I wanted another 5 today, but last night was kind of an all-nighter* and even though I got a couple of naps today (thanks, Eric!) I felt extra tired. So I was just going to do 3, but Biggest Loser was wrapping up (ah, Biggest Loser...remember when that girl sat on the steps and cried because she didn't want to work out?).
*Until 5:00. But Elliott does this thing where she wakes up at about 5:15ish and fusses/cries until we put her in bed with us for the last hour or two until we get up (I know, we shouldn't have ever let this start). It sucks. We're trying to make it stop. Two mornings ago we let her fuss for an hour and a half. She'll fall back asleep if we go in and hold her hand or comfort her or whatever, but somehow she knows when we leave her room. Tomorrow we're just going to try getting her (and us) up when she wakes up. Even though we're so so tired. Also, if anyone knows how to make her want to eat solids...we've been trying for about 3.5 months, and she's still not interested in rice, oatmeal, bananas, apples, mangoes, pears, carrots, avocados, peas, or sweet potatoes. In a spoon or in her hand. Sometimes a mesh feeder works for a few bites, but that's not really a sustainable solution.