We met at Bingham with the plan to do a track workout. After a warm-up, we looked around and just about everyone had left the track. Most of them had run Boston and were still a little sore, so I understand not wanting to do track. I really didn't want to do the track either, mainly because I've been feeling sluggish running lately and just prefer to run fairly slow and easy. More on that below. Anyway, a few of us stayed. Some, I think Walter and Rachel, actually did the planned workout. Lisa and Lynette did a lot of it, they just had to leave early. Peggy did a little, but she had to leave early also. I ended up just running some 400's. My best time was 1:41, the others were 1:45 and a few 1:48's.
The reason I didn't feel very well today and was unable to do the workout is because my thyroid is still high--in fact, higher than it's been in quite a while. Supposedly my thyroid has been killed or is in the process of dying, so why am I still high?? And not only high, but higher than it was before I did radioactive iodine? I'm seeing the doc tomorrow, so hopefully he'll explain what's going on. This is getting old!!