Showed up at the WWU track for mile pace day to find a guy who looked an awful lot like Chris Derrick smashing a series of sub-60 quarters. I can't be sure who it was, but the guy was fast.
For my own workout, I did 4x200m, 6x400m at mile pace w/ 2:1 timed active recoveries. Times were: 32, 33, 32, 33, 67, 67, 67, 66, 67, 67. My legs felt heavy and I couldn't break out of the 67 groove. Perhaps the higher volume week put some garbage in my legs? Or maybe it was too close to my long run. Either way it was frustrating, but I'm practicing patience and just letting my body do what it can. There's plenty of time still for improvement.
Update: Turns out it was Chris Derrick, apparently he's in town. Cool sharing the track with him.