There wasn't a whole lot of running going on here, but there was a lot of fun.

My wife's sister, Missy, the blonde one, got 4 free tickets to the Arizona Mudathon, which is held twice a year. So she invited me, my daughter, Mary, and my wife's other sister, Suzie. I think there were more people this time. We got in line for the race about 45 minutes before it started. It was overcast and a little cold. We talked to strangers. We got started in the third wave. Immediately after they open the corral, there are some tires on the ground that you run through and there are tires hanging from ropes that you have to dodge. We sprinted to these because once a lot of people get going, the tires really start swinging. But right after that you have to climb over a stack of tractor tires. Actually, they probably aren't tractor tires. Maybe those huge earth movers. Anyway, Suzie took her earrings off so she wouldn't lose them. So we ended up being the last people in our group to go over the tire pile. Then, right after that, there is the first mud pit. It was about 2 feet deep. One lady lost her shoe in it. She ended up finishing the race with only one shoe.
I like this race because it has an abundance of obstacles and mud pits. After one mile you arrive to the cargo net climb. The net is draped over a wooden beam about 20 feet high, like a tent. There was a long line, so we just waited in line. Some people opted not to do it. One person cut the line. That was douchearific, but we didn't pay for the race, so I guess we can't really complain. So, when it was finally our turn, I let the girls go first. Nobody had any problems this time. Except me. As I was crossing the beam at the top, I got a huge splinter under my nail. It's still there even as I type this, which makes for a horrible blogging experience.
We kept going, at a snail's pace. At times I would stop and empty the rocks out of my shoes just to be able to run and catch back up. And to get the rocks out of my shoes. There were two 7-foot vertical walls on the course. We used team work to get everyone over the first time. I had to boost Suzie up, and then go over to the other side to catch her. However, the 2nd time I boosted her up and Missy and Mary were supposed to catch her. I'm not exactly sure what happened, because I was on the other side of the wall, but I'm pretty sure they dropped her. Anyway, that was it for her and the obstacles. She finished the 5 miles at least.
This year I was determined not to let Missy show me up on the monkey bars. They were pretty slippery when we got there. I went first and wasn't sure I'd make it because of the slipperiness. However, I found out that it was just the first three or four that were slippery. After that, they weren't slippery anymore because everyone had slipped off. Say slippery one more time, McCumber! I dare you! So, I made it. The trick was in the grunt. Suzie didn't try. Mary made it to one. And then Missy went. She made it to two. Haha! In your face this time, Missy!
There were a few more obstacles and then on to the cargo net/monkey bars. I could see that nobody was having any luck. So I got up there and showed them how it was done. You have to swing your legs up into the net and crawl upside down. I blew everyone's mind.
Ouch. It still hurts to type, btw.
A few more obastacles and on to the finish line. There was supposed to be a mud pit at the finish line. It was more like quickdry cement. Holy cow! What chemical additive did they mix in there to form this peanut butterlike substance?

Now I know what it's like to be in quicksand. It's not as scary as the movies. All in all, we had a good time. Ooh, I forgot to mention that at mile 3 it started to pour. It made it cold, but even more fun.
