On the treadmill at the gym after work. I'm really really grateful that it's easier to run now. I'm still not fast, and I dread going longer than 4-5 miles, but it's *way* better than it was a couple or few weeks ago. I'm *not* grateful about my new weight-loss plan. After staying at about the same weight for about a month I decided it was time to be more proactive, so I signed up on myfitnesspal.com so that I could track (roughly, I guess, since it's not like I have one of those arm things like they have on Biggest Loser) my calories. The program gave me a number of calories to stay under in order to lose weight, and it's not very much. Monday I exceeded it by almost 1,000 calories, and today I decided to buckle down. I kept to the limit, but by dinner time I was super hungry and probably more than a little cranky (sorry, Eric). I'm going to try it for about a week before I decide whether to stick with it. But weight loss is supposed to be hard, right? If it weren't, we wouldn't have the obesity problem? Really I just want to sit down with some Oreos and ice cream. Maybe Extreme Moose Tracks. Or anything Ben and Jerry's.