No, I couldn't tack on the extra 0.08 to make it 3 miles. I've decided it might be easier to get my runs in in the mornings, so I went out this morning at 7:00 for what I wanted to be a 3-mile out-and-back. It did not go well. I was kind of tired after having the 2-6 shift with Elliott (she wasn't awake the whole time, but the sleep I got was spotty), and my feet and calves and shins and back were sore from Saturday. And I got pretty crampy (not sure if it was poops crampy or post-pregnancy crampy) after a mile. It was one of my slower runs since Elliott. It ended up being more of a loop that brought me home just short of 3 miles, but I was very ready to be done by the end. The frustration of being so out of shape has been a good lesson to me. I guess it's okay to get out of shape because of making a person, but it would be a huge bummer if I ever got out of shape just because of laziness. Speaking of babies, Elliott's going bald. Every time we wash her head or put lotion on some of her hair falls out. Did that happen to anyone else's babies? It seems a little normal according to the Internet, but I'm wondering how long it takes for the new hair to come in.