Had 4-2-1 x miles @ threshold scheduled, 4 & 2 min rests.
21:58 (5:23, 5:28, 5:33, 5:34)
11:26 (5:39, 5:47)
Decided not to do the final mile. I started okay and felt fine through the first 2 miles, if a little sluggish, but then my legs wanted to shut down. Breathing felt okay. I figured I could reset after the 4 min rest and get back on track, but that 5:39 felt like 5:25. Not sure what the problem was, though I have some guesses. I moved this workout to Tues instead of Wed in hopes of getting a shorter 3rd session in on Thurs. So one day less rest than usual. The baby kept me up last night, but so far I've been able to run okay on less sleep. Final guess is I had a couple of vaccinations yesterday, and I had a mild reaction to one of them. Could be I needed an extra day to let my body process it.
Anyway, it hurts the psyche to have bad workouts, but I can brush this off. I think I'll keep things to 2 workouts per week through Houston, and just go Wed/Sat for those.