mix-up things quite a bit. Not to bug you, have you posted the schedule for tomorrow yet?

From walter on Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:14:28

Cheryl, How are you doing? I heard you took a spill this morning! Beee Careful! We cant be losing you at this stage! Hope all is well and remember, we dont heal like we use to when we were teenagers. It takes alot longer now! lol

From Cheryl on Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 18:09:00

Yes, Walter, I did take a spill this morning (Tues.) Fortunately, I was so padded up with gloves and two pairs of pants that I wasn't really hurt. You're right, we don't heal like we used to. I need to remember that. Hope you are doing well.

From walter on Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 18:19:12

You looked like the little boy in the Christmas Story Ralphs little brother when his mom bundled him up huh!?

Be safe out there and put on miles not bruises!

Total Distance

First thing this morning, I got on my stationary bike and rode for 30 minutes.  Then I walked on my treadmill on almost the highest incline for 30 minutes.  I'm thinking if I do that reguarly, my legs should get stronger and maybe (hopefully) more injury resistant.  I was planning to run later, but never got around to it.  After the holidays (and getting the kids back to school) I hope to get on a better schedule.

Total Distance

I met the group at Parkway Palisades at 5:45.  Some of them had already warmed-up and took off right away.  I ran back with Michelle and Cheris, we decided we need more warm-up time, although I guess Cheris had run a little beforehand.  Anyway, we managed to keep the main group somewhat within sight, then they came back and regrouped with us, then we all stayed pretty much together for the remainder of the run.  We did hill repeats on the big hill by Lampton, which was tough but hopefully helpful.  I'm thinking if we run Painter's we'd better get some hill work in.  When we finally got to some downhill on one of the main streets in Parkway Palisades, I did what I worry about doing this time of year--I fell.  I don't think I hit any ice, I think my foot just got caught on a small pile of snow.  Anyway, thanks to my gloves and two pairs of pants, I really wasn't hurt.   Peggy fell near the end of the run; I didn't see that happen but she told us about it.  Hopefully those are our only spills for this year.

From eoliver on Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 00:23:39


Glad to hear it was nothing to serious. I think we ought to make it mandatory that no one gets injured until mid October. Although it is never a good time to be hurt. Looking forward to Thursday. Also, I found out there is a 5K at the trail head on 124 south on New Years day that starts at noon if you want to do a double whammy!

From Michelle N. on Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 16:03:21

Cheryl, I'm glad you are okay. I felt bad when you fell. Anyway, it was nice to run and chat with you. I'll see you tomorrow.

Total Distance

I went to the Rec Center around 9:30 to run on their indoor track.  Lots of people there, have their new year's resolutions kicked in a day early?  I ran for 30 minutes, then I did several fast straights, walking curves.  The straights are so short I can run them in about 10 seconds, so it wasn't a lot of fast running, just enough to be fun.  I saw Debbie at the end with almost her entire family there--that's a great family activity, I think, going to the gym together.

Since it's the new year and I've read other blogs where they're putting in their goals for '09, I thought I would too.  Last year I ran more mileage than I've ever run before, but it didn't translate into better race results.  I think the reason for that is I concentrated so much on running that I neglected other things that I need to do to stay healthy.  I need to stretch a lot, plus work on strength, especially core strength.  My most successful year of running I also did lots of cross-training, so I think I'll go back to that.  I plan to do some 100 mile bike rides next year.  So running will remain my first priority, but I think I'm a better runner when I'm doing lots of things in addition to running.  I may not get many 50 or 60 mile running weeks next year, but hopefully I'll be a healthier runner.  Number one priority:  NO INJURIES!

Good luck to everyone else in your goals for next year.  Whatever happens, it should be fun!


From Kelli on Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 23:04:06

Sounds like a great goal!! Best of luck to you on it, maybe I should follow suit with the cross training.

Which rec center do you go to that has an indoor track?? I did not know there was one around here!

From Cheryl on Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 23:06:16

The So. Jordan Rec Center has a track. It's pretty nice on these cold, snowy mornings.

From Kelli on Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 23:07:33

Look, there are two of us not partying it up so we can get up nice and early tomorrow. Maybe everyone will be so tired that we can beat the all!?!

From Cheryl on Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 23:10:24

Who says I'm not partying? You should see the wild times at my house:) Actually, I'm just hoping I can make it to midnight, then it's bed for me.

From Kelli on Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 23:13:05

It sounded "quiet," that is how I guessed!

I was going to go to bed at 9, but I got busy doing stuff on the computer, so now I say 10. I never stay up until midnight by choice!!

HAVE FUN and see you in the morning!

Total Distance
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