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So. Jordan,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 12, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

St.George marathon 2009 - 3:34:07.  It was a PR on my 11th time running St. George.


Short-Term Running Goals:

Run St. George in under 3:30; be in the top 3 in my age group

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay strong, run well for many more years.  Still set PR's in my 50's.

Learn how to run more relaxed and efficient.


I'm married with four children.  I run with a group called the Bingham Butt-Kickers, a really fun group of people that gets me out running early on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and sometimes Saturdays.   I recently found out that I've been running with poor form for many years, which has probably contributed to some nagging aches and pains I've had for years.  One of my big goals now is to be able to run with better form and to have running feel more effortless.  I hope this won't take too many years to achieve!

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For cross-training today, I spent 50 minutes on the elliptical.  Lots of fun.  I figured since my BBK group went 60 minutes today, I should do 60 also, but only made it to 50 because I had to get home so my son could have the car.

Update on the injury:  when I broke my toe a few years ago, I could feel it get better each day.  In other words, every day it felt a little better, and by a week after it felt almost healed.  For this current injury, every day it feels about the same.  If there is any improvement, I can't really tell, but I figure there has to be since I'm not running on it.  That's why I think it will be at least a month and probably longer before I can run again.  Remember when Carlos Boozer had the never ending hamstring injury a couple of years ago?  Everyone thought he was faking the injury because no injury takes that long to heal, or so they said.  Unfortunately, these hamstring injuries take a long time to heal.  So I'm just going to have to become a friend of the gym and learn to love cross-training.

On another note, I went to the BYU bookstore the other day, and saw they were selling shirts that said, "Quest for 12-1."  Sorry, BYU fans, I couldn't resist, and I'm a BYU fan myself.



From erico on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 00:43:32

BYU oh BYU. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. What can I say, TCU did their homework and our Cougars could not adjust or do anything new. Hopefully it was a good learning experience for them and they will have some answers for their next matchups. I am nervous for the Utes to face TCU with the new confidence this win over BYU gave them.

Oh crap, I just spent a whole paragraph talking football when this is a running blog…

From Cal on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:14:24

I loved your joke!

My injury was diagnosed as 'Piriformis Syndrome with Sciatica'. The biggest pain has been in my glute but i've often felt it in the upper hamstring as well. Probably different from your injury, but I can certain emphathize with you on the slow daily progress.

Hang in there. It stinks to be injured, huh? One good thing for me is that I'll really appreciate being able to run (once i can, of course) and be more conscientious about when to push it, when to go easy, and also when to crosstrain for total body fitness and balance.

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 13:02:52

Eric--that's fine to talk football, I think pretty much anything is fair game on these blogs. Read Walter's blogs if you want to see how far things go. I agree, I hope BYU has learned some lessons from this game. Don't be so predictable, change things up a little. We'll see how they do from hereon out.

Cal--I've suffered from the piriformis stuff and sciatica also. I think it's all interrelated. I think the key in my case is keeping the hamstrings well stretched and strong and doing the piriformis stretch every day. I once had a chiropractor tell me to stretch the piriformis everyday whether I thought I needed to or not. That's the best advice I've ever gotten for this injury. I didn't always heed it and I think that's why I'm injured now. Now I will stretch religiously. Is there anything besides the stretching and strengthening that you do for your injury?

From Cal on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 13:20:04

The Dr. prescribed Prednisone for the inflamed nerve and said to do the stretches 3 times a day, to loosen up the piriformis.

Prior to this injury I was suffering from lower ab and groin pains. I think that my body tried to compensate for those and may have brought on this other condition. Tom Lee has had all the same complaints as well, so i think its all inter-related.

(I had never been into stretching in the past, but it will be an integral part of all my future routines.)

From Kelli on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 14:18:57

Oh, that made me laugh, Cheryl! ERIC---do not read Walter's blogs unless you have a lot of time on your hands!! And do not make a comment unless you want your inbox to have 100 fastrunningblog e-mails every morning!!!

Cheryl, I am a fan of the cross training, really! It builds up the unused muscles in your body and it is just plain more fun! I hope you learn to love it as much as I do! Which gym are you going to?

From Cheryl on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 15:09:46

Kelli--I do enjoy the cross-training. I figure if I have to have a running injury this is the best time, during the winter when I don't really want to be running in the cold and dark anyway, and enough time before racing season starts again that I should be ready for that. I go to the South Jordan Rec Center, it's close to my house and has just about everything. I especially like the stairmaster, that really gives a good workout. The elliptical is fun too. I agree that it helps strengthen unused muscles. My best year of running is when I did a lot of cross-training in addition to running. I don't think I'll go back to running 6 days a week, 50 or 60 miles a week. I don't think I can handle that. This year was a good experiment in high mileage, but it just didn't work for me. Have fun at the running group. I think about you guys a lot.

From Kelli on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 18:43:26

We think about you, too! ;o)

From erico on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 00:04:19

Cheryl, I went to Walters blog and got caught up on toes, lagoon and breaking up concrete with a jackhammer so I guess everything is fair game.

Oh yeah, about the BYU game, it felt as if Norm Chow was running the offense. 1down-Pass 2down-Run 3down-Run 4down-Punt! You are absolutely right, they need to mix things up, that is one thing that Gary Crowton actually did well.

And in closing, you are an animal for using the stairmaster that length of time. If I use it for 5 minutes and my thighs and achilles scream at me and render themselves useless for an entire week. Here you are going for 30-40 minutes at a time?!?! If you are trying to get some recovery time you might want to try something less ambitious and masochistic like running down Sasha.

From Cheryl on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 14:07:58

Eric--that stairmaster is a beast. I have to really psych myself up to get on it. I've found I can go high intensity for a few seconds, then lower the intensity and recover for a few minutes, and that seems to work. You're right though, it's quite the machine, probably designed for masochists, which we all are, right?

From erico on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 17:47:41

Cheryl, right you are. You know, what ever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Too bad it doesn't make you immune from pain. Are you planning on coming to the Pumpkin Run? It might be nice just to come socialize if you aren't planning to run.

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