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So. Jordan,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 12, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

St.George marathon 2009 - 3:34:07.  It was a PR on my 11th time running St. George.


Short-Term Running Goals:

Run St. George in under 3:30; be in the top 3 in my age group

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay strong, run well for many more years.  Still set PR's in my 50's.

Learn how to run more relaxed and efficient.


I'm married with four children.  I run with a group called the Bingham Butt-Kickers, a really fun group of people that gets me out running early on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and sometimes Saturdays.   I recently found out that I've been running with poor form for many years, which has probably contributed to some nagging aches and pains I've had for years.  One of my big goals now is to be able to run with better form and to have running feel more effortless.  I hope this won't take too many years to achieve!

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I once again did my latest favorite thing, the treadmill thing at 15% incline. Again, like yesterday, I did more running than walking. Then I rode the bike for about 15 minutes, then back to the treadmill to walk at 5.0mph and a 3% incline. Everything felt pretty good. When I've done that fast before walking, my hamstrings have hurt, but not today. I'll take that as a good sign.

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The group met at the Tithing Hill area. There were a lot of us at first, then after the warm-up, there were just a few of us: Peggy, Rachel, Lisa and me. The others I guess thought it was going to be a tough hill workout and wanted to avoid running hills. Sounds like they're all tapering for Boston. Anyway, the four of us (actually Peggy had to leave early) ran about a 4 mile tempo, down to the Parkway Palisades hill up to 1300 W., then back. That way had the wind at our backs. These are the stats for that run: Time: 18:49; distance: 2.24; avg. pace: 8:25; best: 6:32

Then coming back, with the wind against us, and starting my Garmin a little late, here are the stats: Time: 14:23; distance: 1.67; avg. pace 8:37; best: 7:03

Lisa had to leave, so Rachel and I ran an easy extra 2.5 (at least that's what I did, she ran a little longer) just down to the trail, up the golf course hill and back. Stats: 24:49; 2.5 miles; avg. pace 9:48; best 7:21.

I did feel sick after the tempo run, so that tells me my thyroid is still not normal. I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks that will change.

I've decided all my hamstring, back and other issues have been caused by poor running form, and I think I've figured out (with the help of my chiropractor, Dr. Shane Watt in South Jordan, if anyone's looking for a good chiro) what I've been doing wrong. So today I concentrated on keeping the form good, though it's so easy to fall back into the way I'm used to running, so it's constantly thinking about doing things right. Anyway, I think it helped because I'm less sore and stiff after this run than usual.

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I ran a little on the treadmill, then later I took  Tim to the SJ Rec Center pool and did some pool running.  That felt really good.  My legs and back felt as good as they have in forever after that.  I should hit the pool more often.

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I keep wanting to join the group for the Saturday run, but first of all,  I get to bed too late on Fridays.  That's really not the best excuse, because I could get up if I really wanted to.   I guess the best reason is I don't quite want to run that many miles yet, plus I hate running in the cold and the snow.  So I had lots of excuses for not going this morning.  I ended up on the treadmill, first doing 30 minutes easy walking/running, then a fast 5K  on a decline.  That was fun, but boy my legs were sore after.   Downhill running does seem  to be hard on some leg muscle.  The rest of the day I spent in the cold and wind watching a track meet at Timpanogos  High.  It started getting nice just as the meet was ending.  The Bingham boys came in first place.  Maybe we should call them the Bingham Butt Kickers.

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I actually managed to get up early and run before school.  I think knowing it was slightly warmer out was motivation for me to get up.  I ran to the high school.  I've been wanting to run and jump stadium stairs for a while, so that's what I did.   I was the only one there.   Then I ran for 30 minutes on the canal road and thru the neighborhoods.  It was a nice run.

Later I went to the service for Eric's baby son.  It was very nice, lots of inspiring words.  We love you Eric!


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We met at Parkway Palisades and ran the hills there. We did a few half mile repeats (actually we were supposed to do 4, I did about 3--the first two wiped me out, so I halfway did the other two). Then by popular demand, we ran the two mile route, heading up the road first. I started out tired and draggy, but felt stronger as the run went along. I finished in 16:38. I was happy with that time considering how I felt going into it. It's better than the 17 something I did last time we ran it.

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My legs were a little achy today, so I decided to cross-train.  I went bike riding in the afternoon.  I went to the Parkway trail at 9800 So. and rode along there, going into the new neighborhood and doing a few hill climbs.  Altogether I spent about 1.25 hours on the bike.  Later, I guess I just couldn't resist running, I did about 1 mile on the treadmill.

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Today, we meet at the So. Jordan park to run our 5k route.  We did it twice.  The first I manged in 25:46, which was an 8:35 pace.  Then I felt pretty wiped out, wasn't sure if I could manage a second.  Then nice Eric said he would run slowly with me, so off we went.  Thank you Eric, for your company, I'm sure I would have stopped if you hadn't been there.  We did that one in 26:55, which was 9:00 minute pace.  That's not as bad as the 29 something I did about two months ago, but not as good as the 22 something I've done in the past.  Will I ever get back to that level?  Time will tell.  It won't be for lack of trying.  I felt pretty sick after the run, and sick for several hours after.  I was hoping to feel better by now.  Maybe in a few weeks.  Then at night I played basketball full court for about an hour.  Now that's a good workout!

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Sore legs today for some reason.   Therefore, I had to take it pretty easy, so all I did was go to the canal road and walk/run for about 40 minutes. 

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My legs were really sore yesterday, so I was afraid about running too long and on asphalt today, so I opted for the canal road again.  I did a workout where I ran a minute, walked a minute for 60 minutes.   Felt I needed to do the walking thing to keep from hurting my legs further.  I tried to push the one minutes running, and averaged probably around 7:40 for that.  There is good news and better news.  The good news:  I did this same workout about a month ago, and I was a little faster today.  The better news:  last time I felt a lot of the thyroid sickness, today I felt a little sick, but not nearly the intensity of a month ago.  Hopefully that means things will just get better from hereon out.  At least, that's what it better mean.

Later I power walked on the treadmill while watching that sad Jazz game against Golden State.  What has happened to the Jazz?


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My legs felt great on Sunday after really bothering me last week.  Today, they felt really good again, as good as they've felt in a long time.  Why such a change over just a few days?  I don't know, but I'll take it.  I power walked on the treadmill for about 10 minutes, then the running workout.  I ran for 32 minutes at about an 8 minute pace.  The good news:  felt just a little sick after, nothing like I felt a week ago when I did almost the same workout.  Maybe my long thyroid nightmare is coming to an end (for those of you too young to remember, I'm taking that from something that was said in the Watergate era, that our long national nightmare was over.  My thyroid issue hasn't really been a nightmare, I just like the way it sounds).  Anyway, we'll see how things go tomorrow.  That will be the real test.

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A fun, slightly easy day of running with the group.  Because several of the group are running Boston next Monday, we just decided to keep things low key.  Ended up running around Bingham, on the canal roads, thru the construction.  It was a good run, I just wish I could loosen up just a little more while running.  I always seem to feel a little tense and tight.  Basketball tonight also.

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I had a fun day working out on the treadmill.  It was fun because I put no expectations on myself, I just said I would walk and run at whatever speed I wanted for however long I wanted.  I ended up staying on for just over an hour.  I feel like some endurance is coming back.  Sickness monitor:  a little sick, not too bad.  Maybe next week I'll feel totally better.

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Had a small group today because several are in Boston to run the marathon. It was fun to get to run and talk with some I don't usually get to talk to. We just kind of meandered around some neighborhoods close to Bingham that we don't usually get to. We ran around the temple also. My garmin wasn't working (again) so I don't know the average pace. It felt for the most part fairly comfortable, not too slow, not too fast. It was a fun run.

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About 50 minutes walking/running on the treadmill, then to the canal road to run a little more.

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First thing this morning I played basketball.  It was fun, the other team was pretty good, but we were better and we won fairly easily.  I'm not the greatest basketball player but I enjoy running up and down the court.  I feel it is a pretty good workout.  Then after I went to our 5K course and ran it, heading south.  I tried to go by feel, keeping things somewhat comfortable, although that was hard.  I didn't feel overly fast, but my time was 25:32, which was over one minute faster than I ran it last week, so I'll take it.  I then spent most of the day sitting in the sun at Taylorsville High watching my son's track meet.  Later, I was so sore from sitting on those hard stadium bleachers that I had to go to the pool to unwind.  I pool ran for about 45 minutes.  Now that is true fun!

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Off track time, and that puts a crimp into my running.  I made it to the canal road and ran for a few minutes there, then went back to the treadmill and put in about 4 miles on that.  Nothing too exciting, but every day can't be.

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Up about 4:40.  I drove to Riverton/Herriman to meet at Kelli and Scott's house.  We had 7 or 8 in the group today. Aaron Griffith was there for the first time in like a long time.  Kelli had told us there would be hills, and there were hills!!  But strangely enough, I enjoyed the hills.  We did some loop around Herriman that I could never figure out again on my own.  It was a beautiful morning, perfect temperature, nice views of the valley in parts.  I liked running/talking with everyone.  Thanks, Kelli, I really enjoyed that run and would like to do it again.  Hills are great!

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Took it fairly easy today. All my miles were from pool running.

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We ran around the Jordan Pkwy and up to 1000 W. and back to the Parkway.  We did that twice.  The first time I ran with Michelle P.  We ran it in about 22:19, which was an 8:28 pace.  After 5 minutes of feeling sick (sorry everyone for having to witness my problems, hopefully these will be over soon), I attempted to run it again.  It was tough because I was still feeling sick.  Kelli and Scott were nice enough to turn around and then Kelli ran with me.  I eventually got into a rhythm and didn't feel too bad by the end.  My pace was about 8:40 on that run.

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Forty minutes on the treadmill running and walking, then 20 minutes on the stationary bike.

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Busy day.  My son had a track meet at Davis all day, plus I had a few things I needed to get done.  I was able to sneak in a short run in the middle of the day.  I ran mainly on the canal road and the neighborhoods by my house.  Did some 30-30's during the run to make it maybe a little more effective.

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Just an easy run/walk on the treadmill, then a few faster things.  Nothing too spectacular, but I got a workout in.

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We met at Bingham with the plan to do a track workout.  After a warm-up, we looked around and just about everyone had left the track.  Most of them had run Boston and were still a little sore, so I understand not wanting to do track.  I really didn't want to do the track either, mainly because I've been feeling sluggish running lately and just prefer to run fairly slow and easy.  More on that below.  Anyway, a few of us stayed.  Some, I think Walter and  Rachel, actually did the planned workout.  Lisa and Lynette did a lot of it, they just had to leave early.  Peggy did a little, but she had to leave early also.  I ended up just running some 400's.  My best time was 1:41, the others were 1:45 and a few 1:48's.

The reason I didn't feel very well today and was unable to do the workout is because my thyroid is still high--in fact, higher than it's been in quite a while.  Supposedly my thyroid has been killed or is in the process of dying, so why am I still high??  And not only high, but higher than it was before I did radioactive iodine?  I'm seeing the doc tomorrow, so hopefully he'll explain what's going on.  This is getting old!!   



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Not a lot today, obviously.  Just wasn't feeling it.

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The group met by Daybreak today.  Smaller group.  It was nice being able to talk with just about everybody.  I actually felt pretty good today, maybe because I did very little yesterday.  We ran two almost two mile loops.  The first I did in 8:19 avg. pace.  Then the second was 8:30 avg. pace.  The best news is that I hardly felt sick today.  Hope that means things are getting better.  We'll see how it goes the next few days.

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