I was totally going to run last night. I even made it to the gym parking lot. But Elliott's 5 months old on Friday and I had decided that I'd stop pumping for her at 6 months and I was pre-sad about it and some people going into the gym saw me crying and then I was embarrassed so I went home. But today in my class some students were talking about the Halloween Half and their times, and I thought to myself, "Self, you should have run that race." So I was all sorts of motivated to run tonight. Speaking of running and babies, lots of times I feel sorry for myself because of all the fatness I got when I was pregnant. But the other day I noticed that I was only about 10 miles lower than Eric for the month, and I realized that he's had to sacrifice a lot too. I'm proud of him for still doing something every day, especially since most of the time it happens after midnight.