So...I'm afraid of the dark. I never run outside at night when it's dark unless I'm with someone else. Eric got the book Free Range Kids for us to read, and from that book I know that something bad happening to someone doesn't mean that there's an equal risk of something bad happening to me, but when I run outside in the dark alone I feel like there are killers and attackers lurking in every dark shadow.
Anyway, I had to watch presentations for the online class I teach tonight, so I missed the window during which I felt like going to the gym. So I headed outside just before bed for a quick "run" (another one like Monday's, but hopefully a little longer). A couple of blocks away I heard a guy on a phone walking toward me on a perpendicular street. He said, "Hey, what up, dude? No, this is Biscuit, man!" I assumed he was a drug-dealing attacker and that Biscuit was his secret gang name, so I casually turned around and ran back home. Here's a picture of Baby. She smiles now.