Am: tough morning today. We did 1.5 mile warm up, 4x1600m repeats w/400m active jog recov. and 2x300m all outs w/500m recov. followed by 1.5 mile cool down, weights, then plyometrics.
The workout was fantastic! tough, but fantastic!
My repeat times were: 4:55 4:56 4:54 4:51 for the 1600m and :44 and :45 for the 300m (I can usually hit :43s on them, but my legs were beat from the 1600m)
Weights were as usual, and I did the double leg plyos but left out some of the single leg plyos because certain ones hurt my shins. Milage turned out to be 8ish with recov and everything.
pm: easy 3