We met at the church at 10200 So. and 40th W. to run uphills and downhills. I felt a little sick during the first 3 mile run, and also during the 2 mile run. I pretty much felt sick the rest of the day. Why? I don't know for sure. Anywho, here are the details:
warm-up: .60; 6 mins; 10:00 avg; 7:39 best
striders: .43; 3:49; 8:51 avg; 7:09 best
1st tempo run: 2.84: 24:37; 8:40 avg.; 6:33 best
2nd tempo run: 1.76; 15:07; 8:35 avg.; 6:33 best
back to car: .43; 3:31; 8:08 avg.; 7:11 best
Later I ran an easy about 2 miles on the treadmill