Yesterday I realized that Toby runs within blocks of my house, so last night I asked her if I could run with her this morning. We planned to meet up at 5:25, and it actually didn't feel *that* early when I woke up this morning. My tummy was a little queasy from a late dinner, and I wasn't sure if my knee was going to hurt, so I was glad that I knew Toby would be waiting for me if I didn't show up because otherwise I think I would have just skipped it. But my knee *did* hurt, so when I made it to her I told her that I was going to go back home. I had to walk for the last block. I went to the PT at the student health center (I'd really like to go to someone who does ART, but since last year I quit the job that gave us the awesome benefits now we just have crap student benefits, and we've already shelled out a bunch this year to fix the pee problem and for Elliott's feeding therapy so on this one I think I'm just going to go ghetto student style) and they did some stuff and gave me some exercises and confirmed that yes, it is the IT band (but I was sure that was what it was anyway). I think that it was the course on Saturday - almost all of my runs until a couple of weeks ago were on the treadmill, and I kind of just plopped down the downhills on Saturday (plus there were a lot of turns). I don't think it has to do with mileage. So I'm going to stick to running on an incline for a bit and see if that helps. In other news, remember when I did the bod pod in January and was bummed because I was only moderately lean (and moderately lean is also moderately fat)? I did it again today and was really expecting to have bumped down into the lean category since I've lost about 5% of my January weight and can see leg muscles in my race pictures, but I was still just moderately lean (even though I was about 4% lower). I was outraged. Outraged! Then I thought, "Oh, self, who are you kidding. You had 4 KFC biscuits and some bacon for dinner last night." So I stopped by Krispy Kreme on the way out of Provo. The frosted maple didn't really do anything, but the raspberry filled one helped me feel better about myself.