I got up early and tried the tempo run. I need to figure out how to pace myself at the right time. Maybe I can figure out how to use my watch to help me...I think it can beep when your pace isn't on target...if you can figure out how to tell it what your target is. Today my target was supposed to be 8:50.
My times were all over the place, and I had to take little walk breaks in between each mile because I was pooped! 1st-9:50, 2nd-7:52, 3rd-8:51, 4th-9:06, 5th (after driving BBB to soccer practice) 10:51. The middle three (2,3,4) were supposed to be my tempo times. I just went too fast on #2, and it kicked my butt so I had trouble finishing.
Then I showered and went to physical therapy where I got a work-out today. Butt and thigh strengthening. Holy cow, I wanted to scream..."my buns are on fire!!!" The PT guy asked me, "Is that too easy for you?" He must have been kidding. Every muscle was shaking.
So I felt like I've gotten a good workout today.
Knee was a little sore after the runs. I didn't use knee band today. Iced it after PTherapy.