AM - 5 easy miles this morning. My legs don't feel too bad. 35:30 Later AM - 5 mile tempo on the river trail. I wanted to do some long intervals on the track, but left my flats at home. I hate doing track work in trainers, so I figured the tempo run at 5:30 pace was a good goal. I was feeling kinda flat part way into it, so I took a minute rest at the turnaround. Here are the splits: 5:29, 5:30 (10:59), 2:42 (13:41, downhill section) 1:00 rest 5:30, 5:34 (11:04), 2:46 (13:50, uphill section) I didn't like doing it in trainers, but that's life. The run averages to just about 5:30 on the nose.