Another day of waking up tired, another day of having to really work on getting out and getting the run in. I tell myself missing a day here and there doesn't matter, but then I worry if I miss one it will turn to two and then who knows what. Even after many years of running and working out, I still have a fear that I'm going to quit one day and do absolutely nothing. Probably because in my previous lives, that's what I did--I would run for a few weeks, then quit, run for a few months, then quit. So I've got to get out every day, or else I might become a quitter again.
Anyway, enough of that. I made it to the Rec Center about 3:00 and ran for 30 minutes, easy run, didn't keep track of splits or anything, just tried to keep things easy. Then I did 13 minutes on the stair climber. Fun as always. |